Battle with mad princess

"Wow" Kate said as she rushed and hugged void 

I blink a couple of times not understanding what happened 

"Did you steal some gold coins from the treasury?" she asked void 

"What did you take me for , I cleared the treasury , stole the kings crowns and golden throne , I stole the crystal used to beautify the palace , the rings on the kings fingers down to the servant, I also stole every shining object the guest who attended the wedding has with them , including the princess wedding ring and golden crown down to the gold shining on the priest robe" void said puffing out his small chest proudly 

"Jesus! , Did you just say the princess ring" I asked void 

"Yes I stole it from her and my name is void not Jesus!" he yelled back

"Crap! , void teleport is out of here now!" I yelled

Before void could do anything the door to the room blew off.

The girl with golden hair and eyes burst into the room with an aura of fierce determination. Her hair, a brilliant shade of gold, flowed around her like a radiant halo, catching the light and creating an almost ethereal glow. Each strand seemed to shimmer with a life of its own, framing her face and accentuating her intense, golden eyes.

Her eyes were captivating, glowing with a fiery intensity that mirrored the resolve in her heart. They were like molten gold, fierce and unyielding, scanning the room with a sharp, piercing gaze that missed nothing. Her expression was one of unwavering focus, every feature set with purpose and determination.

In her hands, she held a gleaming sword, its blade reflecting the light in dazzling flashes. The weapon was an extension of her will, held with a steady grip that spoke of both skill and confidence. The sword's intricate hilt was adorned with golden accents, matching the brilliance of her hair and eyes.

She moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, each step purposeful and controlled. Her presence commanded attention, and an air of authority emanated from her as she surveyed the room. Her attire, a combination of practicality and elegance, was designed for both protection and mobility, allowing her to move swiftly and effortlessly.

As she broke her way into the room, the sheer force of her entrance sent a shockwave of energy through the air. The sound of splintering wood and clanging metal echoed in the space, underscoring the power behind her actions. Dust and debris settled around her, but she remained undeterred, her focus unwavering.

With a swift, calculated movement, she raised her sword, ready to face whatever challenge lay ahead. Her golden eyes gleamed with a fierce determination, and her golden hair flowed behind her like a banner of defiance. In that moment, she was a vision of strength and resilience, a warrior who would not be stopped until her mission was complete.

The reason she knew the room we were is because of the gift she was born with she could locate anything that belongs to her no matter the distance it is. well except its not in the same world she is. she could also read minds but not really mind reading but she could get a glimpse of what's on a person's mind.

She's also known as the crazy princess in the game because of her fighting skills , she literally fight like a mad person not defending and always attacking. 

she moved closer as void teleported us away 

"Oh Crap!" I said because void just teleported the princess with us.

 We fell through the spatial tunnel as void teleported us to a random location I could see the princess as she was sucked in to the tunnel 

The scenery changed and we found our self in the middle of the empire guards the princess also appeared next to me and attacked 

I felt like she would be surprised as the scenery around he changed in less than a minute but I was wrong because she attack us immediately she got out of the spatial tunnel

Her sword fell towards Kate I looked at Kate she was not prepared to defend herself against the attack so I draw her close to me the princess sword cut through the air leaving metallic sound 

The guards attention were focused on us and seeing the princess attack us they also drew their weapon and attacked us 

I sent a mental note to void to take Kate out of the entrapment, I decided to stay behind because the smaller the spatial tunnel the higher the change void have to teleport Kate away 

"Take her to the forest near 300km North East from here!" I sent a mental connection to void 

"Okay, can you handle them alone?"he said 

"Yes I can" I answered 

"Okay don't die" he said as he disappeared with Kate leaving me in the middle of the entrapment 

I dodged the barrage of swords and defended the attacks 

I couldn't take out my weapon from my dimensional space I wanted to make a cool entrance 

The princess slashed horizontally I saw the attack coming so I stepped back making the sword miss me by an hair breath 

The sword that missed me found sunk into the stomach of a soldier near the princess , she didn't care about him and kicked me 

I flew backwards and crashed Into a tree snapping the tree in half , I sat down of the ground pretending like I didn't know what to do

She approached me walking near me as the guards followed her thinking I can't fight 

"Mad princess , how about we have a real fight" I said raising up from the ground 

Her eyes twitched because no one dared call her mad princess to her face 

I could see her face redden from anger 

I directed Mana to the dimensional ring and brought out my the sword given to me in the academy 

I didn't want to use the light saber because I'll win the fight easily , the light saber will cut through their swords and kill them on the spot 

I also wanted to feel the thrill of fighting in a life and death battle for real with the mad princess and not a game character 

The katana I was holding glowed orange as the sun set 

I directed fire element Mana into the sword which further enhance the orange color 

I stood there my sword by my side the tip almost touching the ground 

I smiled at the princess and said 

"You are not the only one born with gift, lemme show you my gift" I said as I moved closer to her 

She raised her sword and closed the gap between us fainting a horizontal slash , I pretended not to know then redirected my sword to block her attack 

As out sword clashed sparks flew everywhere the guard could not come near us because of the shockwaves of our attack 

The trees near us blew off , the princess seeing she can't win activated her gift "queen of fire" the temperature in the surrounding area increased 

Fallen trees began to catch fire , the armor the guard wore showed signs of melting 

I smiled as she moved closer , I could feel the temperature increasing by the passing seconds but I didn't care since I have fire resistance 

"Let's see how you will defend against me attack now" she said as fire warped around her forming an armor around her 

Her shape became more pronounced in the armor I saw the curves of her hips and her breast stood upright in the suit 

'she looks like a fire witch ' I thought 

"Oh I'm not a witch, I'm a fucking princess" she said as she moved towards me at unimaginable speed leaving a trail of fire behind her 

"Oh shit! she's gotten serious!" I said as I crazily poured Mana into the bracelet on my wrist, the bracelet flowed rapidly and formed into my armor.

The bracelet became metallic silver armor , with a sleek, aerodynamic design, covered in intricate patterns that seem to pulse with energy. It includes a helmet with a menacing, angular faceplate that conceals the identity of its wearer and glowing blue accents that run along the suit, giving it an otherworldly appearance.


Everything went white as we clashed, attacking each other the ice element and fire element clashed releasing white vapor which obstruct our views.

The soldiers watched our fight to them it's a beautiful sight except that it's deadly. 

As the sun set the night took over I was still fighting with the princess .

I was enjoying the fight so I didn't end it quickly , people already gathered to watch our fight the king was also present he watched from afar 

The fight continued until I remembered I had to go to school the next day having spent almost a week in this world.

If I'm absent for more than one week I would be expelled since I didn't inform anyone that ill be leaving .

I used the lower lower version of absolute zero freezing the fire surrounding the princess and the pillar of flame she summoned to fight me .

I used the light saber this time and destroyed her sword 

I moved behind her and kicked her knee from the back making her fall on her kneels then I placed my sword on her neck.

"Yield and I'll let you live" I said I knew Kate would have been worried about me but since void could still sense me he must be be reassuring her that I'm okay and just enjoying the fight 

"Hahahahaha!" the princess laughed her voice echoed throughout the night 

"Yes yes you are a man you are strong enough to marry me!" she said as her face turning red 

I frowned instantly

She moved away from the sword I placed on her neck and walked around me , my brain already stopped functioning.

"I knew there would be someone in this city that can defeat me in a battle ,

I already sense you since you stepped into this city , I needed a way to fight you to know if you are strong and your cat gave me a reason to fight you!, how did you think the alarm in the treasury went off after arriving back in your room and did not go off until he finished robbing the place?" she asked me as the smile on her lips grew wider 

"What?! " I screamed not believing "Didn't you attack because we stole your wedding ring?" I asked 

"No!" she said 

"I knew for you to have a divine beast as your bond then You must be strong ,so I wanted to see if you are fit to me my husband " she said 

She disappeared and reappeared before me

"And I'm also a space elementalist " she added