Quite the opposite

I teleported far away from the cave where the spider was

I knew I can't win a fight against the spider so I continued my journey towards the north 

'No matter what happens I must get the sword of death' I thought as i walked through the red forest carefully

This time making sure not to fall into a trap 

I let my ears do the work picking even the faintest sound in the forest 

A cacophony of strange sounds filled the forest I carefully moved through the forest avoiding ruins creatures stronger than me 

I soon broke out of the forest the sun is starting to set

'I don't know what strange things might happen this time' I thought as I look around looking for shelter on a cliff

Lighting flashed through the sky repeatedly the wind turned cold I shivered 

is it going to rain ? I thought 

"What if the rain is also dangerous?" I asked myself as I looked down the cliff I teleported to

The crab like creatures were all running in the direction of the cliff I'm standing on 

"Isn't Vincent supposed to be the trouble magnet ?" 

"Why the hell am I attracting monsters to myself

"Oh shit , not good" I said as I saw the crabs starting to climb the cliff as if they are walking on the ground 

I started running north on top of the cliff getting faraway from the crabs as fast as possible 

the sun set and darkness set in painting the world black 

I saw an orange glow in the distance 

"Finally someone after a long time" I said as I started walking towards the source of light

Even though I went through was I can describe as hell my clothes are surprisingly neat and my white hair remained untouched 

I eventually got close to the place I spot the fire I could hear the voice of several people talking among themselves 

I drew in a cold breath and walked towards them , the rustling of leafs drew their attention towards me , they drew their weapons and look in my direction 

I sighed because I just happened to stumble upon Vincent's group 

I broke through the dense grass and I was instantly greeted by weapons which stopped in one cm away from hitting me 

I didn't even close my eyes in fear or shudder "Excuse me I'm just passing through" I said pushing the sword away from my face 

I would have stayed if it is any other group but since it's Andrew's group I didn't want to get involved with them again especially Kate and Esme who are currently in the group 

I walked away from them heading in the direction I wanted to go 

"Aren't we supposed to travel west?" Vincent asked me 

I shrugged "I'm exploring this place!" I replied not turning my back and left the group alone

"I'm surprised you are still alive" the boy with silver blue hair said

"I guess I'm quite lucky!" I replied as I finally left them 


I walked on top of the cliff for sometime and got to a cave where I can rest and pass the night

I set up an array which function as a alarm device that alert me when ruins monster or humans came close to where I am 

I checked the cave wanting to see if there's any ruins monster that will attack when I'm asleep but could find any 

According to movies and stories I've read a place monsters avoid is literally dangerous 

"Nope I'm not sleeping here" I said as I walked out of the cave 

if the ruins creatures are avoiding that particular cave then something must be in it 


I heard sound akin to thousands of soldiers matching in my direction the ground trembled

The night grew thicker and the atmosphere became grim 

I looked into the distance and staring back at me are thousands of red glowing eyes 

"Why , why me?" I asked the ruin monsters who has a way of finding me no matter now I tried to avoid them

The crabs Surrounded me I wanted to teleport out of their mist but decided against it 

I sighed as a smile found a way to my face 

(@#_3.0 - 5.0@#) The strange system message popped in front of me and my thought changed 

'Kill them all' that was all i could think about

"Let's have fun" I said as my eyes glowed blue I summoned my light saber and rushed towards them 

it's time to earn EXP and I would immediately withdraw if things go wrong 

I ran towards the first carb , it shot it's giant pincers at me I dodged to the right jumping over it's pincers my heat vision found way into its mouth 

[You have slain...]

I didn't finish reading the message because I was attacked by another crab I dashed to the left sliding between another crab leg while using my light saber to cut it from underneath spewing it's guts out

[You have slain...]

I dashed towards the second crab and created ice spear then sent it towards an unsuspecting crab who died instantly as it froze form the inside out

[You have slain...]

I started going through the crabs killing them I started to use them to train as I started using all the elements I have in my possession to fight 

[You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...]

I created a fire snake which curled around a crab then burrowed into its butts the crab folded as it started to cook from the inside out 

'Once the enemy weakness is known you have won Eighty percent of the battle' I thought as I continued to slaughter the ruins monsters 

[You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...]

I fought will all the skills I had the more I fought them , the smoother my skill became 

I poured mana into the bracelet which flowed covered me 

I started to use element to compliment themselves , instead of using the fire snake I created small amount of fire and fueled it with oxygen using wind element to create a large fire snake like I saw I'm Esme world 

The fire became blue as it burned with pure oxygen 

BOOM!!!!! Heaven and earth shook as the snake descended on the crab like ruin monsters 

[You have gained...] [You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...][You have slain...]


After two and half hours of fighting I killed the last monster my rank moved from D to D+

I looked at the carcass of the crabs and smiled I got several skills from them and experience points

Their dead body littered the floor as scent of burned flesh filled the atmosphere 

Out of exhaustion I forgot that I said I will not sleep in the cave I went in and took out my bed from my storage ring and slept after setting up an array 


"What's that?" Isabella asked as she looked at the sky in the distance flashing different colors 

The others also stood up from their sit and looked into the distance 

"isn't it that direction Roy went?" Mary asked looking at them 

They watched as a large blue fire snake suddenly flew in the sky and descended into the distance 

They felt the impact of the attack even though they were far away from the site of explosion

"Did you think he's the one fighting?" Isabella asked Vincent 

"Nah , he's f-ranked" Vincent answered "it's not even possible for a D- ranked to produce that type of fire dragon not to talk of an f-ranked" 

"let's go check it out" Kate said as she started moving into the distance , Esme also followed her 

They both knew the fire snake is special because of the little legs it has , it's the symbol of the flag of their world and only someone from the Royal family are taught how to create that type of fire snake 

"Did you think it's someone from your family?" Kate asked Esme 

"I think so it might be my sister" Esme replied thinking of miss Elizabeth "but I'm not sure, what if it's that blue man that saved you and suddenly disappeared" Esme asked

"Maybe I wish to meet him" Kate replied 

The others quickly packed their tents and followed after the two girls 

After walking for three hours they started to smell the scent of burnt flesh

Breaking though the tall grass they saw something that shocked them 

Thousands of crabs laid on the floor all dead and burned some were frozen while some where melted 

and in the mist of the slaughter was.....

... the princess of the kingdom princess Lucy her silver hair complimented her pale skin , she was looking around the slaughter and finally her gaze landed on them 

"As expected of your highness , the ruins monsters means nothing to you" The guy with silver blue hair said rushing towards the princess 

Lucy blinked a few times not understanding why the boy was saying that she killed the ruins monster 

She just got to the scene after seeing a fire snake three hours ago , she wanted to meet the person who produced such a powerful fire snake that shook the earth 

And now someone is giving her credit for something she did not do 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Lucy asked the blue haired boy 

"I am not the one who did this" Lucy said pointing to the dead ruin monsters 

"Who did?" Kate asked she felt like she needed to meet the person who killed the monsters 

"All I know is that I feel the persons presence in that cave " Lucy responded as she turned towards the cave 

"Let's check it out" They started moving towards the cave but before they could get inside a figure which looks like a man appeared covered in a strange armor glowing sky blue light which a sword in his hand which is also glowing the same color as the armor 

The armored man stood tall and proud as he looked at them like a monarch , they suddenly felt inferior 

"You, it's you, You saved me that night" Kate said as she looked at the armored man 

"I've been searching for you for a long time" Esme said " You defeated me in battle and I remembered that I got married to you though I can't remember your face something is tempering with our memories" 

"The both of us felt it" Kate said 

"Everything looks blurry when I try to remember" Esme said 

"Are you human?" Lucy asked him 

"Human? yes I am" The figure said his voice sending chills down their spine 

"They why are you wearing a mask" Lucy asked 

"To hide my face" The armored man responded 

"Are you ugly or old" Lucy asked 

"Quite the opposite" The armored man replied her

'why is she suddenly asking me this type of question '