
I paused my eyes twitched 'I thought she is thinking of me as someone god but it's the opposite she's thinking'.

"Thank you for saving me" she said still curling on the floor 

I knew she was trying to cover her nakedness, so I brought out clothes from my dimensional ring and gave it to her. 

Though the cloth is made for men but who cares it's better than nothing 

She accepted the clothes as I turned my back to her , she started dressing and in thirty seconds she was done dressing.

I turned back to her

"Why did they do that to you?" I asked her 

She didn't reply for some time then she eventually spoke:

"My father borrowed some money from a loan shark to feed us but he died last year , we sold our house to pay the debt but the money we got from the house is not enough to pay everything, my elder brother and mother died trying to pay the money" she said taking a deep breath and continued:

"I needed help so I asked a royal guard for help he only agreed to help me in one condition and the condition is that I'll have sex with him, I refused and stormed out of the place , he chased after me and eventually captured me here and you know the rest " she said looking at me 

I sighed 

"So you have nowhere to go!" I concluded as I et out a short but deep sigh.

"Follow me!" I said walking away void reappeared on my shoulder 

I entered the inn near the palace

"I and my companion need two room to spend the night" I told the bar man 

"There's only one room available the whole inn in the city is occupied because of the princess wedding" he replied winking at me 

His wink telling me it's an opportunity to have the lady in my room for the cold night as we could warm each others body

"Are you okay with a room?" I asked her 

"It's okay" she said her face turning red 

"And what's your name" I asked her 

"Kate" she said not adding a last name 

I understood because commoners don't have last names 

We walked towards our room I opened the door quickly surveying the room 

There's only one bed , I stood there looking at the bed.

I sighed 

"I'll sleep in the floor" I said 

"N-no need we could s-s-hare a bed" she said shuttering 

"The floor is to cold and hard to sleep on " she added

"Okay" I agreed thought my face remained neutral I'm screaming and jumping for joy inside my heart beating faster 

I laid down of the warm bed she also joined me after some minute her pink hair covering the pillow

We were both silent not talking to each other her face was turning red like a tomato 

Void slept in between us enjoying the awkwardness as his cat face was smiling 

"Who would have thought a virgin like you will share a bed with a beautiful girl" he said to me mentally 

"screw you who said I'm a virgin?!" I yelled at him mentally 

"A normal man would have wrapped his hands around this beautiful woman waist and I'm sure they would have started kissing by now!" he replied me mentally 

"Fuck you void!" I screamed in my mind 

"Why don't you just try what I said now!" he replied me mentally 

"No I won't you devil!" I replied him 

"Do it!" he screamed at me my head hurting 

"Fuck you! okay , fuck you!" I said back mentally 

"Pfft" I heard someone trying hard to hide their laughter 

We both turned our head to Kate her blue eyes looked into my eyes her face red 

"I can hear both of you" she said as her face taking a darker hue of red

I didn't know what to say I just looked at her she's beautiful I could see myself heart racing as I stared into her eyes. 

Her blue eyes looked back at me her heartbeat also rising 

I broke the eye contact my face also turning red I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep 

"I thought I would see some action this night" void said 

"Shut up!" we both said void looked at me with a smirk on his face 


I opened my eyes the next that the sun shined brightly I looked at the person beside me 

The girl with pink hair and blue eyes was a striking vision of uniqueness and charm. Her hair, a vibrant shade of pink, cascaded in soft waves down to her shoulders, catching the light and giving off a subtle, ethereal glow. The color was both playful and enchanting, making her stand out effortlessly in any crowd.

Her eyes were a captivating shade of blue, reminiscent of the clearest summer skies. They sparkled with intelligence and warmth, framed by long, dark lashes that accentuated their brilliance. When she smiled, her eyes lit up with a mischievous twinkle, drawing people in with their depth and clarity.

Her skin was fair and smooth, with a natural, healthy glow that seemed to radiate from within. She had a delicate, heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and a softly defined jawline. Her features were perfectly balanced, giving her an air of grace and elegance.

Dressed in a stylish yet simple outfit, she carried herself with confidence and poise. A light, flowing dress in pastel colors complemented her hair and eyes, enhancing her overall aura of whimsical beauty. Her movements were fluid and graceful, each step exuding a quiet confidence that captivated those around her.

Her presence was magnetic, drawing people to her with an effortless charm. She had a warm and genuine smile that could light up a room, and her laughter was like a melodious tune that brought joy to those who heard it. She possessed a rare blend of beauty and kindness, making her not only stunning to look at but also a joy to be around.

I felt tempted to kiss her on the forehead 

"I know you are a virgin boy but don't get carried away by her beauty" void sent a mental note to me

"Damn! can't I look at an angel in peace!" I replied 

"And yes I think I might have fallen in love with her , but that doesn't mean I have to rush it , I don't even know if she also loves me or if she's confusing wanting to please her savior with love" I said as I sighed

"You know she can hear us right?" Void asked 

"She's asleep , I don't think she can hear us " I replied 

"And don't clear the Royal treasury like you did to the duke"

"What!" Kate shot out of bed looking between me and void

"I told you" void said as he smiled 

"W-w-what did you mean the Royal treasury" Kate asked keeping her voice low 

I face palmed looking at void I couldn't blame him because it was my fault 

"I need something from the Royal treasury it will help me get back home " I said not explaining further 

"Can I follow you home?" Kate asked looking at the floor 

'Maybe it's because I saved her, and she did not have a place to stay in this city.' I thought 

"You can if you wish but it's different from what you know" I said 

She nodded 

"Let's go grab some food" I said leaving Kate and void in the room void quicky appeared on my shoulder he doesn't joke with food 

"Would your highness kindly borrow his servant some money to eat this morning" I said looking at void who was positioned on my shoulders 

Kate was looking back and forth between me and void not understanding why I'm begging for money from a cat 

"Fine I'll borrow you some money not because I pity you but I don't want that beautiful lady to starve, she might be my madam in the future , I don't want to offend her" he said 

I could not close my mouth after hearing the nonsense this perverted cat just spewed from his little brain , Kate face was turning red that I stated to get worried that it will affect her mental health 

We arrived in the first floor and ordered breakfast the bar tender winked at me again seeing Kate flushed face he smiled and mouthed.

'how was your night? why is this man asking me such question?' I thought

I nodded to him trying to keep a poker face

We sat down waiting for our order I could see the city bustling with activities as the princess wedding will start in one hour 

"It's almost time" I said as I collected the plate of foods from the barman and placed them on the table and paid for the meal 

"Thank you" Kate said as she started eating , she must be hungry having not eaten yesterday's night 

I mean I forgot to buy food yesterday's night and made her sleep hungry 

"Oh you just realized you fucked up but making us sleep hungry" void said smirking at me 

"Are we not eating now?" I replied him mentally 

I could see a smile forming on Kate's face I knew she was listening to our conversation again 

"Void it's almost time , I'll wait for you along with Kate , we will wait inside the room when you are done with your mission meet us in the room so we can go back together"

I sent a mental note to void 

We finished our food and went back to the room and went back to the room void disappeared immediately 

I sat in the bed Kate sitting beside me 

I don't know what to say as I never had a proper conversation with a girl even in my past life I don't have any girlfriend.

"So did you uh so what's your name you never told me" Kate said 

"Oh, my name is Roy White" I replied glad that she started a conversation with me 

"Did you uhm, like you know erm have a girlfriend?" she asked

"What? No I don't, I don't really talk to people so I don't have a girlfriend" I said as I looked at her, her blue eyes fixed on me we looked into each others eyes.

"Ehm, I only left you guys alone for five minutes and you are already trying to kiss? what will happen in the next five minutes?" we childlike voice

"You can talk!" I asked void 

"No I got something in the castle that help me breakthrough the next stage unlocking my ability to speak" void said 

"No wonder yo-?!!, wait did you just say the castle and not the treasury " I said my voice low 

"Did I say that never mind it's a slip of tongue" void said

"What did you do" I asked praying in my mind that he didn't go near the princess

Suddenly the whole capital stated to turn rowdy, palace guards started rushing through the streets closing the capital gates 

"Well it turns out they noticed faster then I expected, they are called palace guards for a reason I guess" void said chuckling to himself 

"W- What's happening" Kate asked 

I pointed at void 

"That guy just turned the whole capital upside down"