Crumbling world

"We are his wife" Kate responded " my name is Kate , I'm the first wife and this is princess Esme the second wife" Kate said 

"And I'm void his bond you can also call me his treasurer" void said "Kate I can't believe you forgot to introduce me to this beautiful lady" void added 

"I'm sorry" Kate responded 

"Wait wait wait wait" miss Elizabeth said she was confused about the whole thing"you said you are Kate the first wife and you are Esme the second wife and also a princess?" She asked 

"In my world in the princess of my kingdom , my father's the king , Roy defeated me in a battle and earn the right to become my husband after I said I won't give him the return stone to come back to his world and also asked him to bring me" Esme replied 

"Wait you are both from another world?" Miss Elizabeth said 

"Yes" they both replied at the same time 

"Why are you telling me this , I'm sure he told you not to tell anyone " miss Elizabeth said "ain't you afraid I will expose you " she added

"Aren't you also from another world Elizabeth Roshfield" Esme Roshfield said her mouth curling into a smile 

"Aren't you also from another world Sister?" Esme repeated her question 


I opened my eyes Into a familiar celling , I blinked a couple of times not wanting to believe what I'm seeing 

'isn't this my house back in my world?' I thought as i stood up from the bed my skin is back to its formal chocolate color 

"No no it can't be!" I said as I stood up from the bed and walked into the sitting room I didn't notice the white man sitting on the couch as I stared at my PS console

"You are awake now" A voice said , I'm familiar with the voice because it's my voice , I liked towards the couch placed near the door, his white hair is curly and his golden colored eyes 

"Roy White?" I asked confused as to why he's in my world

"Follow me " he said standing up from the couch opened the door and went outside my room 

I quickly followed after him still thinking of how I got here , I fainted from Mana exhaustion nothing else , why would I have to come back after getting married to two beautiful ladies 

'Gosh I want to loose my virginity and stop remaining a virgin let void make jest of me' I thought inwardly 

The street was bustling with activities just like before I transmigrated into the game world the dirty brown streets filled with dust and children playing football in the dust , I could also hear a cacophony of sounds as I followed Roy

'Something is not right ' I thought to myself , as I liked at the people on the streets and cars passing 

"You are feeling something not right ?" Roy asked me not turning back 

"Yes" I answered 

"No one has looked in our direction since we started walking , it's as if we are invisible" I said I know my country people , seeing a white man in such an area will attract attention of the kids who are not playing football and some adults sitting not doing anything 

"Uhn!" Roy said not saying anything 

After walking for three minutes we entered a restaurant and sat down 

Roy didn't order for anything neither did I 

"How have you been enjoying your stay in that world " he asked me , resting his back on the chair 

"It's good I replied , "I've never felt so happy" I added as I also rested my back 

"what's the name of your parents " Roy suddenly asked me his golden eyes fixed on me 

"Uhn? " I said as I tried hard to recall their names but can't recall their names nor now they looked like "I don't know!" I replied 

Roy smiled at me "You don't remember their name , Okay if you don't remember their names can you recall what happened before you were 18 years old , like the name of your secondary school and your real name " He said as he leaned closer to me looking straight into my eyes 

I couldn't help but frown quite deeply 

I tried to remember but it seems like I did not have any memory related to that in fact I didn't remember the name of the university I attended, all I could remember is staying in the same apartment with my PS and playing the game 'swords master useless son' All day until I know that attack pattern of every characters in the game 

"I can't remember anything " I said 

He chuckled to himself and leaned very close to me 

"Everything you know is fake question everything and don't trust anyone , Don't trust that thing that helps you unconditionally it has always led to our death " He said 

I frowned at his words 'it has always led to our death

"Has always led to our death, what dies that mean" I asked Roy but he didn't reply me and the world started to crumble scattering alike glass I was left in the middle of the whole madness 

"What's happening" I asked Roy panicking 

"No matter how strong you become , you still can't defeat the evil god , and you don't have much time , seek for the [sword of death ] and learn to use its power after that your chance of survival will raise by 20 percent " Roy said his body also crumbled

"Where will I find the sword " I asked urgently 

"You will always find you way to it and vice versa , I told you to get the sword because if your obsession with the light saber , and the light saber will not help you defeat the evil god " Roy said his body disappearing completely leaving me along in the crumbling world 

"Fuck this!" I cursed at the top of my voice

"Why is he suddenly cursing " I heard a voice from the distance it's faint but I could hear it 

The collapsing world shook violently tossing me around the restaurant 

"Did you want to punish me Roy? Is that why you left me here in a crumbling world, I won't die I promise you and have my revenge you mother fucker!!!" I screamed on top of my voice wondering why he could just return me to the game world and left me stranded in this crumbling world , did he expect me to go back myself or did he want me to die here

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine the game world , I visualized Esme face , then Kate's face , the warmth of her lips and how she would look naked in my room as I placed her on my bed.

And then I opened my eyes when I felt the shaking of the world stop I felt that I'm lying on a bed 

"Did I just fucking die?" I said as I tried to open my eyes finally after opening my eyes all I saw was darkness.

"Did I just become blind" I said as I touch my face, and tried to get out of the bed 

"Calm down Mr. Roy " A voice said "you are not blind it's just in of the consequences of exhausting your Mana completely, I mean completely not even leaving a drop, it's a miracle that you are able to wake up after two days , some people spend months in coma after exhausting their Mana " The voice said , the voice belonged to a woman 

"You are in the nurse office and I'm the nurse taking care of you since you were brought here unconscious" She said 

"Okay miss nurse thanks for taking care of me " I said "when will i be discharged " i asked 

"In few hours I'm sure you will regain your eye sight in few hours time" She said 

I laid down back in the bed thinking of what Roy told me 

The hospital room is quiet and sterile, filled with a calm, clinical atmosphere. The walls are painted a soothing, pale color, designed to be calming. A large window allows natural light to filter in, casting a gentle glow across the room. 

The bed, centrally placed, is adjustable and surrounded by essential medical equipment: a heart monitor, IV stand, and various machines with blinking lights and soft beeps. 

A small table nearby holds personal items and flowers from well-wishers. A comfortable chair sits next to the bed, inviting visitors to stay. The air smells faintly of antiseptic, but the overall environment strives to be as comforting and peaceful as possible.

'finally I can see again!'

Walking back to my apartment after being discharged from the hospital, the world seemed brighter and more vibrant. The fresh air filled my lungs, a stark contrast to the sterile hospital environment. Each step felt like a small victory, a return to normalcy. 

As I approached my building, the familiar sight of my front door brought a sense of relief and anticipation. Entering my apartment, I was greeted by the comforting surroundings of home—the cozy furniture, personal mementos, and the inviting scent of familiarity. It felt good to be back.

I opened the door , ready to jump on my bed, but what i saw made me freeze.