Royal Capital

"No" I quickly replied

Seeing the artifact did not light up he gestured for the next person 

Arriving back in my room I saw void on the bed with a smile on his face , he looked like a kid caught in the middle of doing something bad.

"So how did it go?" he asked 

"Good!" I replied

"The robber is smart as fuck!" he said 

I frowned when I heard those words 

Void is a proud beast and doesn't praise anyone else but himself 

It dawned on me that the fucking rubber is on my bed 

"You crazy piece of shit!" I screamed 

"What?!" He replied trying hard to hide the guilt from his face 

Lowering my voice I said :

"Did you also steal what I want from the duke!" 

"I don't know" Void replied 

I frowned Seeing me frowning he said :

"You see it's pretty dark so I can't see the difference as there are different types of bracelets in his treasury so I cleared the whole treasury not leaving even a copper coins" he said with a straight face.

My jaw dropped , I knew void has night vision which means he knew could see clearly in the dark.

Suddenly I remembered what he said when I was playing the game then:

"I love shiny things!"

My eyes grew wide realizing this I knew Void was a damned thief and he's obsessed with shiny things I could just hope he doesn't land me in trouble in the future 

Since I got what I need I left the inn , the tournament was cancelled as the duke already ran mad about his empty treasury he could not make head or tails of how the thief got into his vault and cleared his vault in one night.

Even if a group of thief's started moving everything in his vault it would take them 10 Nights to clear his vault but his vault was cleared in one night

When the thief enters the vault the alarm blared and it took him 30 seconds to run from his room to the vault.

'Which also means the vault was cleared in thirty fucking seconds'

"Haaa" the duke screamed again using his hand to uproot his hair. 

Even his wife's necklaces was removed from her neck without her noticing , the ring he was wearing when he opened the vault disappeared by the time he finished opening the vault 

He already ordered the city to be placed on lock down he won't allow anyone to live u till they are thoroughly checked 

"Damn void you just made the duke run mad!" 

I walked towards the city gate I knew the guards won't allow anyone or anything to go out of the city so I took a turn to the right near the gate. 

"void teleport us away from the city , it would be nice if we are a little far away" i said to void


I appeared outside the city I looked back at the city and smiled the whole city is trying to catch a thief not knowing the thief is a cat who is now outside the city.

I chuckled as I walked towards the next city , the Royal empire , the item I needed to return to my world is located in the Royal treasury 'the return stone'. 

I walked towards a shabby looking store the elderly man who appears to be the owner of the stall was asleep as he rested his head on his chest and snoring out loud. 

I walked up to him and call out to him he looked at him with sleepy eyes I smiled 

"I want to rent a horse" I said 

"Hey void borrow me some cash to pay for the horse" I sent mentally to void

"No I won't borrow you any coins, everyone works for their money!" void replied 

"You didn't work for the damned money, you robbed a whole city!" I replied Mentally looking at the man as he scrambled to get up 

"Borrow me some coins I promise to get you a chicken leg when I get home!" I said mentally to void 

"Promise?" He asked 

"I promise!" I replied Mentally, I knew he's a stingy cat but I didn't expect it to be this much just a few coins from the millions he already had in his dimensional space 

The man brought a brown horse towards me rubbing his neck as he approached 

"It will cost you ten coins per hour" he said 

"I want to go to the Royal capital" I said 

"Then it will cost you forty copper coins" the man said as he dragged the horse near me holding out his other hand out to me gesturing me to pay 

"I pretended to put my hand in my pocket and brought out forty Copper coins that void sneakily placed in my hands

I paid the man and got on the horse void stood on top the horse smacking it's head with his paw 

I smiled as I kicked the horse stomach making the horse run forward the horse picked up speed heading in the direction of the Royal capital. 

The Royal capital should be in a festive mood as they would be preparing for the princess wedding, they won't know that the capital will welcome a nightmare they have never experienced in their lives and in the history of the Royal capital.

I pulled the reins of the horse as I arrived in front of the Royal capital, I looked at the city from a distance:

The royal capital stood majestically against the horizon, a testament to grandeur and history. Towering above the city was the magnificent palace, its spires and turrets reaching towards the sky, adorned with gold and intricate carvings. The palace, surrounded by lush gardens and shimmering fountains, was the heart of the capital, where the royal family resided.

The streets of the capital were wide and paved with cobblestones, lined with stately buildings of stone and marble. Elegant shops and bustling markets offered a variety of goods, from exotic spices and silks to finely crafted jewelry and weapons. Merchants called out their wares, and the air was filled with the scent of fresh bread and blooming flowers.

Noble residences, each a small fortress in its own right, stood proudly with their grand facades and manicured gardens. Guards in shining armor patrolled the streets, their presence a reminder of the city's importance and the security provided to its inhabitants.

The capital boasted grand public squares where statues of past rulers stood in silent watch. Here, citizens gathered for festivals, public announcements, and celebrations. Musicians and performers entertained the crowds, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

Temples and cathedrals with soaring stained-glass windows and soaring spires dotted the cityscape, providing places of worship and reflection. Bells tolled the hours, their resonant sounds carrying through the streets.

Bridges spanned a wide, meandering river that flowed through the heart of the capital, its waters reflecting the brilliance of the city. Boats glided along, transporting goods and people, while riverbanks were lined with lush parks and promenades.

The royal capital was a city of contrasts, where ancient history met modern opulence, and where the hum of everyday life mingled with the pageantry of royalty. It was a place where dreams and ambitions converged, and where the splendor of the past seamlessly blended with the promise of the future.

I entered the city , the city is beautiful the walls are made of bricks and their colors are glistening in the sun 

The floor was smooth I almost found it almost unbelievable for a world without technology or machinery.

I walked admiring the beauty of the city looking around as the sun start to set so I decided to find a inn to stay for the night before the princess wedding which will take place Tomorrow

I followed the game knowledge I have to look for a inn near the castle as I was walking I heard muffled sound from my right.

I looked it was getting dark and I could not see the alley well I put Mana into my eyes I could see four men hanging up on a girl who should be around my age in this world 

The men were molesting her , as one grabbed her breast and squeezed it in his hand 

The other one grabbed her butts ripping her skirt off , her bra was already torn

I knew they wanted to rape her , the girl screamed trying to get attention of people passing by but she was ignored 

"It seems they don't care for people in the Royal capital" I said to void who was resting on my head watching the scene unfolding before him not saying anything 

I looked closely and saw that the men who wanted to rape the girl were Royal guards 

"No wonder people didn't try to help" I said as I walked towards the alley i poured mana into the bracelet 

It turned liquid and flowed around me covering my body I remembered the scene where iron man suit up when some aliens invaded earth 'Nano technology or what did they call it' I don't know 

The armor covered me the light blue light lit up the alley as I walked nearer I could see the pinked haired girl naked curling of the floor her blue eyes staring at me begging for mercy 

I sent Mana to my voice making my voice sound like that of a god 

"You have touched the vessel of the lord and you shall pay with your live!" I said wanting to sound cool , in fact what I said made no sense but who cares?

I brought out the light saber from my dimensional ring the light blue color fitted perfectly with the armor color.

As I walked towards the guards who were frozen in place in fear the light saber left freezing energy out tailing my sword like an aura

The guard snapped out of their dash and started running opposite me 

I told void not to let them escape and collect all their belongings he disappeared from my shoulder as I approached the pinked haired girl 

I stopped channeling Mana into the suit it retracted itself turning into a bracelet as I returned the light saber into my dimensional space 

The pink haired girl looked at me her eyes wide I could guess that she was thinking I'm some kind of god 

"Are you a demon?" she asked