Roy vs Roy

I opened my eyes , my eyes darted around the room the wall was black and the bed in sleeping on 'felt like wood like a coffin'

Lighting flashed across the sky as heavy rain poured , the once warm room is now cold 

My heart beat increased as I got out of the bed and grabbed the candle shining it around the room everything was intact nothing is out of the ordinary 

I walked towards the bathroom holding the candle

I stood in front of the mirror wanting to wash my face but I felt something off about my reflection in the mirror 

My reflection eyes was looking into my eyes it feels as it someone is trying to behave like my reflection 

I closed my eyes and shook my head then walked back into the room 

'Don't scare yourself Roy !' I thought as I walked towards the desk

I placed the candle on the desk and opened the door of the room wanting to go back into the living room but..

...I suddenly found myself back inside the room I got out from 


I tried several times to leave the room but could not leave I kept appearing in the same place 

I looked around the room then I felt something in my pocket

'A letter?'

I opened the letter and read the content 

"To leave this room you have to place a candle in front of you and stay in front of the bathroom mirror and call your name three times!"


I saw the words written with blood on the paper , the handwriting looks like that of a small kid 

'is it written by the girl I saw earlier?' I thought 

My hand trembled as I picked the candle and went towards the bathroom 

'is this a prank ' I thought an ominous feeling started to settle in my heart 

I placed the candle on front of the mirror and then I stood a little far from the mirror

I closed the door to the bathroom and locked it my heart beating faster 

Shadows danced around the bathroom as the candle light flickered slightly 




I chanted my name three times and closed my eyes shut but nothing happened 

'its just a prank' I thought as I wanted to open my eyes but a word came to my heart 

[ How about we play a little game? , Don't open your eyes no matter what you hear and the truth of the world will be revealed to you

'Could he be talking about what is happening currently' I thought 

Suddenly the temperature of the room dropped and I could feel cold breeze blowing across my face as if I'm In a windy area 


Something OR Someone started to hit the bathroom door my heart shuddered in fear 

"Roy open this door I have something important to tell you, Kate is in danger and Esme has been captured" The voice said in an agitated tone 

I almost opened my eyes 

'No, no ,no don't open your eyes no matter what' I thought 


"Roy can you here me , I said Kate and Esme are in danger" The voice said impatiently 

My feet moved itself towards the door not making a sound I used shadow sense wanting to feel the shadow of what is behind the door but ....

.. I found nothing 

There's nothing behind the door just air and nothing else but air 

Cold Sweat poured down from my face 

I closed my eyes tightly and gritted my teeth after some minutes the wind died down and the voice behind the door stopped 

I felt scared I couldn't go out out of the corner of my eyes I felt my reflection move 

I turned my head in his direction quickly but there's nothing strange about him 

I kept looking at him staring intensely 

one minute , two minutes , three minutes . .. .. . .. thirty minutes 

"Stop staring at me will ya?" My refection said flashing me an evil smile 


My legs trembled in fear I took several steps away from the mirror 

My reflection stepped out of the mirror and walked towards me 

"Predictable as always!" My Reflection said raising his left hand to grab the candle and flicked it off 

I dashed out of the room immediately the candle went out.

I don't want to know what will happen after that he turned off the candle

Bursting through the door of the guest house this time I did not find myself back in the room but in a long dark corridor

I heard the footstep of the other Roy behind me 

"Oh crap" I muttered as I continued running through the dark corridors 

"Void feel this place and tell me the exit of this damned house" I sent mentally to void

"Sorry to inform you but we are in a closed system" Void replied 

If void can't sense a way out by sending the space around us then I cannot 

The only way out of here is ....

... DEATH!!!

I stopped running and turned back to my reflection who arrived in front of me in an instant 

My heart suddenly felt as if it might burst

Maybe it's because I'm trapped i don't know or maybe it's because I know might die I don't know either 

I brought out the light saber from my dimensional ring and poured Mana into the armor which flowed and covered me my hands trembled in fear 

"One of us as to die to escape" I said as I attacked my reflection 

"You are surprisingly sharp, I thought you were stupid" My Reflection replied 

My reflection also responded to the attack by dodging it and brought out a red light saber from his dimensional space 

'He has that also?' I asked myself suddenly feeling wary of him

"Oh I have more than you know of" My refection said as he suddenly teleport behind me and kicked me from the back 

I stumbled forward and tried to get my bearing

"One of us has to die" My refection said "And I think it's you the weaker one " He added as he suddenly appeared in front of me and slashed downwards 

I parried his attack but my hands trembled and went numb from the force of his attack that i almost dropped my light saber 

I teleported backward gaining space but found myself kicked in the guts immediately I appeared out of the spatial tunnel 

Blood rose to my mouth and I spat out a mouthful of blood 

My reflection grinned evilly and started walking towards me slowly 

"Did you know how many times you have died trying to fight the evil god" My reflection asked 

"How am I supposed to know when you both kept quiet!" I screamed back at him 

"One thousand and twenty six times Roy, you died one thousand and twenty six times , and each time you had to reverse time but the more you reverse time the more the seal placed on the evil god is weakened" My Reflection said 

"Of all the Roy's that have been created you are the most stupid person" My Refection said 

"A simple instruction you can't carry it out perfectly" He added 

I started to get angry I'm not a servant that can be controlled, I have my life to live 

"I'm not a fucking servant or slave!!!" I screamed back at him and started to rain barrage of attacks on him which he blocked like it was nothing

He swatted the light saber away from me , grabbed my collar and started punching me in the face 

"Stupid , you are very stupid , did you know why Kate , Esme , Isabella and Elizabeth are still alive?" My reflection asked 

"IT'S BECAUSE THE FORGOT ABOUT YOU!" My reflection said 


"Fuck you!" I cursed at My refection as he punched my face 

[Activate new skill heat vision? yes / no ] 

'Yes' I said inwardly and then 

~ Zeeem 

My eyes shot out blue lasers

The lasers moved incredibly fast and penetrated the head of My Reflection 

My Reflection didn't have time to react to the blue lasers before his heads were sliced off 

[You have slain Abyssal Reflection of hell you have gained the skill hell fire]

The system notification popped up In front of me I collapsed on the ground exhausted from the beating I received from my reflection 

'I almost died there'

I staggered up and supported myself with the wall a door appeared in front of me I stepped into the door 


I opened my eyes and found myself in a Carcoon made of spider webs

I saw a large spider feeding on something also placed inside one of the many cartoons in the cave

I blinked clearing my eyes as I stared at the spider , it has not noticed me

'Good, and how the hell did I get here?' I thought 

Soon the spider started to move and went out of the wet cave which was dripping water to the ground

I teleported out of the Carcoon, then went outside the cave the spider stood on top of the cave making strange sounds.

I moved quietly and peeked out of the cave , outside the cave is filled with smaller spiders maybe millions crawling carrying out the order given to them

I looked around and saw that I was still in the red forest 

'it seems I'll never get out of this forest alive!' I thought 

'What the hell did that spider do to me?, I'm I in a nightmare!' I asked my self 

'void' I called void mentally 

'oh you are awake' void replied 'i thought you died' 

'shut up void what happened?' I asked 

'Well you suddenly passed out immediately you stepped into the red forest' Void replied 

'And that spider has some strange skill, it traps its prey in a nightmare!' Void added mentally 

"Now that makes sense!" I said out loud , the spider turned in my direction 

"SCREECH!" The spider suddenly screech and jumped towards me 

"Not again Suckers!" I said as I teleported away not forgetting to raise my middle finger in front of the spider.