Peaceful world

Sitting in the café I sat there waiting for Vincent and the others 

Sipping a cup of cold milk I poured Mana in to absolute rulers mind to help me keep my mind clear 

After some times Vincent came into the café with the others 

After taking their sits Isabella spoke up 

"Why did you call us here or have you decided to tell us" she asked 

I looked at her confused as to what she's saying 

The remaining three also looked at her confused 

"What are you talking about" I asked 

"What happened in the museum the strange man who killed the demon was you no?" She cut straight to the chase 

"Uh I …." I didn't know what to say even with absolutely rulers mind which helps me think clearly I could form a sentence 

"What did you mean " Vincent asked 

"Have you all forgotten about my eyes?" She asked 

"No" they all said 

"Good when I looked at the face behind the mask I saw Roy's face and saw him cast the blizzard skill and went back to his hiding spot after returning the mask he took from the museum" she said 

They all looked at me their face filled with surprise

I sighed 

"I have my reasons!" I said 

"And it's because of Vincent I hid my face" 

"Why" they all asked in unison confused

"Vincent is the child of light no?" I asked 

"Child of light what's that ?" Vincent asked 

Looking at the remaining three for help 

I sighed 

"You sure are kind of stupid" I said 

"Did you know why the demons attacked the academy frequently and why we were attacked by assassins? " I asked 

"It's because you are the child of light! and you and your friends are interrupting their plan!" I said 

They all looked at me their eyes widen having realized what I meant.

When ever a demon attack the school they are always the leader of the subjugation group .

The demons only attack them as if they have personal grudge against the four of them 

Vincent has light affinity which is the demons weakness 

Seeing realization dawn on them 

"Have you realized now?" I asked 

"If I stay close to you guys I'll also be targeted by demons which will cause me unnecessary trouble!"

"Well I called you here for something related to that" I said 

"Let's just say I know when they will attack next!" I said 

Their eyes widen upon hearing what I said 

Those who can see the future are saints , those chosen by God to serve them 

"I'm not a saint, I can't see the future!" I said dispelling their unnecessary thought.

I leaned closer to them holding my head with my hand clenched under my jaw 

"I know when demons will attack the academy again!" i said again

Their eyes almost fell of it's socket.

"Wait wait wait, you mean-!" Vincent said 

"Yes, I happened to hear them talk when i sneaked out yesterday night!" I didn't allow him to finish taking. 

Hanna and Austin were not facing well either , Vincent was looking at straight ahead I could tell his looking at his system which confirmed what I was saying 

"Oh I forgot! , we would go on personal excursions to get your legendary weapon to help you grow stronger" I added as I walked away 


The school shook

'There isn't supposed to be an attack on the academy, this is getting out of hand!'

I checked my status window as I laid on my bed 

[Name : Roy White 

Age : 16 human years

General rank : (F)

Affinities : fire, earth , water , ice , lightning, wind

Skills : swordsmanship(F), absolute zero , blizzard , lighting bird, absolute rulers mind...

▇▇▇▇▇. ▇▇▇▇


Waking up after I had that dream I saw that I already have a skill but I can't read it and I don't know what it is.

I've planned to look for the armor today, I've searched the Internet and have located the location where it should be present.

The dungeon is located in the forest not really far from the school , and it also has a guardian 

Anyone who entered the forest will get trapped in an illusion with no way out only those immune to mind attack can survive the place. 

Since I'm already immune to mind attacks I can go to the forest without any issues .

Wearing a shirt and pants I combed my hair and tied it in a ponytail I sprayed some perfume to smell nice and left my room 

I hailed a taxi from the front of the academy and went to the area near the forest 

I trekked in the direction of the forest, I could see couples playing on the lust green grass near the forest commonly called the forest of illusions.

After making sure that nobody is paying attention to me I walked into the forest.

As I walked into the peaceful forest, a profound sense of calm washed over me. The air was crisp and carried the earthy scent of moss and fallen leaves. Sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. 

Towering trees stood sentinel all around, their trunks thick and weathered with age. Some bore intricate patterns of moss and lichen, adding to the forest's ancient charm. The branches above swayed gently in the breeze, creating a soft rustling sound that blended harmoniously with the distant calls of birds.

I followed a winding path that meandered through the trees, the ground beneath my feet cushioned by a carpet of pine needles and soft moss. Delicate wildflowers dotted the forest floor, their vibrant colors contrasting beautifully against the lush greenery.

Occasionally, I caught glimpses of wildlife going about their day. A squirrel darted across the path, pausing to peer at me with curious eyes before scampering up a tree trunk. Birds flitted from branch to branch, their songs filling the air with a melodic chorus that felt like a natural symphony.

As I walked deeper into the forest, all sense of time seemed to fade away. Surrounded by the serene beauty of nature, I felt a deep sense of peace and connection with the natural world. It was a place where the worries of the outside world melted away, leaving only the gentle embrace of the forest and the quiet rhythm of life all around me.

I expected to be attacked or be questioned by some entity, I knew my luck is not that good but it's better this way.

I felt the familiar sensation of been teleported the side effects of teleportation did not really affect me.

I've grown accustomed to the feeing.

I found myself in a town filled with people going about doing their business I felt someone tap me on my shoulders.

As you step into the city with no cars or modern technology, you immediately notice the tranquil atmosphere and the absence of the usual hustle and bustle associated with urban life. Here's how your walk unfolds:

Narrow cobblestone streets lined with quaint, low-rise buildings made of local stone and timber. Each building has wooden shutters and tiled roofs, adorned with flower boxes overflowing with vibrant blooms.

Soft light emanates from traditional Japanese lanterns placed strategically along the streets, casting a warm glow as the evening approaches.

 Small community gardens and pocket parks dot the cityscape, providing tranquil spots adorned with benches and shaded by cherry blossom trees. 

The heart of the city hosts open-air markets bustling with activity. Vendors sell fresh produce, artisanal crafts, and handmade goods. The air is filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and the sound of friendly banter.

Small, family-run shops line the streets, offering a variety of goods such as pottery, textiles, and traditional sweets. Each shop has a wooden signboard with calligraphy indicating its specialty.

Traditional teahouses with sliding paper doors and tatami mats which seems to invite me to step inside. there, patrons sit on floor cushions and enjoy cups of tea served with delicate sweets, while soft classical music plays in the background.

I was struck by the peaceful ambiance and the strong sense of tradition and community that permeates the city. Without the distractions of modern technology, life here revolves around human connection, craftsmanship, and a deep appreciation for nature and heritage.

In this city devoid of cars and technology, every corner reveals a glimpse into a simpler way of life, where time seems to move at a gentler pace, and the beauty of tradition and human interaction takes center stage.

"Why the hell are you standing and not doing anything in the middle of the road!" 

My thought shattered 

'So much for a peaceful world!'

I turned, Starching the back of my head , I replied:

"I was just fascinated by the peaceful atmosphere"

The old woman sat on a weathered wooden bench in the park, her hands folded neatly in her lap. Time had etched lines on her face like the delicate grooves of a well-worn book, each line telling stories of a life fully lived. Her eyes, deep and knowing, held a spark of wisdom that belied her age.

Her hair, once dark and lustrous, was now a silvery halo around her face, wisps escaping from a simple bun at the nape of her neck. Despite the years, her posture was straight and dignified, a testament to a lifetime of resilience and grace.

She wore a faded floral-patterned dress, the fabric soft and threadbare from years of wear. A well-worn shawl draped over her shoulders, its earthy colors complementing the autumn hues of the park around her. Around her neck hung a simple pendant, perhaps a cherished keepsake from her youth.

From her pocket, she withdrew a small, leather-bound journal and a well-used fountain pen. With deliberate movements, she began to write, her hand moving across the page with a steady grace. Her thoughts flowed onto the paper, a mix of memories, reflections, and perhaps snippets of wisdom she wished to preserve.

"Tsk , just don't disturb the peace in our city, people dressed strangely like you always cause trouble on their first day"