Time Reversal

"Gosh this is so troublesome!" I said as I walked through the academy corridor I needed to get away from the girls 

'It seems like someone is trying to distract me from my mission of killing the evil God' I thought as I walked 

'It's strange that in one week I already had four wives!

'Someone is trying to distract me and I failed to notice because I wanted to loose my virginity so badly

"I'm so stupid" I mumbled under my breath 

I started thinking of the girls in other of how I met them 

"Kate was in trouble but I saved her , Esme and I fought and I defeated her , Miss Elizabeth already promised her sister that they will marry the same man, and Isabella joined because she overheard that I used a skill to stop time " 

"isn't it strange?" I asked void 

"What's strange , after all the fun you had ?" void said back he didn't reply mentally because we are the only one present in the field 

I looked ahead the field is three times larger than Rungrado 1st of May Stadium in Pyongyang located in North Korea back in my world 

'Kate , Esme , Elizabeth, Isabella' I thought of those names and tried to compare them to those I have from the knowledge of the game not missing a single detail 

That's when it struck me 

"Kate Keta!!??" I mumbled under my breath 

The Kate keta I know from the game is a demon that can affect people's mind and erase memories , she can also manipulate a person memory and feelings

I couldn't help but frown deeply as I tried to remember the demon appearance 

"Pink hair and blue eyes" I said remembering the demon details from the game 

"But the demon has horns which is shaped like a crown on her head" I added 

I could see void starting to frown he could see that I'm seriously thinking about somethings 

"Void did you notice any artifact that can be used to alter someone appearance on Kate?" I asked 

"Haven't both of you practically had sex?" void replied "No I don't " he added 

Kate did not have anything that could alter her appearance which means she's not a demon or that she has not turned into a demon yet

I'm starting to believe that Kate had something to do with me taking a third wife and then the fourth 

if she truly has the memory manipulation skill then she must have done something to the other three 

Though I didn't want to believe what I'm thinking about because of my love for her , I won't let her disrupt my journey in killing the evil god 


we slept on the bed that night I was surrounded by the girls as usual but this time Isabella was sleeping on my chest 

I carefully moved my hands and placed it in her head making sure not to disturb anyone 

I activated my skill memory manipulation and reversal 

That way I can view what really happened in her memory even though it has been altered and deleted 

With reversal I can get the deleted part back and with the manipulation I can view it and change some part if I want to

I suddenly appeared outside my body 

Floating in the air I looked around as I found myself in the dueling ground I knew I was viewing Isabella's unaltered memory as memory reversal had done it's work 

I saw myself facing professor Gideon as he blasted highly pressurized water towards me I saw myself freeze time 

Everyone froze in place except two people 

one which is Esme , I understand that as a space elementalist she must have created another dimension around herself subconsciously 

But the other person not frozen is Kate which took me by surprise she's not a space elementalist even though I didn't know her skills or powers because she didn't reveal them neither has she used it in a fight 

I floated near her as time began to play again 

And then Kate's body spitted into two parts one with deep blue eyes and pink hair moved towards Isabella unnoticed by anyone 

She morphed and changed into Vincent them told Isabella to listen to their conversation with her long hearing skill 

I frowned because as Isabella used her skill Kate who is now I'm form of Vincent touched her slightly and disappeared back into Kate's body 

Kate then moved to Isabella and asked her why she was Eavesdropping then proceeded to manipulate her emotions to make her marry me

I frowned as I continue to watch the what was happening 

I knew instinctively that the other Kate I saw earlier is a demon even though the crown is not on her head 

I moved closer to Kate and looked into her eyes I knew the demon could see me 

"We need to talk!" I said and walked outside the dueling ground even though I'm just viewing a memory the academy is surprisingly detailed 

I stopped walking when I got under a tree near the academy and turned back to look at Kate 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked , Kate didn't respond so I moved close to her , placing my hands on her hips and drew her close to me our body touching each other 

"Did the evil god promise you anything?" I asked "did he promise to bring your parents and brother back?" I added 

I could see Kate eyes were starting to get wet with tears, I knew what happened without further explanation 

It seems she accepted demonic energy into her body wanting to turn into a demon but ended up an half breed 

Now I knew why she didn't usually want to fight , because if she does her demonic side will take over 

"Don't be deceived Kate, he can't bring them back the only thing he can do is to turn them into an undead" I said 

Though my words may be harsh she needed to know the truth 

I hugged her tightly her heads was buried in my chest 

I could only thank the angel watching over me that Kate has not reported back to the demons that I am the one disrupting their plan 

Because I'm sure her mission was to find the person responsible for the death of several demons placed in the dungeons which was caused by me 

she needed someone to bring her into this world that why she screamed in the dark alley making me save her and then followed be back to this world 

I'm sure she also manipulated Esme and miss Elizabeth memories into thinking that they made a promise when they were young to marry the same man 

i raised her face and kissed her 

"Let's continue this conversation normally and not in a dream world" I said as I deactivated mental manipulation 

I opened my eyes it was currently midnight I looked at Isabella sleeping on my chest 

I felt angry and sad and the same time as I placed my hands on her head and started to erase the memories of our time together back to the time she watched me duel professor Gideon 

then I started placing false memories in her , about how she spent her day after the duel 

I also made her started to fall Vincent according to the game settings 

she was destined to be part of Vincent harem, as much as i like her i knew she didn't fall in love with me on her own accord, her emotions and thinking was manipulated by kate 

I felt guilty because of what had transpired between us last night 

Even though she would forget about me and others she knows her body best , she would know that something happened to her 

so I placed memories of her and Vincent going out on a date and eventually landed in his room and then they did the deed in her mind 

After that I dressed her up and carried her to Vincent room 

"Who are you?!" Vincent said as he placed his sword on my neck 

"Calm down it's me Roy" I replied him gently trying not to sound suspicious 

"I saw her in the fields she seems unconscious so I needed a place to bring her and then I thought of you " I lied to Vincent 

He removed the sword from my neck immediately he saw Isabella in my hands so I took her inside the room and placed her on his bed 

"I'll be leaving" I said then tripped myself, making myself fall close to Vincent , well as a nice guy he caught me in the air 

"Are you okay?" he asked me worriedly 

"I'm good" I replied activating memory manipulation 

Vincent fell into a state of trance as I quickly placed false memories in him then knocked him out cold

I carried him to his bed beside Isabella and undressed both of them 

After that I left the room , my mouth curled downwards as i entered my room and looked at Miss Elizabeth with a bitter expression on my face I started to erased any memory of Isabella from her mind and did the same to Esme 

'What the hell am I doing!' I thought to myself 

'instead of giving myself this trouble why don't I just reverse time on universal scale back to the day I met miss Elizabeth in my room naked ' I thought 

I checked the amount of Mana I had left and discovered it was enough and I won't faint from mana exhaustion 

I took a deep breath then woke Kate up and told her my plan , I knew her demon side will remember what happened but Kate herself won't remember 

I sat down on the floor and closed my eyes 

[[Time magic : Universal Time Reversal]] I activated the skill and the world went into rewind motion