
Void reappeared with Kate beside him, I didn't know why he came back but I was happy.

I pointed to Kate and said "Princess I know you want to marry a strong and capable man but as you can see I'm married to her" I said 

"W-w-what m-m-married, what a-are you saying?" Kate said shuttering her face turning red 

"It doesn't matter , I know you are not married to her anyways, and I know you have feelings for her, well how did I know, your cat and I had a heart to heart conversation, and teleported you here on purpose and you played perfectly into our plan " the princess said as she smiled 

"You are not going to stop him from making me a second wife are you?" She turned to Kate 

"N-no no it's okay" Kate said 

"What the fuck are you saying , who said I'm marrying you " I screamed at the princess 

She moved close to me and whispered in my ears 

"You won't be able to go home if you don't marry me, why you ask , its because the return stone is with me" she tapped me on the shoulders adjusting my cloth 

I turned to void wanting to confirm if what she's saying was true 

He looked away and started licking his paws pretending not to see me

"Don't worry you will marry her first and then marry me next " the princess said as she turned back to me 

"Citizens of the Royal capital, this man defeated me in a duel and earned the right to be my husband" her voice boomed 

The crowds started clapping , the king shouted "To the wedding hall" 

The crowds yell for joy ,the soldier the princess sword mistakenly stabbed stood up from the ground I could see a leather pouch on his stomach which was filed with red substance that looks like blood.

"I've been tricked " I face palmed I have always thought that I'm smart but this is completely out of my expectation

I dragged my feet to the wedding hall 

I came here to get an armor but ended up getting two beautiful girls as my wife 

'Marrying the mad princess uh? not a bad outcome'


The grand hall was filled with the hushed anticipation of guests as I, the groom, stood at the altar, dressed in a ceremonial uniform adorned with medals and a sash. The atmosphere was electric with excitement and the soft strains of a string quartet played in the background. 

When the doors opened, the sight of my bride took my breath away. She walked gracefully down the aisle, her gown flowing and veil softly framing her radiant face. As she reached me, our eyes met, and a wave of emotion washed over me, knowing this was the beginning of our forever.

We exchanged vows under a canopy of flowers, the fragrance mingling with the heartfelt words we spoke. Sliding the ring onto her finger, I felt a profound sense of joy and commitment. 

When the officiant pronounced us husband and wife, the room erupted in cheers, and we shared our first kiss as a married couple. As we walked back down the aisle, rose petals rained down upon us, marking the start of our new journey together.

The celebration moved to the grand ballroom, where a feast awaited our guests. Tables were adorned with exquisite dishes and sparkling crystal glasses. We danced, toasted, and reveled in the joy of the moment, surrounded by family and friends who shared in our happiness. 

Throughout the evening, laughter and love filled the air, making our royal wedding a truly unforgettable day.


After the wedding I was in a room given to me In the castle, I changed my clothes from the one I wore for the wedding back to my normal dress.

"I need to return home Esme" I said as turned to look at Esme (the mad princess) well she's my wife now there's no need to say princess when addressing her 

Kate sat on the bed void sat on her laps as she stroked him , he has a content smile on his face 

"Hmm, I know you are not from this world!" princess Esme said "won't you take me along" she asked me pouting 

"It's up to you if you want to come , my world is different from this world , there are people more powerful than me in that world , and in my world my level of strength is insignificant" I said then I realized I made a mistake by saying that there are people more powerful than me in my world , now princess Esme will do anything to follow me back to my world 

"I'll inform father that I'm following you back home and won't be back for sometime" she said leaving the room "oh I won't give you the stone now because you might abandon me" she said giving me a cute smile 

"Yes that's why I like you , you are smarter than this white haired boy" void said his baby like voice making me burst into laughter 

"Fuck you " he said , he was angry I'm making fun of him 

"Don't mind him void" Kate said stroking him making him relax 

Esme left the room and came back some minutes later 

"Let's go and see how your world look like" she said passing me the return stone 

I took it from her , Kate and void moved close to me and Esme then I broke the stone , our body disintegrated into white sparks of light as we disappeared from the room 


"Where is he?" Vincent said looking at the back of the class Roy who hasn't been in school since the past week 

"Did you think the demons already kidnap him" Isabella asked her face filled with worry

"Who knows!" Anna said 

"He would know if he's going to be kidnapped since he said he can see the future and would have asked for help" Mary said "so he went somewhere himself and got into trouble" she added 

"Well he's powerful enough to fight and free himself , the power he displayed in the museum that day it's C-ranked " Andrew said 

"I think we have to look for him , he's the only one that can let us know the next time the demons will attack so we have a way to counter attack them, you know having information about your enemy is the best plan or how do they say it" Anna said 

"Shit where do we start from even if we want to search for him" Isabella said 

The door to the classroom opened Roy walked in as if he's not been absent for a week 

"Where have you been?!!!" Vincent yelled at Roy making other students turn their heads in their direction 

"Oh I'm sorry I had some complications and blessing on my mission " Roy replied with a shrug as he walked past them 

"Y-you let's meet after school" Vincent said "actually never mind " he added and turned away from Roy's back sitting back on his chair 

"Wow that was close , if I had missed today's class I would have been expelled from the academy " I mumbled 

As the return stone brought us back to the forest I carried the girls in my hands and flew back into my room from outside the academy 

I already warned them not to come out of the room until I returned I plan to buy an apartment for them outside the academy where they can live without me having to worry about getting caught 

The door opened miss Elizabeth walked in her eyes rested in me a smile tugged at the corner of her lips 

I frowned I could not understand why she smiled when she saw me 

Soon the class started I already knew everything but has to pretend to be interested in learning what's she's teaching but my tired body shut itself down automatically my head slammed on my desk as I fell unconscious why you ask I wasted all my Mana when fighting Esme yesterday wanting to look cool and the last attack I used to freeze the fire pillar she created took almost all my Mana 

Then the last pinch of Mana I had I used it to fly near the academy and told void to teleport us inside my room because I don't want the school camera to see me fly inside my room carrying two beautiful ladies.


[Isabella POV]

"What the fuck happened to him" I said rushing to Roy's desk shaking him trying to wake him up , I knew something was wrong the moment he stepped into the class, his face was pale, he looked like he hasn't slept in two days because of the faint dark circle she saw under his eyes.

Others might have not noticed but her skill sixth sense told her that something was wrong with him so she paid attention to him.

"Take him to the nurse office!" Miss Elizabeth said in a calm tone as if not surprised that he fainted in class.

She looked at his unconscious body as he was carried by Vincent, and I outside the classroom towards the nurse office. 


"I'll get him a change of cloth from his room!" Miss Elizabeth said as she walked out of the class , she had finished teaching by the time he fell unconscious 

Instructors are not prohibited from entering a student room in the academy if it's for a good reason 

She knew getting him a cloth is not a valid reason to enter his room but she was just curious as to who he might be and what he might be hiding now is her chance since he's unconscious 

After a minute of walking from the class to Roy's room she finally arrived at the front of his door then swiped her professor card which unlocked his door , the professor's card acts master key to access students room incase of emergencies 

She entered his room and looked around , his room is neat and filled with books , she picked a book up and scanned it , the book is a fantasy novel she dropped the book wanting to leave when a piece of paper and pen placed on it caught her attention 

She picked the paper up and saw some strange words written on it , she didn't understand the language written on the paper to her it looks like an ancient language that has been lost to the flow of time 

She kept the piece of paper in her dimensional ring, she knew someone who can interpret the language no matter what it is and that is the saint the one who communicates with god

After keeping the piece of paper she heard sound of water in the bathroom it's as if there are people bathing in the bathtub 

"Uh?" She walked towards the bathroom as the noise grew louder with every steps she took close to the door 


She pushed the door open and saw two girls in the bath tub bathing together, a girl with golden hair scrubbing the back of another girl with pink hairs and a black cat also swimming in the bathtub

"Who are you?!" Esme asked 

"Oh looks like another one is joining the harem!" void said as his eyes moved up and down miss Elizabeth body 

"Who are you guys and how did you get into the academy?" miss Elizabeth asked stopping herself from drawing out her weapon