
I opened my eyes and found myself in class I felt extremely exhausted after reversing time 

I stood up from my sit and staggered outside of the classroom heading towards my room I needed to rest so I can regain my Mana

When I got inside my room and jumped on the bed , I could hear the sound of water from the bathroom, I'm sure Esme and Kate where taking their bath 

I closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep because of exhaustion my eye lids were closing themselves 

"uh why is he here I thought he would be in class" Esme said confused as to why I'm now laying in the bed instead of being in class 

I could not respond because my body is already asleep and then everything finally went black


I opened my eyes the next day I saw Kate and Esme sleeping next to me. 

I got up quietly and went to the bathroom then got dressed and went to class 

I entered the class and went to my sit, soon after miss Elizabeth walked in , as she saw me she frowned 

My heart beat got faster ' She won't know would she?' I thought 

I could also feel Andrew staring at me , I could help but frown deeply

"Today we will be talking about Mana poisoning" Miss Elizabeth said then started teaching 

I looked at her as memories of the time we spent in my room came back to me 

I shook my head trying to clear the image from my head not listening to what she's teaching till class ended

"Student Roy follow me!" Miss Elizabeth said as she walked out of class 

'Wait what?' I thought as I quickly got out of the class and followed miss Elizabeth 

"You are wondering why I called you right?"

"Yes miss" 

"Did you think I won't notice?" Miss Elizabeth said 

'Fuck it's all in vain!' I thought inwardly 

"What's it Miss?" I asked trying hard not to lose my composure 

"You know it's against the academy rule to have a stranger in your room" 

'so that's it, phew I thought I was caught'

"I know I helped them and they needed a place to stay so I brought them here" 

"Miss I also need your help"

"What did you want me to do for you?" Miss Elizabeth said frowning 

"I want to register them as transfer students" 

Miss Elizabeth stopped walking and turned to look at me 

"Why would you want to do that" 

"I needed them to train and trust me you will eventually register them without me begging you" 

"why did you think I would ?" 

I shrugged 

"How about you meet someone you've been dying to see for the past fifteen years" 

Miss Elizabeth froze as I said those words her lips trembled 

"H-how did you know?" 

I let out a short but deep sigh 

"Your sister is currently in my room, won't you like to meet her?" 

Miss Elizabeth started running in the direction of my room pushing students out of her way

"What? Wait" I screamed as I ran after her I didn't expect her to react the way she's reacting now 

Miss Elizabeth got to the front of my room then opened it with her professor ID then she entered closing the door after herself 

I also entered I saw miss Elizabeth hugging Esme tightly as they both wept 

I looked at Kate who was sitting on the bed void resting on her laps , she stroked him looking between the two sisters 

After twenty minutes of their reunion I said 

"So will you register them as transfer students?" 

"I will do that don't worry" 

I sighed 

"So my sister is my husband teacher?"


"Yeah he's is my husband , we got married after he defeated me in battle" 

"That is Kate she's the first wife and I am the second wife" 

"Please girls stop this" I said 

"When will they be registered?" 

"I'll start right away! , I'll be back" Miss Elizabeth said as she went out of my room adjusting her cloth 

The student seeing her adjusting her clothes after leaving my room started to whisper to themselves thinking that something hot happened between us.


It's been three weeks since Kate and Esme joined the class 

I am happy because they are not clinging to me , just sitting beside me 

They now have their separate rooms since they are now students of the academy 

I also refrained from touching them or having any form of sexual activity with any of them.

Miss Elizabeth like I suspected didn't make a promise with her sister to marry the same person 

I now have two wife's but they are not legally mine in this world because we did not have a marriage certificate 

After class we went to the training field 

I saw Esme and a senior talking to each other while Kate is busy taking to Vincent

I am unhappy inside but I decided to stick to my decision

I told them not to be clingy to me and talk with other people and that they might find a guy better than me since we are not married in this world then proceeded to erased the memories of us getting married in the palace from their head.

'I'm such a fool' I thought

'Roy you are so stupid!' I said to myself as I picked up my sword and started swinging it aimlessly 

My mind wandered far away from what I'm doing 

'First I need to forget about them , they are already living their lives how they please

'And I must find the [sword of death ] if I want to increase my chance of defeating the evil god when he resurrects'

'You don't have much time left' I remembered Roy's words 

I kept swinging my sword aimlessly then stopped and fell into a deep thought 

'if Roy could say that I don't have much time left then it means something will happen that will quicken the evil god resurrection or maybe it already happened?' I thought then went deeper into my self , I needed to talk to someone and my only person I can think of is Roy , I knew he's inside me hiding somewhere 

I concentrated as I started to search myself 'damn you Roy where are you ' 

Suddenly everything went black , in the infinite void of darkness I saw a figure standing in front of a shiny orb which has many threads attached to it 

"Roy?" I called out 

"As expected of you" Roy said turning to me 

"What did you mean I don't have much time left?" I asked him getting straight to the point 

"You are predictable as always and stupid!" Roy said he's mouth curling downwards 

"I knew you would always make the same mistake , we have been doing this for a very long time and I already lost count of how many times we had this conversation!" Roy said 

I frowned 'what conversation is he taking about?'

"I see you don't remember" Roy said 

"I always knew you would reverse time for a stupid reason, Why? because you have four wives and then you thought you will be distracted from your mission" Roy said walking towards me 

"Did you ever wonder how you got the time Reversal skill?" Roy asked 

I frowned as I thought about it , yes I didn't have any skill related to Time when I came into this world and it's a skill unheard of 

"Pfft I love your facial expression" Roy said 

"The more you use the skill the more you're destroying the seal placed on the evil god, because Time is his Prison!"

Roy sighed and continued talking: 

"I was supposed to die" Roy said "But I found a way to keep myself alive after I failed to protect humanity" 

"I needed someone to experience the what I experienced and learn the attack pattern of everyone, but I found no one suitable for the job except myself , so I spitted my soul into two , white and black" 

"I'm your dark side and you are the white side" Roy said pointing to me 

"Remember I told you that we are the same" Roy said placing his hand on my chest 

"You are still not ready to know everything happening in the world" Roy said 

"You keep saying the same damned thing" I screamed at him getting angry 

"How about we play a little game? , Do not Open your eyes no matter what you hear then the secret of the world will be reveled to you" Roy said 

"Remember what I just said as it will save your life in what is to come" Roy said as he faded into the darkness 

'God dammit!'

I felt curious as I was the only one in the void so I walked towards the orb I saw thousands of strings if not millions connected to the shiny orb 

As I walked towards it , I felt myself strangely drawn towards the orb 

I tripped on something then fell forward mistakenly grabbed a string connected to the orb , the string snapped as my weight fell on it.

An ominous feeling crept into my heart because I knew whatever I just did will have a terrible effect in reality

I suddenly I felt myself drowning as I started loosing oxygen 

"Hey..! what the hell is wrong with you?" I heard a voice it appears distant 



I snapped back to reality breathing heavily 

"Are you okay?" A voice asked me 

I blinked a couple of times trying to remember where am I

I remembered we were in the training room I wanted to talk to Roy 

Suddenly memories came rushing back to me , I recalled my conversation with Roy in the infinite void and another question popped into my mind 

"What is that orb?" I said out loud 

"What is wrong with you?" The voice asked 

I looked at the person in front of me , she has pink hair and blue eyes , then another figure with light gold hair walked towards her

I remembered their name names

'Kate and Esme' I thought as I started to remember everything I know about them 

"Miss Elizabeth want to talk to you" Kate said with a disgusted look which made me frown because I've never seen her look at me like that 

"Kate?" I called her name out loud

"Yes?" Kate answered 

"why are you looking at me like that we are not strangers right?" I said my heart beating faster 

"Who are you?" Kate asked back her face filled with confusion 

I turned my head towards Esme and miss Elizabeth, They are also looking at me like a stranger

"What's wrong guys don't say you don't remember me also" I asked my voice shaking as the thought of everyone forgetting me came Into my mind 

"Who are you and how did you get into the academy?" Miss Elizabeth asked