
The armor I need should be In the duke of this town treasury , the only problem now is that I will have to find a day when the security of the house will lessen 

And I happen to know the day , it's the day when warriors will compete with each other 

The of the competition will earn the right to ask the duke for a favor.

You could ask why I didn't participate, well it's because the duke will never release the armor

I already played the game and I've requested the same from him but he didn't give me.

I needed to find the black cat, my characters familiar the one I used several times whenever I replay this mission back in my world .

I will join the tournament and fight while the cat will go into the duke treasury to help me steal the armor .

I walked in the direction of the pet store , I already brought a potion that can unseal mana core with me .

The potion will be given to the cat , the cat is an intelligent magic beast but was captured sometimes ago and it's Mana was sealed .

The cat has a rare element which is space element by getting the cat and bounding with it I will also get space element and teleport skill.

I smiled as I walked towards the pet shop.

The pet store hummed with activity, filled with rows of colorful cages and tanks.

Puppies wagged their tails eagerly in their pens, while kittens playfully batted at dangling toys.

Birds chirped melodiously from their perches, surrounded by cages stocked with seeds and treats.

Fish glided gracefully in their tanks, surrounded by aquatic plants and bubbling filters. The air was alive with the sounds of contented animals and excited chatter from customers.

Brightly lit shelves displayed an array of pet supplies—leashes, collars, toys, and grooming essentials. Behind the counter, staff members offered friendly advice, completing the lively and welcoming atmosphere.

I opened the door the bell connected to the door chimed alerting the attendant that she has a customer .

The attendant smiled warmly as she greeted me asking me what type of pet I want to purchase.

"I want to but a cat and I prefer the color to be black" I said 

She smiled as a trained attendant she must not question her customers even if they asked for strange beasts.

As I interacted with her I got a feeling that the world I was teleported into is not created by illusions but a real world and a fantasy world like that of Isekai anime I watched back in my world.

It won't be strange to find someone from the modern era in this world fighting demons and eventually marry the princess 

I followed the attendant as she let me to the cages which contained different types of beasts. 

I got to the front of the cat according to my game knowledge the name of the cat is Void and it has a large dimension space any other Information about the cat was not reveled except that it was captured after it won a battle and collapsed of Mana exhaustion 

The person who sold the cat sealed it's Mana not knowing that the cat has a rear element 

I purchased the cat and completed the payment then walked away from the store with the cat in my hand.

I went to a inn not far away from the pet store , entering I could see adventurers drinking and laughing. 

I walked to the bartender and told him I needed a room to pass the night which cost me five copper coins.

well the money I'm spending is not mine I stole the money from a thieve who just robbed a poor old woman

Several times in the game I've saved the old woman and told her not to use the dark alley but she refused saying 'hero's are meant to protect people like her!'

"She has quite a lot of money!" I said looking at the purse on my bed.

The room is not really large and it has a bed stationed near the window , the window view faced the market directly, a candle was placed on the table, barely illuminating the room.

"Maybe that will teach her a lesson!" I chuckled as void walked around the room climbing shelf's and eventually resting on the bed.

I walked up to him and placed my hand on his head indicating I want to form a contract with it..

We were already bond with master servant contract the moment I bought him from the store and I could force it to bond with me but I decided to make it decide itself since it's an intelligent beast 

'I won't tell it I'll unseal it's Mana since it would look like I want to force it to bound with me by promising it want it wants most' I thought

I'll unseal it after he bound with me which will make it look like a reward 

Surprisingly void bonded with me immediately I placed my hands on his head 

I smiled and rubbed its fur then took out the potion from my dimensional space and gave it to him gesturing him to drink it 

Void opened his mouth and I poured the potion into its mouth which he swallowed immediately not letting a drop of it touch the ground 

"Thank you human" I heard his voice in my head 

"You are welcome" I replied using my mental connection with him 

"You don't look surprised" void asked looking at me curiously

I chuckled , its rare to find a magical beast that can send mental notes to his owner , the highest the world has as of now , is for the master of the beast to feel his bond emotions.

"Well it's a surprise for later you will find out why I'm not surprised yourself" I said as I laid down on the bed to sleep .

"We have a mission to carry out tomorrow I told void, you will be interested " I said looking at void as his hears peck up.

It liked doing reckless things and fighting so hearing me say we have a mission is already making his blood boil.

"What's it ?" Void asked jumping on the bed his eyes filled with curiosity 

"We rob the duke treasury and steal the dark bracelet!" I said 

"Yes baby" void said 

I could see a smile from on voids face

'After all it loved stealing more than anything else well a little less than he loved eating.'

"I'm starting to love you I was planning on telling you that we need to have fun my robbing some crazy people" void said 

I smiled as I looked at the cat who was smiling to himself I knew he had other plans but I knew the plan won't put me in danger since its a loyal magical beast.

I started explaining the process of the operation to him about how I will visit the tournament and join the spectators, I changed my mind from joining the tournament since there's nothing for me to gain so I can watch the movement of the duke and communicate with him 

Void is also good in avoiding traps which I'm not quite good at 

Void kept disappearing and appearing around the room I could feel it's happiness seeping through our connection 

Having not used his powers up to a year he must have died of boredom. 

As I started falling asleep I could feel void gaze on me he was watching me intensely.

I shrugged as I thought maybe he's just a little bit skeptical of me unaware that he had his own little plan.

As I drifted into the dream realm the last thing I heard was a swoosh sound as void appeared next to me on bed curling on my chest.

I slept peacefully unaware that the whole city will be in turmoil the next day 


I yawned opening my eyes I could see void sleeping next to me he looked cute so I rubbed his fur I could see the streets buzzing with people they all had a look of dismay in their face 

I could see several people who lives in the city heading to the dukes mansion 

Some of them were carrying empty boxes some were crying on their way to the duke mansion 

I looked at the people, I'm confused because a scene like this never happened in the game 

The guards matched across the city and the police force could be seen moving around , I could see several criminals all tied to the horse as they were pulled to the dukes mansion 

Suddenly the door to my room burst open and several guards rushed in their swords drawn 

I blinked a couple of times my brain not registering what was happening 

'Did someone kill the duke?' I thought inwardly 

The guards looked around the room seeing that seeing that it's only me and a cat occupying the place 

"We are sorry but we need you to come with us, there's been an incident and we need to question the foreigners in our city we hope you understand." the guard who seems to be their leader spoke up 

I nodded gesturing to him that I understood what he meant so I followed them leaving void on the bed 

I walked through the streets filed with people who had a directed look on their face 

I was not the only foreigner captured as several others also came to participate in the tournament 

We were led to a room filled with guards and a stone was placed on the table 

We were asked to place our hand on the stone and answer the questions we were asked without delay 

After waiting for a long time i was next I placed my hand on the stone 

"Where are you from " the officer asked 

"Somewhere far away" I replied because I don't know how they would react having learned that I came from another world 

"Don't answer like that , you say the name of the country or city you lived in" the officer snapped 

"This is is lie detector, if you utter a single lie we will have you arrested" the officer added 

"So where are you from" he asked again 

I sighed out loud and answered 

"I'm from Nigeria and I live in the city called Ibadan" 

They all had a confused look on their face I could understand it's because they have never heard of a country or city with such name 

"I am the first person who came out city to participate in the tournament " I added wanting to make them believe that my country is from a far away place one that they have not heard about 

The officer nodded seeing the artifact did not light up which indicates that I'm telling the truth 

"Did you know anything about the robbery that occurred early this morning?" The officer asked 

"Robbery?" I asked back

'who would dare rob a whole city, and it's strange that the whole city was robbed, i hope this affect my plan' I thought 

"Answer the god damned question!" the officer yelled at me 

"Did you know anything about the robbery that occurred early this morning? " he asked again