Fine I'll do it myself

I looked at the other side of the river

'should I fly across ? 'I thought

"Is there no special means of crossing the river?" I asked Kuman

Kuman shook his head "you can cross it anyhow you like" Kuman replied

I looked at the city and sighed

"What am I to do when I get there?"

"Find the other part of the sword of death and other equipments" Kuman replied

"According to the timeline you must get this sword first before attempting to get the sword of death" Kuman replied

"And also just so you know the moment you stepped into the citadel and the fire lit up , you have already travelled two thousand years into the past" Kuman said

I gulped as I digest the information I received from Kuman

So I'm already in the past without knowing , what happened to the citadel that makes it desolate in the future ?

"Be careful though you are going into the past , you can still die there , the underworld is where the sword is located" Kuman said

"I don't have much time left , please Roy help us defeat the evil god" Kuman said as his body started to fade away

"Wait how did you know my name" I asked

"The monarch of darkness name is the same throughout time and space, it's a universal name" Kuman said as he finally varnished

The monarch name is the same throughout time and space

I crossed the river by flying over it propelling myself my wind skill

I felt my body starting to become light until I became weightless

I continued flying forward across the river

This river looks short that I felt like I can jump over it but why am still flying and not reaching my destination

Suddenly everything went white then then darkness took over


I opened my eyes into a room that is not mine , the room looks small it only has a desk filled with books and a small bed

"Roy it's time to go to school, don't tell me you are afraid"

I turned my head to the direction of the door

The door opened and a middle aged woman walked in wearing a robe

She looks exactly like me

White hair , pale skin , and golden colored eyes

"M-mom?" I said as tears started to well up in my eyes

"what's wrong Roy?" My mom asked me

Is it because I'm in a new body that I'm crying ?

She moved closer to me and hugged me then stroked my hair

"I know that you are scared of going to school but don't worry they won't try to harm you like they did before" My mom said

"There's nothing we can do against them , he's the hero's son" My mom said as she let out a short but deep sigh

[Ding : Quest one: kill the hero's son]

I looked at the status window in front of me

Why would the system ask me to kill the hero's son?

[The hero's son tried to take your life but failed , he will eventually kill you in three days time]

Oh that's cool

"Mom I'll get ready for school now" I said standing up and wiped the tears from her cheeks


I smiled my thought is only filled with one thing

'kill the hero's son'

"Mom , what will happen if the hero's son suddenly die?" I asked her

My mom face froze as she looked at me

"You are not my son" She said standing up from the bed a sword appeared in her hand as she placed it on my neck

My smile grew wider

'Attack her , kill her , kill everyone in this world'

I heard a voice resounding in the deepest part of my mind

No , something is happening to me I'm not in control of my body , it's as if someone else is controlling me

I broke free of the quickly regained control of my self

(@#_9.0 – 3.0#@)

The system message displayed the strange message

"Mom?" I looked at the person standing in front of me her face filled with terror

Just what happened during the short time I lost control of myself ?

"Mom?" I called her again "it's Roy I'm back to my right senses " I said moving closer to her

"Roy?" she called out raising her sword not wanting me to get close

"I-I don't know what happened" I said "But I can explain a few things to you" I said

"First tell me who you are?" My mom said "And don't call me mom, my name is Aerith" My mom said

I let out a short but deep sigh

I walked towards her and grabbed the sword in her hand , I applied a little force then the sword cracked and shattered

"I'm your son and I'm not your son" I said sitting down on the bed

"Have a sit mom" I said as I patted the space beside me

She hesitated then sighed , she eventually moved and sat beside me

"Where do I start from?" I asked her

"How you got into my son and what happened to my boy" She said as tears started to form in her eyes

"My name is Roy White, I don't really know much about myself but I'm also your son , because I'm from the future"


I stood in front of the academy looking at the tall building in the distance

I sighed and then walked into the academy ground

"Student Roy come here" A female voice said

I turned to the direction of the voice and saw a woman with blue hair and blue eyes looking at me then gesturing to me to follow her

I followed after the woman I don't know if she's involved in my death that will occur today

She led me outside the academy and we headed to an isolated place near the school

After waking for three minutes she stopped in front of a boy

"I've brought him here as you've asked me to do my lord" she said

I looked at the boy who has black hair and green eyes stepped forward with a smile on his face

"Roy my friend how have you been" He asked

I looked at him coldly "Are you the hero's son?" I asked

"Uh" They both said at the same time

"Seems like your death experience has given you courage to speak back to me" The boy said "I'm the hero's son , because my father saved you pathetic lives"

"I see" I said

"Roy do you know what will happen today?" he asked me

"No , please enlightened me" I said

"I'll marry your mother after killing you" He said as he started laughing like a psychopath

"Hahahahahaha" I started laughing because what he said seems funny to me

"Uh?" He had a confused look on his face "Have you suddenly run mad after hearing you will die?" he said

"I think there's a confusion here, I'm not the one in trouble here" I said

They both frowned

"There are only two of you , if you want me dead you'll need people hundred times stronger than your father" I added

"You dare mention my father" He screamed as he dashed towards me

I stretched out my hand and grabbed his neck

"H-how" he asked

"You must think you are invisible because of your speed" I said

"How about I show you real speed?" I asked

Activate lighting dash I said inwardly as I grabbed the lady at lighting speed

"Let's go for a run"


The shockwave of my sudden acceleration cracked the earth as I ran

Everything became a blur as I accelerated through the city


Anywhere I pass gust of wind will blow everything away

I took them farther away from the academy and headed into the middle of a desert

The run didn't last thirty seconds as I moved them three hundred thousand kilometers away from the academy

I dropped them on the ground , they both could not stand

"I made sure not to let your guts spill out from the sudden stop" I said

"Who's faster now?"

"W-w-what are you?" The boy asked struggling to speak

"please have mercy" the woman started crying

"idiot , why are you asking him for mercy my father will be here any minute from now" The boy said

"If you kill me my father will not let you live" The boy said and started laughing

"Who said I would kill you?" I asked him

"Uh?" The woman looked confused

"haha I knew you are scared of my father since I'm the hero's son and you know he doesn't joke with his family no one in their right mind will even lay their hands on me" the boy said

"since you have harmed me, I'll make sure you die painfully since I wanted to make it quick before " the boy said finally able to sit

"Sorry to break it to you , but I won't kill you" I said again

I turned to the woman " if you want to live kill him" I said

The woman did it move from her position showing that she will not kill him

"Oh , you don't want to kill him right?"

"Fine I'll do it myself"