
I gulped as I sat inside the interrogation room 

I knew there are people listening to me from the other side of the room which was separate by a thick glass 

Miss Elizabeth sat In front of me with a stern expression on her face 

The orb of truth was placed between us , the orb will detect if I tell any lies or give an incorrect answer

it turns out the string I mistakenly snapped has something to do with my existence in this world now that I've snapped it no one can remember me well except for void who was bound to me , he didn't also remember me but our bond didn't break which helped him grab the situation quickly 

"What's your name?" miss Elizabeth asked 

"My name is Roy White" I answered 

She looked at the orb but it didn't light up

"How did you enter the academy? and are you a spy?" miss Elizabeth asked 

I let out a short but deep sigh 

"I am not a spy and I got into the academy after the entrance ceremony" I replied 

Miss Elizabeth frowned because the orb did not light up 

"what's one plus one" she said 

I knew she's trying to confirm if I'm saying the truth and if the orb is truly working on me 

"Three " I said , the orb instantly lit up indicating I gave an incorrect answer to the question since I knew the correct one

Miss Elizabeth nodded satisfied that the orb responded 

"You said you entered the academy since the beginning of the first year right?" 

"Yes" I answered 

"Have you been attending class?" 


"Which class are you" 

"One A , and you are my classroom teacher"

Miss Elizabeth looked at me for a long time 

"How come I have never seen you" she finally spoke 

"I guess I mistakenly did something that resulted in everyone forgetting me" I answered 

Miss Elizabeth looked at the orb of truth but it didn't light up which indicated that in telling the truth 

"What did you do?" Miss Elizabeth asked 

"Trust me you will all die if you know" I answered 

I'm sure that the other Roy will kill them if I told them 

"Somehow you will all find out" I added as I sighed 

Miss Elizabeth didn't say anything, she looked at the glass and nodded her head

The door opened and the principal walked in

he's an SS- ranked awakener 

He sighed then spoke 

"I think I understand what happened to him" The principal said 

"We looked at the CCTV footage of the school but found nothing, you suddenly popped out of nowhere in the training ground and stood still like a statue" The principal said 

"we will register you and place you in class one A class since you claimed it's your class" The principal said then walked away 

I was assigned a new room in the academy because my formal room is currently in use by another student

I laid on the bed void appeared beside me 

"I'll transfer the memory of what happened to you" I said as I touch his head then started to send the memory to him in small fragments starting from the time I bought him from the store to the time he robbed the duke treasury and how we got into the academy until the time I met my self in an infinite void 

I stopped there not showing him more 

"Oh so when you came back from the void everyone has forgotten who you are" void said "interesting" he added

"I knew something was wrong , Kate and Esme took care of me since I can remember" void said "But I knew something happened to my memory, and now I've got it back" void added as he yawned then curled on the bed 

"Won't you cook?" void asked me 

"Will you die if you don't eat?" I asked void 

"Yes I will" void replied 


I walked through the corridor of the academy heading to class 

In the last few days I was able to confirm that no one remembered a single thing about me including Vincent and his friends up to the conversation we had in the cafe 

"I'm back to square one with less time" I mumbled as I walked nearer to class 

I opened the door of the classroom and walked in , no one noticed my presence as I walked to the back of the class 

Few gazes that landed on me quickly moved as if something is pushing their gaze away from me 

I checked my status window 

[Name : Roy White 

Age : 16 ½ human years

General rank : (D)

Affinities : fire, earth , water , ice , lightning, wind darkness (new), space(new)

Skills :Swordsmanship(F), Absolute zero, Absolute Rulers Mind , Ice explosion, Time Reversal, Time Freeze Monarch of darkness(new), Shadow manipulation (new) teleportation(new)

passive: illusion


I got three new skills and two new elements darkness and space element 

The darkness element will enhance the sword of death powers when I eventually get it 

I sighed 

I'm stuck in D-rank and I've been trying to breakthrough to C-rank and to do that I'll have to go to the ruins 

Miss Elizabeth walked into the class 

"We have a new student among us and his name is Roy White, he's an f-rank" 

Well I was not surprised that I'm f-ranked because my illusion skill can also trick the measuring device no matter how many times my rank is measured I'll remain f-ranked till the end of time 

"HAHAHA" some students laughed at me , I didn't bother to look at them I kept staring at Miss Elizabeth 

I knew in my heart that Miss Elizabeth has forgotten the conversation we had in the interrogation room where I told her I did something that erased me from existence 

I'm sure the principal is also trying hard to hold unto the memory of the conversation, it will be a little easier for him not to forget since he's an SS-Ranked awakener 

"In few days the ruins will be opened and you will all be going into it, I'll accompany you into the ruin but we will all have to split up and meet in the designated place" Miss Elizabeth said 

I sighed The sword of death is also located in the ruins , according to the little knowledge I have about the sword it is also where the sword of light is located 

'Since the sword of light was stolen by the dragons , then the sword of death will also be with them' I concluded in my heart 

I looked at Vincent group , Kate and Esme already joined them making them six in number 

Vincent, Isabella, Hanna, Mary, Kate, Esme with Vincent and Isabella acting as their leader 

I sighed I cannot deny the fact that I miss the four of them as memories of our time surfaced in my mind 

I activated absolute rulers mind and then all my emotions and feelings washed away 

After the class ended I left the class and went to the cafeteria ordered some foods , the money I kept in my storage ring is still intact but my bank account just vanished from existence all my money gone 

I'm happy I saved almost all my money In my ring because I don't really like banks 

"Is this the game Roy was taking about?" I asked my self as I remembered the words he said as he disappeared 

[How about we play a little game? , Do not Open your eyes no matter what you hear then the secret of the world will be reveled to you] 

"What the hell does he mean by that" I said to myself 

"Mind if I sit here" A voice asked I nodded subconsciously 

"If Roy wants to play a game with me must it affect my existence in this world?" I asked our a little loud 

Roy didn't erase my existence , curiosity kills the cat 

"Sorry are you taking to me" The voice said 

I blinked a couple of times and looked at the person I front of me , it was Vincent and Isabella 

"How many I help you?" I asked 

"I saw the way you are looking at Kate, Esme and Isabella with perverted looks , so I came to give you a warning never try to lay your hand on any of them" Vincent said In a warning tone 

I let out a short but deep sigh 

"You can't understand what's happening" 

I said my gaze wandered to Isabella I smiled faintly then turned back and focus on my food 

"Vincent I know you felt it, you knew something is wrong and that's why you came to me not because of I looked at anyone somehow" I said I was not so stupid not to know that Vincent system would have alerted him that I'm a being not attached to fate and time

"How much did you know?" Vincent asked 

I didn't respond I just kept eating 

"When I tried to appraise you using my skill, I can't see anything" Vincent spoke 

"My sixth sense is not working around you also" Isabella said 

"There's something strange about you no?" Vincent asked 

I sighed 

"Sooner or later you will know!" I responded trying to sound mysterious 

Well I literally know everything about them but they don't know anything about me

I stood up from the chair and headed out of the cafeteria I needed to train myself because stealing the sword from the dragon will be a very hard task