Monarch of darkness

I jolted awake as the alarm rang in my head , this time I set the array to ring directly in my head so as not to make the same mistake 

'Damn this ruin monsters , didn't I just kill lay waste to their kind thirty minutes ago?' I thought as I summoned my amour and dashed out of the cave to face the creatures 

I froze because opposite me stood Andrews group and a girl with silver hair and pale skin 

'She should be the princess' I thought 'What's her name again? oh yeah Lucy' I remembered her name because she became one of the important characters in the game 

"Are you human?" Lucy asked 

"Human?" I asked 'Do I look like a monster' I thought "Yes I am" I replied Lucy 

"Then Why are you wearing a mask" Lucy asked 

'Are you stupid it's to cover my face , wait don't tell me my armor is not cool and you are just after my face' I thought 

"To hide my face" I replied calmly I will eventually need Lucy's help in the future so I don't want to offend her in any form 

"Are you old or ugly" Lucy asked 

'Fuck , is this girl crazy ? why is she asking this type of questions' I screamed inwardly 

"Quite the opposite " I replied 'Is she thinking I'm some old man who lives in the ruins in search for power' I thought 

"We are asking a question" Kate suddenly spoke up

'When did they ask me a question?' I thought 

I could feel Isabella skill trying to penetrate through the armor 

'Hehehe your skill won't work' I thought inwardly 

"I didn't know you asked me a question" I replied her as I unsummon the light saber 

"You saved me that night" Kate said "And you defeated her in battle" Kate added pointing to Esme 

"I remembered though is blurry and blocked , I think I married you" Esme said

'Uh? I thought traces of me have been erased from their mind ' I thought 'Except this armor jugged their memories' I concluded 

"Why did you suddenly leave without telling anyone" Kate asked moving near me "I felt lonely, I knew I was not complete like my other half disappeared" Kate said tears starting to form in her eyes 

I heart seems to start to bleed as I watched her cry 

"You must have mistaken me for someone else" I said trying not to let my voice shake from the pain tearing me out from the inside

"If that's all please leave I can't protect you all if those monsters suddenly surrounds us" I said 

"I doubt you killed this monsters" The light pink hairs senior said 

"I can sense that you are an f-ranked, why acting all and mighty" The silver blue haired guy said 

"Wait you are also an f-ranked? " Andrew asked as he started to frown 

"Guys it's better not to provoke him , have you forgotten that people higher in rank can lower their rank?" Isabella reminded the group 

I shrugged as I walked away from them , I looked back at the group my eyes stayed on Kate and Esme for a seconds or two 

Then I looked Lucy 

"The dual sword fits you perfectly" I said remembering that she used a duel sword in the game , she switched to dual sword after she almost died in an assassination attempt 

I activated lighting dash , my body crackled with blue lighting and I left them at lighting speed leaving a trail of lighting behind me 

'That should be freaking cool' I thought


'Shit I almost crashed in to a ruin monster home' I thought as I quickly deactivated lighting dash 

I didn't know it will be hard to turn around corners 

'Reality is different from what is portrayed in movies' I thought as I remembered flash turning around corners all over the city whenever he runs 

I'm now standing in front of a citadel which looked half destroyed 

'I hope I'm not in a nightmare like the last time' I thought as I walked towards the citadel 

The surroundings of the citadel is strangely devoid of any color 

'it feels like I'm in a black and white movie

I walked slowly , looking around for ruin monsters that might be waiting to ambush me 

The worse thing that can happen in the ruins is getting ambushed by some monsters you have never seen before 

'I was able to wait against those crabs because I knew their weak points' I thought as I entered the citadel

I saw statues placed around the citadel , the statues around the place are wolfs standing on their hind legs holding a long spear 

The wolf statues are muscular and taller than me 

I walked carefully through the statues as I observed the ground not wanting to trigger and traps 

I looked back because I felt as if someone was following me 

'Not this again!' I thought remembering the last time I felt that way 

Cold sweats tickled down my face 

'Why did I enter' I asked my self then suddenly stopped in front of a large throne

A large wolf sat on the throne 'He looks alive' I thought as the glowing red eyes seems to fix on me 

I shook my head it's just a statue 'My physiological defense must have weakened when that spider attacked me' I thought 

The sun started to set and the light in the citadel started to grow dim 


The torches in the citadel lit up in green fire which changed and became orange like a normal fire 

I blinked a couple of times 'I didn't activate a trap did I?'i asked myself 

"Human, What brings you to our home?" An Ancient voice filled the citadel

'Crap! i knew something like this will happen , well i just have to play my part like an adventurer, don't provoke them no matter what!'

The statues around the citadel came to live their eyes glowed red , they all turned in my direction 

"My lord , I'm but a worthless human trying to survive the ruins" I replied 

"I stumbled upon your home by mistake I did mean to disturb your highness slumber" I added

"You are surprisingly humble for a human" The Wolf King said 

'Why won't I be humble I just need a ace to sleep and I don't want to fight anyone' I thought 

"Your highness Humans are deceitful I say we execute him immediately" A wolf said 




The other wolf started chanting the word execute him 

"He must be also here to seek the the 'tears of death'"

A wolf said 

'Tears of death, What's that' I thought 

"SILENCE" The Wolf King said 



'I'm what?' I asked 

"Um, I think you are making a mistake your highness , I just needed a place to sleep for the night" I said to the wolf king 

"Your highness i-is what you said true" A wolf asked 


"I-it true , Karen passed his power to a human?" The wolfs started whispering to them self 

"I can't believe this" 

"It must be a joke , a human cannot contain Karen's power , it's the power of chaos"

"BOY , RAISE YOUR HEAD" The wild king said 

"I KUMAN , GREET THE KING GREET THE MONARCH OF DARKNESS" The wolf king said standing from his throne 

I gulped 

'is he referring to my skill monarch of darkness?' I thought 'i've never used that skill since I got it' I thought 

"I'm sorry your highness but I think you must have made a mistake, yes I have the skill monarch of darkness but I didn't come here to claim anything" I said 

"According to the prophecy made two thousand years ago, the monarch of darkness with come to us, This prophecy is only made known to those who succeed the throne" Kuman said

"Oh great descendant of Karen welcome to the city of the wolfs" an old looking wolf said 

"I am Numan the seer" Numan introduced herself 

"Everyone take on your normal form" Kuman said as he suddenly started to shrink 

The other wolfs in the citadel also shrank a d became humans 

I blinked a couple of times 

"I see you are surprised but we are humans and also a wolf" Kuman said his long black hair shined in the orange glow of the torches 

"Follow me" Kuman said as he opened a door behind his throne and walked in 

'Hope this is not a trap' I thought as I followed him 

The corridor is long and lit by torches , the flames danced as I walked through the corridor eventually we got to the front of a gate 

Two wolfs were guarding the gates 

"Open the gates , the monarch of darkness needs to pass" Kuman said his voice loud 

"M-monarch of darkness?" one of the guard asked 

He quickly opened the gates reveling a beautiful city filled with humans and wolfs walking around laughing and enjoying their lives like there no worry in the world 

"Monarch of darkness I think I should inform you about this before we enter the city" Kuman said 

"Look at that river , it's the river of time" kuman said 

"I would not be able to follow you inside because it leads Ten thousand years into the past, if I cross the river I will cease to exist because I did not exist In their era" Kuman said 

"Won't I also seize to exist if I cross the boundary?" I asked Kuman 

"You are the monarch of darkness, in the beginning of time darkness prevailed over everything and in the end of time darkness will continue to prevail" Kuman said 

"So in other words you are the darkness that flows across time and space"