Let's have fun

"Why is he afraid of the sword" I asked my body

"This sword is known as the apocalypse sword , when you combine it with the other half which is the sword of death, Even the universe cannot survive an attack from the sword " my body said as he gripped the hilt of the sword 

I felt my body shake and my feet trembled, blood started to flow from my eyes, nose and mouth , the poles in my body started to leak out blood 

[[DIMENSIONAL SLASH: END OF TIME]] my mouth struggled to utter this words and then the world went black


"RUMBLING!!!!!!" the world started to shake or should I say I felt the universe shook

My body collapsed on the ground but before I could hit the floor miss Elizabeth quickly carried me 

"My love" she said as tears dripped down from her eyes 

my vision is painted in red as blood flows out of my eyes 

I was surrounded by four girls as they held my dying body 

"Even though we will forget about you, our heart will not" miss Elizabeth said 

"We promise to remember you no matter what happens and fight by your side" She said and they girls agreed tears flowing down their eyes 

Vincent walked up to me "We failed again"Vincent said 

I nodded "The only way is to use this last attack but the universe can't contain it, the people we tried to protect are all dead and the world we loved so much is also gone" my body said as blood flowed down from my mouth 

"Don't worry Vincent I'll find a way" my body said 

"Roy listen well , There are some people you have to kill before you try to face the evil god , killing them will increase your chance of fighting the evil god and make plan on how to defeat him without destroying the universe , I'll send the memories to you, killing them will add three years to the evil god resurrection which i think should be enough for you to grow stronger " 

"Okay" I replied

The last light in the world converged into a point in the distance and then....


The universe exploded and became a large fireball with a temperature of infinity, and at the absolute end, neither time, nor space remained 

Everyone disintegrated including the evil god who shrieked in horror as he watched his body disappearing 

But before the universe finished the explosion my body was surrounded by golden light and I was back in my room in the academy 

"I failed again , this is the one thousand and twenty sixth time, I eventually defeated the evil god but humanity didn't survive" my mouth said 

"it's up to you Roy to finish it , I have already showed you the way but you need to follow the path I have created and what will happen after you leave the trial, that's the only way to make the world prepare for the coming of the evil god, I'll soon be taken away from here by the universe because I've been tagged as the destroyer of the universe" The other Roy separated from me and stoop opposite me

"I'll erase your memory and transfer you to a fake world outside this universe , you will live a fake life and play this world as a game, your memories will be returned little by little, and the one you are experiencing now is still an incomplete one" 

He created a portal behind me "Go , I don't want you to be taken with me, if you die now , ill never be able to comeback , you are carrying ninety percent of my soul and five percent of my powers, we will meet later " He said

Answer this question before you go 

"If a sword is black and black means destruction, does all sword means destruction?" He asked 

'Where is this coming from ?' I thought 

"No all swords doesn't mean destruction, a black sword can protect and also cause destruction depending on the intent of the wielder" I replied 

"Hum, You are different from me and that's good" He said 

"Did you know why the universe ended the time I used the sword?" He asked 

"Because you intended to bring destruction to the world and not to protect it" I replied 

He nodded his heads and then passed me a black sword , that's the other part of the sword of death "I know you are facing a trial now but you have already passed the trial" He said 

I blinked not understanding why he said I already passed the trial 

"How did I pass?" I asked him 

"If you have replied that all black sword causes destruction, then you would have died , because I would kill you" He said 

i gulped in fear 'who would have thought that the answer I gave without thinking much about would have resulted In my death if I answered incorrectly'

I looked at the sword it was cold to the touch , the black obsidian sword absorbed the lights that fell on it not reflecting it 

"Good luck Roy" He said and then pushed me I to the portal 


I opened my eyes into infinite darkness 

"Congratulations you have passed the trial of darkness here is your reward"

A voice said in the darkness and a system notification popped up in front of me 

[Your teleportation has changed to planet teleportation]

[You have gained the title world ender survivor]

[You have gained night vision]

[You have gained the skill Telekinesis] 

[You have attained a name god of shadows]


I cleared the unending notification that popped up before me 

I looked at the sword in my hand which melted and entered the bracelet 

[You have gained armor of death as a reward for obtaining the apocalypse sword] 

[The armor of death has started to merge with its other part ]

[Merge complete]

[This trial ground will collapse in twenty minutes please exit the trial by saying the word EXIT]

"Exit!" I murmured and I found myself back in Wu Xiao office 

"Welcome back" Wu Xiao said 

"Yeah" I replied 

"So are you still going to the underworld to get the other part of the sword of death?" Wu Xiao asked 

"Yes I still need to go there" I responded 

"Why, why would you go there after you have gotten the sword you need?" She asked me

"Because I need to kill someone " I responded 

"Ohh , I get it now so who did you want to kill? She asked 

"Azrael The archangel of death" I replied 

"Oh when are we leaving" Wu Xiao asked as she moved closer to me and sat on my laps 

She then started rubbing my chest using her fingers to draw strange lines across my chest 

"We leave now!" I said 

"Let's have a little fun before going my lord , my body is yours to play and use me how you want this night " Wu Xiao said 

She started rubbing herself against me and I could feel my monster started to come to life 

"Aren't you a thousand years old?" I asked Wu Xiao 

Though she's a thousand years she looks like twenty years old , I compared her current appearance to when I first saw her 

"Why are you looking younger?" I asked 

"It's because of you my lord, as you regain your power your servants will start to get stronger and our body will become smooth and young" Wu Xiao replied 

"No I'm not having sex with you " I said standing up from the chair, carried Wu Xiao and placed her on her desk 

"Not fair your highness" She screamed as she rushed after me as I exit her office 

I entered my room and closed the door then jumped on the bed 

I stared at the celling and thought of what will be happening back in the ruins 

'i don't know if time flows different here' I thought 

'One year in the ruin is two months in the real world ' I thought 

'But I don't know the time difference of the past , what if one day is hundred years?' I thought 

"Hey system can you hear me?" I asked our loud 

"What is the time difference of this place compared to the ruin?" I asked 

[The ruin and this world share the same time] The system replied 

"What about the underworld?" I asked 

[One day in the underworld is equivalent to one months in the ruins] The system replied 

"Oh , that's good" I said 

Wu Xiao face popped up in front of me 

"What's up Wu Xiao" I asked 

I felt her sit down on my monster I could feel her petals on rubbing against it

"You know what Wu Xiao?" I asked 

"What's?" Wu Xiao asked 

"Let's Have fun!" I replied as I grabbed her clothes and ripped it off making her melons jump out and jiggled in front of me

I caught it in my mouth and started sucking it then I placed her back on the bed and removed her remaining cloth