Trial of darkness

"Stay away from my son" A voice boomed through the sky , The man known as the hero surrounded by fire descended from the sky landing between me and the boy 

"Alan are you okay" The hero asked his son

"Yes dad you came in time" Alan responded

I watched them without saying anything or moving

"Haha, are you scared now that you've seen my father?" Alan asked

"For trying to harm my son I'll kill you" The hero said

I blinked a couple of times as I looked at the hero his golden hair fluttered in the air as he circulated mana in his body

"You didn't even ask why I wanted to kill your son" I said

"it doesn't matter " The hero replied

"Well I'll tell you, you son tried to kill me first and I pay evil with evil" I said as I walked closer to the hero

"Did you even know what the word hero means" I asked

"A man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities who also seeks justice and doesn't judge based on what he sees" I said

"A man who does not allow any of his family members to treat the people he risked his life to save like an animal " I added

"So Mr hero are you approaching this matter like the hero you are or a stupid father?" I asked him

The hero fell silent, the mana he is circulating disappeared

"Are you going to correct him like a hero or protect him like a father" I asked

"Be quick with your decision after all many people have to die today" I said


I entered the academy after dealing with the hero's issue

I don't want to kill his son because I knew that as a hero he must have lost a lot of people

I entered the classroom quietly and went to the back of the class to sit

I need the map of underworld and I can only get it in the academy treasury

The class ended and I went back to my dorm ..

I stayed in the academy for a week studying the movement of teachers and guards

I located the school treasury and plan to steal the map today

I miss void , if he's here the mission would have been easier

I sighed as I thought about him

"it's time " I said then I faded into the shadows

Sliding to the treasury of the academy I have to avoid many traps especially the arrays

I slid into the treasury and stopped in front of a statue , the statue looks like an ordinary statue but it can detect anything weather invisible or hiding In shadow

If I trigger this alarm now I'll only have thirty seconds to look for the underworld map before I am surrounded by the staff and guards of the academy 

I don't want to take any risk , who knows there might be powerful people hiding in the shadows and will just kill me by just kicking their finger

I saw a box in the distance I'm sure it will contain something like a map

please be a map 

i teleported and grabbed the box , the array lit up instantly, I opened the box and looked through the maps inside it until I found the one marked with red ink 

I grabbed the map and closed the box then teleported out of the treasury 

As my figure disappeared the door burst open as several instructors and guards rushed in trying to apprehend the intruder 

The scenery around me changed as I was back in my room I laid down on the bed 

Suddenly the spatial tunnel I used in getting into my room ripped open and a woman appeared in my room 

The woman looked Asian I looked at her , her beauty is enough to put miss Elizabeth to shame , her breast is moderate and her hips has a nice curve to them 

Her slender long legs walked towards me , her hair so black that it blended with the darkness 

I sighed 

Why is it that void already steal without getting caught?

"You" She said "What did you take from the treasury" She asked me 

"You won't believe me if I told you?" I replied 

"Try me" She said 

She's stronger than me

i brought out the map from my pocket and showed her 

"The map of the underworld?" She asked surprised "What did you need it for" 

"isn't it obvious" I asked 

"Why did you have to steal something like that?" she asked 

"Because I need it" I replied 

"You must be the monarch of darkness" She said "I was told of your coming one thousand years ago" she said "I never thought I will live to see his descendant" she added 


"What are you suddenly saying?" I asked her

"Follow me, if you go now you will not even make it to the gate of the underworld" She said 

"How should I address you" I asked 

"Wu Xiao" She said "My name is Wu Xiao" 

"Miss Wu Xiao where are we going?" I asked 

"I need to get some of your equipments" Wu Xiao said "I'm sure you already have a part of death armor" Wu Xiao added 

"Could you be referring to this?" I asked raising up my right hand 

"Yes but it's not complete" Wu Xiao said "The last monarch gave me a part of it to keep and give the next monarch who will arrive in a thought years" Wu Xiao explained 

"How does the last monarch look like?" I asked Wu Xiao 

"You would believe me if I told you" Wu Xiao responded 

"Well I'll tell you anyways, He's the same as you" Wu Xiao said 

"Uh" I can't understand I'm not even up to twenty years old 

"Giving you too much information will do more harm than good" Wu Xiao said 

I nodded 

Wu Xiao entered her office then closed the door after I entered 

She then moved towards the wall and started tapping it randomly 

The wall rotated ninety degrees and revealed a dark corridor 

"This is a door that leads to the trial of darkness , survive it and get the other half of the armor of you can fail and die" Wu Xiao said "Dying is not an option" She added 

"Did you perhaps know what type of trial it would be" I asked her 

"No , I don't it's specifically made for you and you alone" Wu Xiao said with a wink 

She smiled deviously and started rubbing her hand over my body 

Aren't you a thousand years old

"hehehe, don't die in the trial , come back alive then my body spirit and soul is yours My King" Wu Xiao said as she pushed me into the space

The scenery around me changed rapidly thousands of timeline started flashing in front of me 

Then I was thrown into one of the timelines floating around me 

The world flashed rapidly and I found myself in on the rooftop of the academy holding a strange sword that seems to radiate death

The armor on my body had strange runic lines on it I couldn't control the body but I felt the power residing in him 

The power in him compared to the power I have now is like heaven and earth 

"it's starting" my mouth opened itself and utter those words 

"Roy watch as I fight and remember the flow of mana in my body" My mouth kept talking by its self 

"The evil god will resurrect in few seconds I want you to watch and don't miss a single details of the way he attacks" My mouth opened itself and uttered those words 

The sky turned red and all colors from the world faded 

A large magic circle rose into the air covering half of the world 

A hand pierced through the circle and ripped apart the fabric of reality revealing the darkness beyond 

A figure pushed him self out of the circle and floated in the air 

"HA , I'M FREE!!" The figure said as it turned his head toward me 


The roar splitted the skies, the ground trembled violently 

The world started shaking and the hills and mountains in the distance turned into dust 

The sun hanging in the sky started to wither away and it was replaced by a blood moon , as the light of the sun faded the world descended into a hue of red 

The evil god spread his wings which seems to cover half of the world and flew upwards into the sky 

Rain started to fall all over the world , A rain of acid and fire 

Metals melt under the heat of the fire , and the acid corrodes what ever it touched 

"Don't let him attack first , just one of his attack is enough to annihilate the world " My mouth opened itself and uttered the word 

Screams of people could be heard as they started seeking for shelter

"Now it's time for us to attack" My mouth opened and uttered those words