Fourth wife

I saw three naked girls sitting on my bed I was especially shocked as I saw miss Elizabeth naked on my bed.

'hehe, today is getting better' I thought

Her breast round the nipples pink and inviting the orange glow of the sun enhanced her beauty.

"Why are you here?" I asked everything happened In less than two seconds as I quickly activated absolute rulers mind which washed away my emotions not making my loose my composure.

"What? how can this be you saw my sister in her full glory and you are not aroused , Husband are you sure you are a man?" Esme said coming over to me her breast giggling 

"What sister? did you two becom..?!!!" I suddenly fell silent as I saw the resemblance in both of them.

Everything started to make sense , during one of the missions in the game the mad princess (Esme) said something about sending her sister to another world mistakenly and she did not know how to bring her back 

"Is she your sister you sent away mistakenly?" I asked subconsciously 

"uh, how did you know" Esme asked me

"Wait what she's your sister!" I quickly raised my voice trying to cover up the blunder I made earlier 

"Yes she is , I'll explain everything later but now we have to consummate our marriage " Esme said dragging me to the bed 

"Wait what?" I asked "this is the academy how would they react if they find out" I said trying to find a way out 

"No they won't because we already set up a sound barrier in the room" Kate said licking her lips 

'looks like I have insane luck' I thought inwardly 

"Okay okay if we are going to do it what about her, won't she leave?" I asked looking at Miss Elizabeth her face became red with embarrassment 

"Well she's joining us!" Esme said "We promised our self to marry the same man when we grow up and you are the lucky man" she added ripping off my clothes and pant.


The next day I was exhausted as the girls rode me overnight I walked to class dragging my tired body and went to my seat 

I could feel Vincent, Mary, Hanna and Isabella gaze following me I'm sure they are wondering 

'what the fucking hell did this guy do this time , did he fight a demon blah blah ' if they know I just fucked miss Elizabeth I'm sure they will puke blood 

The door to the classroom opened miss Elizabeth looking exhausted entered with two beautiful girls who also looked exhausted and Introduced them to the class tiredly 

'I'm sure she pulled some strings to register them in the academy ' I thought 

"This is Kate" she said pointing to Kate "And this is Esme" she added pointing to Esme 

"You can find a place to sit , she said " Some male students quickly moved to the side creating space for the girls who just walked past them and headed in my direction 

"Holy crap! , they are not coming here are they?!" I mumbled under my breath 

I quickly looked at Miss Elizabeth for help but I saw an evil smile on her face 

I knew she's enjoying my predicament now

Sitting beside me the two girls each held my hands Kate on the right , Esme on the left 

'I'm fucking fucked' I cursed inwardly 

I could feel thousands of gaze on me as each of the boys in the class called their ancestors to look mark my face or maybe to kill me 

if gaze could kill I'm sure I would have died a thousand times 

I knew the moment miss Elizabeth stepped out of the classroom I'm fucked 

'Wait a minute where the fuck is void ' I said inwardly 

"Oh you are just thinking about me now after two fucking day , I'm happy you dimwit eventually lost your virginity, I didn't expect you to do a foursome!" Void said in a sarcastic tone 

'You know what , fuck off and where are you?' I asked 

"well I'm currently in a tower which has union plastered around it and I'm currently seeing 'shiny things' eh eh!" he replied me mentally 

'Tower with union plastered around it' I thought there's only one tower in the world that fits that description 

"Oh boy, I think I might die of heat attack!" I said trying to keep my voice low but the whole class heard me.

"Don't fucking die you dumbass! , I just married you two days ago!" miss Elizabeth said 

Silence! , The class went silent

Miss Elizabeth turned back and looked at her students and said: 

"Hello students my name is now Elizabeth white, I'm currently married to Roy White and I'm the third wife!" she said " If in anyway or any form any of you disturbs my husband or his wives , the person will face my wrath!" she said 

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled to her I could see people biting their fingers thinking of multiple ways to kill me 

"Oh you can request him to duel you and if he loses the duel you get to take one of his wives!" she added with a smile 

Then she dropped something to the desk and that when I knew she broadcasted the whole thing to the whole academy!!

"Oh Shit!!!" I said "I think I'm going to die now!" I added 

"I request you to a duel" several male students started to request a duel from me 

"Can't I refuse?" I asked miss Elizabeth 

"Oh no you can't , I want them see that you are not just only capable in bed but you can protect us" she said with a blush 

"Have a duel me right this instant! " A boy screamed on the top of his voice 


"Guys we don't have to do this , you can get any other girl why are you after my wives " i asked standing opposite my opponent 

"You don't deserve those girls , an f-ranked like you can't take care of them " He said 

I frowned instantly I don't deserve them 

"They are mine and I am theirs" I declared "Anyone who wants to challenge me should do it today" I said at the top of my voice " If I defeat everyone of you don't ever bother me again" I added 

Immediately seniors started to join the queue of guys who wanted to fight for the right to choose one of my wives the more I thought about it the angrier I became 

(@#_0.0 - 1.6@#) I saw a loading bar in the system, I didn't know what it was 


My opponent launched fire spear at me at lighting speed but to me it moved in slow motion I walked towards him reaching him in an instant 


I clapped him 

Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah

The sounds of slap filled the whole dueling ground as I kept slapping the boy , his cheeks starting to swell and turn red

I don't know why but I felt disgusted that he covert my wives 

Before long the boy passed out , and the next opponent came on stage 

Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah

After dodging his spell I started slapping him increasing the intensity of my slap 

(@#_1.6-7.0) the strange message appeared again as I felt my anger rising 

And then the next opponent came 

Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah

Then the next 

Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah

And then a man stood in front of me 

"Sir Gideon?" I said out loud 

"I challenge you for the right to marry Elizabeth" he said 

Of all the characters and people I loved most miss Elizabeth is number one and he choose Elizabeth 

(@#_7.0-10.00) my anger raised 

"FUCK YOU MR GIDEON!" I said "Fight me and defeat me "I added 

"I won't hold back " he said 

"Better give it every thing you've got or else you die" I said 

Gideon felt chills ran down his spine he didn't know why but the boy demeanor changed the moment he mention marrying Elizabeth 

"Die " Mr. Gideon screamed as he created highly pressurized water then threw it at me 

I closed my eyes and when I opened it...

….Time stopped 

My eyes glowed blue and I walked calmly to Mr. Gideon passing the water which is frozen in the air and threw the most powerful punch I could muster 

Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah

I kept hitting him and then at the last one I unfreeze time 


The dueling ground shook as instructor Gideon body flew out of the arena like a kite and landed faraway.

Blood flowed out of his mouth then he started to choke on his blood. 

"Anyone else?!!" I yelled like a mad man 


"Oh I didn't know our husband is such a protective person" Elizabeth said " And I didn't expect his physical strength to be this insane , he didn't use any skill since the fight started " she added 

"Oh he did but you didn't notice , remember when he close his eyes" Esme asked as she leaned closer to Kate and Elizabeth 

"He fucking stopped time" she whispered 

"What?!!" miss Elizabeth asked her face full of shock 

"immediately he closed his eyes I knew something might happen so I created a spatial domain that doesn't rely on the law of physics of this universe making me escape the time freeze" she said "but if he freezes time on universal scale I'll not be able to escape " she added 


[Isabella's POV]]

I eavesdropped on the conversation between the three girls twenty kilometers away from me.

"Freeze time?" I mumbled under my breath 

"This motherfucker f-ranked freezes time" I screamed inwardly shocked about the discovery.

"Oh we have a little rat here!" I suddenly heard a voice beside me 

"Ahh!!" I screamed as I saw the new pinked haired student suddenly appearing beside me

'Kate?, yeah that was her name Kate

"why are you eavesdropping our conversation?" Kate asked me , her expression cold like a killer.

fear crept into my heart 'I should not be afraid of her so why am i scared now?'

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I said

"Well the only way not to die after hearing such is by marriage, Marry my husband and become the forth wife and I'll let you live" she said with an evil smile 

I could feel blood starting to rush to my face.

"I-i-i will marry him" I finally replied

"Yes that's better, we are going to the church tomorrow" Kate said 

"What? what about my parents" I asked 

"Don't worry they won't bother you and they would be present" she said as a smile formed on her face.


I went back to my room exhausted 

"Miss Elizabeth is sure a trouble maker" I said as I opened the door just to find four girls waiting for me I'm my room all naked

"What's she doing here?" I asked 

"She will be the fourth wife" Kate responded while the others nodded their heads in agreement.