House in the middle of a red forest

I woke up as I heard the sound of the alarm indicating that a ruin monster is near the walls I erected 

I felt the structure rumbling , I knew instantly that the sound of alarm as attracted the attention of the monsters to me

"I'm fucking stupid!" I cursed my self as I teleported out of the house I built using earth walls

Immediately I left the house it collapsed under the Barrage of attacks rained on it by the crab monsters 

Even though I can't fight them my skills is enough to help me escape as long as I have mana 

"Surprised suckers!" I shouted to the ruins monsters they stopped in their tracks and turned in the direction of my voice I already surrounded myself with darkness so they can't see me 

After looking for some time the monsters proceeded forward towards the end of the mountain and started crawling downwards 

I brought out bacon and egg from my storage ring and started eating 

I've been on edge since entering the ruins , knowing that I can die if im not careful further put me on edge 

"I can't kill a crab and I want to fight a dragon" I said out loud 

"Did somebody just mention an oversized lizard?" void came out of my storage ring looking around 

"Yes I'm sad that I cannot fight a crab like monster , how the hell will I kill a dragon if I can't kill a crab" I said pointing to a crab that refused to leave 

"Why don't you try fighting that one" void said 

"Yeah I should" I replied getting up from my position and approached the crab from the back 

My heart was beating faster as I moved closer to the crab after I got in striking range I prepared to attack the crab but it suddenly moved and turned it's gaze to me 

It moved as if expecting me and sent it's pincers my way 

The pincers opened like a large scissors and started to close on my head

I poured Mana into the light saber, it lit up white and i defended myself from the attack 

"Crap!" I cursed because the light saber stopped not penetrating the thick skin of the crab 

 I moved back gaining distance from the crab 

The crab red eyes glowed red as it fixed on me watching my every move 

'if looks like something wants to come out of its eyes' I thought

I studied the crab and started to understand it 

'The outer shells are tough that even the light saber cannot penetrate it but the joints should be vulnerable to attacks' I concluded 

I ran towards the crab and it also moved forward and sent out it's pincers towards my head 

I ducked the attack and proceeded forward I swung my light saber towards the joint that connects the pincers to its body 

The light saber passed through the points like butter and the left pincer fell to the ground raising dust from the ground 

~ Piss 

The blood from the crab melted the hereby rocks on the floor 

I quickly jumped back "it's blood is also acidic" I grumbled 

I then sent ice spear into the hole where it's left pincers had been , the eyes of the crab started turning red as if something is about to come out of it

The spear struck through the hole and ripped the crab from the inside out freezing it in an instant 

I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked close to the carcass of the crab 

[ You have slain a ruin monster :Heat vision Crabicon, you have the skill heat vision]

I gulped as I thought of how crazy it would be if the crab has decided to attack me with heat vision the first time I attacked it 

I studied the crab carcass and found some weak spots in their defense 

The first is the joints , The second is their butts and the third is if I attacked them from the mouth 

"See , if you don't try you will never know how to kill one" void said 

"Yeah thanks your majesty void" I said as I walked back to him 

 I frowned because I couldn't find the remaining meat on my plate 

"Did you just eat my meat?" I asked void 

"No no I gave a crab that came crying for food, idiot who else did you see here" Void replied 

I sighed as i started to regret bringing him along with me , I could just pray that he won't cause problems for me when I decide to steal the sword of death from the dragons territory because of his love for shiny things 

I resumed my walk as I started to descend the mountain I looked into the distance I could not see the black sea that suddenly covered the place yesterday 

I finished descending the mountain not using any skill because I needed to save as much mana as possible who knows what might happen 

I crossed the mountain and started heading north , up in the distance I saw red trees clustered together turning the whole place into a red forest 

I looked at the forest to the right and left , it stretched as far as my eyes could see 

The sun is starting to reach it's peek releasing heat waves so intense that my skin started to show sighs or burning 

I quickly created a layer of ice around my skin lowering the temperature to a bearable degree 


"Even the sun is trying to kill me" I thought as I stared walking towards the red forest 

"I've not met a single soul since I entered the ruins up until now , hope I'm not the only one here" 

I continued walking , I finally arrived in the red forest I took a deep breath and extended my spatial sense which acts like sixth sense for me 

I entered the red forest and started cutting through red plants.

my hands covered with ice froze some plants I came in contact with, the plants broke after it became frozen 

~ Vum 

I felt a black shadow move behind me quickly hiding in the shadows 

I licked my lips which suddenly became dry , if there's anything I hate most it's something hiding in the shadows I hate it more than how I hate teddy bears and dolls they give me creeps 

I turned on all my senses there's no room for mistakes 

I quietly went through the red forest I felt the shadow following me 

I used my skill shadow manipulation to inspect the shadow of the creature following me and found out that....'s a human figure 

I gulped because the shadow is the same with my shadow same height, build and width same shape 

'A skin Walker?'


I started running-

whatever that thing is I don't want to know

The creature started running after me but this time it used its hands and legs to pursue me 

"Blood of Jesus!" I said as I ran my Christian side took over and I started to pray in my mind 

"Every evil weapon fashioned against me shall not prosper" I increased my pace because it looks like this weapon fashioned against me is starting to prosper as it was closing the gap between us rapidly 

Sweat poured down my face my heart beating rapidly and in the middle of the forest I saw a house 

I didn't think much about it I ran inside the house and locked the door 

BANG!!!! BANG!!!! BANG!!!! The creature hit the door several times 

I prayed silently that the door won't break , I gulped in fear 

I didn't know that I can feel this terrified because of a monster and not a demon 

Suddenly the sound stopped and everything became ominously quiet I breath heavily and turned my back and look around the house 

The house looked as if people are currently living in it, I saw a book and a human doll on the chair 

I walked towards the stairs of the house I felt that the human doll eyes is following my every move 

"Who are you?" A childlike voice asked me 

My heart pounded against my chest in fear , cold sweats formed on my forehead 

"I-i am" I started stuttering 

"Who are you?" A woman voice asked 

I turned back and saw a woman and a small girl standing beside her

"I'm sorry I broke into your house" I said "I was chased by some creature so I entered in fear" I added licking my dry lips 

"How are we sure you are human?" The woman asked 

"I i-i don't know" I replied 

"Good you are human" She smiled waking towards me then suddenly slashed my hand with a knife

Blood dripped out of my hand I quickly held my hands 

"Must you cut me that deep?" I screamed at her 

"Hehehe, I'm just confirming you are human" the woman said 

I watched her walk away strangely the wound on my hand disappeared as if it never existed 

"Go upstairs you will find the guest room , you are allowed to spend one night here and no questions" The woman said as she walked away with her daughter 

'How are they able to live here without dying, I'm sure they are humans also' I thought as I went to the guest room 

The room was surprisingly nice and warm I peeked and looked through the room , it's designed like an ancient room no technological equipment is in the room 

The only thing in the room is a bed and a desk by the wall and a dressing mirror facing the bathroom door

The room was lit by a candle placed on the desk the dim light provided little illumination to the room

I started to feel exhausted and tired 

'Maybe it's because of the energy I used while running ' I thought as I got on the bed to sleep 


"Wake up Roy, I cannot protect you!!" I heard a voice deep inside my consciousness