Black river

We arrived in the port and Wu Xiao and headed towards a ship 

I got on the ship and waved Wu Xiao good bye , though she wanted to follow me I made her promise not to yesterday's night 

I got on the ship and looked around , the ship is not really big 

The sail caught wind and the ship drifted forward away from the city 

The sun is starting to set the orange glow beautify the sky as the ship sailed in the middle of the sea 

Taking out the compass which pointed north I rotated the wheel to the right and the ship turned Eastward slowly 

Night descended and the sea started to emit white smoke , I saw shadows of large animals following the ship from behind 

"Tsk" I clicked my tongue then prepared for battle 

The calm sea started to turn rough and the waters rose high almost six hundred meters tall 

Bursting out of the waters a large water snake rose high from the water it's eyes fixed on me 

The lanterns around the ship turned off and the whole ship descended into darkness 

I sighed as I looked at the creature 


The waters splitted as the snake roared and started.aking it's way towards me 

It descended into the waters and rose high again moving nearer to me 

Several snakes jumped out of the waters and started to attack me 

A snake flew towards wanting to bite my neck, my neck nap to the side instinctively dodging the snake attack 

I created several fire snakes made of blue flames , the fire snakes started the snakes who seems surprised by their sudden appearance 

The fire snake quickly cleared the ship of the snakes and varnished into thin embers of fire 

The large water snake appeared out of the water In front of my ship and roared 

Getting fed up from its constant roar and disturbance 

I blasted the water snake with ice explosion, the snake froze five hundred meters above the waters the sea started to freeze but I dispelled the skill leaving the snake and waters one thousand kilometers surrounding it frozen in the middle of the sea thereby creating an island made of ice 

my ship went forward as I melted a path for it , the glow from the ice in which i enclosed the ice snake shined releasing a brilliant white light that could be seen in a distance 

The ship travelled forward and several other creatures attacked me but I quickly killed them off 

The ship glided into that flowed as far as my eyes could see 

The waters turned black and any form of sound disappeared, the place was eerily quiet

I looked around and saw land in a distance, the land is black like the river flowing through it 

I got off the ship and stepped on the land I saw several huts built on the land and people living in pain 

"They all look sick" I said 

"Why have you come here, you will get infected" A girl said 

I turned my head in the direction of the voice , I saw a girl holding a doll made of rags , her left hand was black and handing uselessly beside her she should be around eighteen years

"What happened here" I asked the girl 

"You don't know?" The girl asked seeming confused 

"No,I don't " I replied then walked towards her 

She moved back quickly "if you come near me you will also be infected " She said quickly 

I sighed then I teleported before her and placed my hands on her shoulders 

"Nothing will happen to me" I said 

She looked at me for a while then her eyes grew wide , she started looking at the hand I placed on her rotting arm then burst into tears 

"I never thought there would be a day I'll experience the touch of other humans" She said as she cried 

I looked at her then hugged her , the girl cried louder gathering the attention of several other villagers 

The villagers looked at the scene happening ,some started to shake their heads thinking I am the girls brother and that I was also dropped off there because I got infected 

"Tell me what happened" I asked the girl as I activated the skill [material rewind] 

"Uh?" the girl looked confused as my hand started to glow light blue , the light covered her rotten arm and after few minutes the light died down 

"What?" The girl screamed looking at her hand in shock 

Then she suddenly kowtow to the ground 

"O-oh God of life , I'm sorry for not recognizing you, please forgive your humble creation" The girl said as she started to panic 

"D-did he just heal her" The villagers started to stream towards us 

"God of life , we greet you!" The all said bowing down 

"Rise!" I said 

"You what's your name" I said looking at the girl 

"I am Xiao Min" The girl replied 

"I'm Roy White" I replied 

"Please God of life" Xiao Min started to talk but i cut her off 

"Call me Roy White!" I said firmly 

"Please Roy can you heal my sister , she's dying " Xiao Min said 

I sighed 

"Take me to her" I said 

She started to run towards a black ruined hut then opened the door into the hut 

I entered the hut , the place is dark but I could see clearly, Xiao Min walked towards a bed and on the bed is a girl whose body is black and rotten 

She looks like an undead, not moving any of her body her shaking eyelid is the only indicator that she's alive 

"What's her name?" I asked Xiao Min 

"She's also Xiao Min" Xiao Min replied "We are identical twins but we didn't know our parents but all we know is that we are called Xiao Min" Xiao Min responded 

I placed my hand on the other Xiao Min ribcage and activated the skill [Material rewind], light blue light filled the room and after three minutes of glowing the light died down revealing a beautiful girl will moderate but firm melons lying naked on the bed 

She looked up and looked at me her eyes filled with tears "T-Thank you my lord" She said 

"Don't thank me, if your sister didn't try to protect me even though she didn't know me , I would not have healed you" I replied 

"Get dressed because today both of you will lead this people" I said as I went out of the hut

Even though I'm just in the past I wanted to be nice to them 

The villagers were already outside the hut , all the people in the village gathered in front of the hut 

"The only reason why I want to heal you is because of Xiao Min" I said and looked at them 

"As from today onward , they will lead you and help this land flourish" I added "They will be your ruler and you must listen to them" 

I activated [material rewind] and covered the whole land up to the black sea

After the light died down , the people looked like a normal human and the land now looked fruitful, Green tress filled the land and the air smells good 

"Build a wall and defend yourself against attack because once people find out a miracle has happened you will be targeted" I said 

"I'll teach you how to defend yourself because I'll be leaving in a week I have a place to go" 

"Thank you our Lord, we will serve you to the end of time" their voice chorused 

"I did not say you should be my servant" I said 

"We were left here to die, we have lost all hope thinking we will die a slow and painful death, but you gave us a new life and a new home after we were forsaken by our families" A man said from the crowd 

The villagers nodded in agreement 

"As from today onward we will do anything in our power to help you no matter what it is even if it requires us to die we will gladly lay down our life!" 

"No, no need to lay down your life for me" I said "life you live and enjoy it!" 

"Now let's start teaching you guys how to defend yourself "I said 

After five days I already taught them the sword force sword technique and wrote a book about it in my name and gave it to the Xiao Min sisters to teach to their people 

I personally trained both sisters for a whole week and gave them a training routine 

They have started building the city by the time I prepared to leave them and they built a new ship for me , they said they wanted to give me a give though it's not up to standard of a god but it's better than my current ship 

I stood in front of the ship it was beautifully crafted and painted they also made an emblem of my armor on the ship since I gave them the design of how my armor looks like and when they didn't get the design well I wore the armor 

On seeing the armor the whole villagers trembled in fear until I spoke that I'm the one in it and asked an artist to draw it and replicate the design on my ship 

I thought then how to sense and use Mana and I was surprised because the majority of them gained affinity to ice element 

The Xiao Min sisters both have ice and fire elements with ice being the main element 

I entered the ship and waved them good bye 

"I'll be back" I said "We will wait for you our king" the villagers bowed as I left the village which is starting to become a city as the village expanded