The Ruins

[How about we play a little game? , Do not Open your eyes no matter what you hear then the secret of the world will be reveled to you] 

I searched for clue on the internet trying to figure out what type of game Roy said we should play but there's no clue 

we will enter the ruins in two days time and we will spend the next two months there I need to be able to defeat a dragon all by myself to get the sword of death 

'this is troublesome' I said inwardly 

"void can you kill a dragon?" I asked void 

"A dragon is nothing to me but an oversized lizard, I'll kill it in one hit" void replied puffing out his small chest 

I blinked a couple of times as I started to compare his size to that of a dragon 

I chuckled as I thought about it 

"Are you laughing at me ? A dragon ranges from rank 7 to rank 9 beast and I'm a rank 8 beast" void said 

"isn't the rank counted downwards? the rank 10 are divine beast , you also have the bloodline of a divine beast in you but you have not unlocked your potential" I said to void 

the ranks of magical beast are counted from the weakest to the strongest 

Rank 1: F-ranked beast 

Rank 2: E-ranked beast 

Rank 3: D-ranked beast

Rank 4: C-ranked beast 

Rank 5: B-ranked beast

Rank 6: A-ranked beast

Rank 7: S-ranked beast also known as destruction beasts

Rank 8: SS-ranked beast also known as calamity beast

Rank 9: SSS-ranked beast Known as ender

And lastly 

Rank 10: Divine beast Known as World ender beast 

"Whatever to me dragons are just oversized lizard" void said 

"Well we might be facing one soon" I said 

"What?" Void screamed 

"Since you can kill one I don't have to worry to much" I responded 

"No I - , well yes I ca - ann kill an oversized lizard" void replied 

I chuckled slightly and got on my bed closing my eyes I quickly fell asleep 


Two days went by in a flash except for the constant mockery I received because I'm f-ranked nothing notable happened 

we were all standing in the front of the portal leading to the ruins

Three other schools joined us , we all wore our uniforms to differentiate ourselves , though it's not necessary as some wore normal clothes 

I was putting on my uniform , i decided to change when I enter the ruins 

"The ruin will teach you about surviving , and it will also be your first call into the world beyond , the world beyond this portal is a very dangerous place only the strong survives" The voice belonged to a bald instructor he's not from our school so I didn't know his name 

"make sure to team up and help each other grow stronger" the bald instructor said 

I saw Vincent standing with his group which now has two guys among them

The two new guys are students and are seniors in the academy 

The first one has silver blue hair is Esme currently boyfriend while the other one has light pink hair is Kate's current boyfriend 

I sighed but before I know it my emotions started washing away without me activating absolute rulers mind 

Soon I felt nothing, I didn't know why but I felt strangely comfortable 

Void sat on my right shoulder as we started walking into the portal which was shining blue painting the surroundings blue 

I entered the portal and felt the familiar sensation of being teleported 

Soon the scenery around me changed and I found myself in a beautiful world 

The sky is purple and blue the colors blended with each other well , Pure green grass flourished the world 

I looked straight ahead and saw green hills in the distance 

I started walking forward void on my shoulder also looking around 

I headed towards a cave and entered the cave , I changed my clothes to a black robe 

I felt the bracelet on my hand throbbing "don't worry I'll use you soon" I said rubbing the bracelet 

I sighed heavily and started walking in the northern direction, I knew the dragons will be located in the hot region

I started walking then started flying using wind to boost myself. void sat on my back through the journey as I travelled through the air 

I thought my journey would be smooth but after 20 seconds of flying I was attacked by some small flying creatures

They swarmed on me trying to burrow into my flesh and eat me from inside out 

I quickly created a fire dome around myself burning those near me 

As soon as I saw a way out I descended with lighting speed towards the groun

"This place is filled with dangers, even the sky is not save" I said as I created a fire dragon and sent it towards the swarm of monsters

The ruin creatures are known for their madness , they attack with no fear of death

The normal ruin creatures are easy to handle but the ones known as Terror, Abomination, Abyssal , Infernos are particularly dangerous 

I knew I'm in danger since this monsters are not demons my cheat skill won't work on them

Now I'm starting to understand why Roy told me that I won't be able to defeat the evil god by the time he resurrect 

If I should face a prince ranked demon now I'm sure I'll lose the fight even with my cheat skill except I have the other Roy take over my body

I walked through the thick forest and started clearing a path for myself using the lightsaber 

After walking for hours I was growing tired and felt like sleeping , the whole place is filled with trees so I climbed the top of a tree and laid on it trying to sleep 

After few hours the sun set I heard a cacophony of waters rushing in my direction

I stood on top of the tree and looked into the distance 

I saw a moving wall as high as 300m rushing towards me 

"Fuck it's a tsunami!" I cursed as I started running away from the tsunami

I didn't expect this type of occurrence , I only knew that the ruins will be dangerous 

I knew deep in my heart that if I get caught by the tsunami I'll die so I ran faster 

On my way I encountered ruins creatures all running into their holes 

I was surprised to see a creature that looked like a turtle running faster than a rabbit as it went into its a rock 

"Shit" I ran faster as I used haste a skill that increases speed 

I didn't want to use teleport because of the mana consumption though it's faster I may not be able to outrun the tsunami closing in on me

Breaking out of the forest I saw a large mountain which I could say is 400m tall I ran faster and when I got close to the mountain i teleported to the top of the mountain breathing heavily 

I suddenly froze because I was surrounded by ruin monsters that looked like a crab with turtle shells covering them 

Their color black and their red eyes glowed in the dark 

I gulped in fear 

I peeked behind me the wall of waters crashed against the mountain 

Black waters moved violently , I looked into the water wanting to know if maybe I could survive if I will have to choice but to jump into it but.....

....I saw several shadows of large aquatic ruin monsters in the water my heart started to beat faster 

The lowest rank of ruin monsters is D-ranked which is my current rank 

The crab like creatures are all E-ranked and the power difference between E and D-ranked is like heaven and earth 

A blow from this monsters will turn me to paste especially now that I have little Mana left 

If I decide to use the armor now I can fight toe to toe with the crabs but that will leave me with no Mana which is dangerous in the ruins 

"What should I do?" I thought trying to find a way out of my current predicament 

If I make a single sound , the crabs will become alert to my presence and attack 

'wait I have shadow skill' I suddenly remembered that I have shadow manipulation skill and darkness skill 

I dissolved into the shadows and crept through the monsters going deeper and deeper 

BAM!! by heart almost exploded when a monster suddenly placed his leg in front of me 

I didn't know what will happen if I got hit now that am a shadow sliding across the mountain 

'if I suddenly get attacked by a monster in this form what will happen' I thought 

Void is already in my storage ring letting me carry him around and deal with the monsters 

"Fucking Coward!" I cursed in my shadowed form though I didn't have a mouth my heart cursed 

I slid across the floor until I got to a place with less ruin monsters 

My mana is running out quickly my heart started beating against my ribcage faster 

I slid further away from the monsters until I got to a place where there's no monster I breath a sigh of relief as I appeared from the shadows 

I created an earth wall creating a boxed shape house then I set up an array that will alert me when someone or something gets close to the house 

I brought out the bed from my storage ring and slept on it 

According to the information we were given about the ruins we will have to find the castle located in wherever we were teleported to 

If we are able to return then our rank will increase, so for me to breakthrough into the C- Ranked I need to survive this ruin