City of ice

In the ruins Vincent's group made it to the castle their boat glided to the front of the gate and they entered the city 

A large statue of a man akin to the one they saw few days ago was placed in the middle of the city 

Welcome to the city of ice a warrior greeted them 

The people of the city are all young but they knew they are thousands of years old and the newer generation are also at least a thousand years old 

Miss Elizabeth led the group through the city after they met , it has been two months that they have been in the 

ruins they started to look around the city 

The city is beautiful and most of the inhabitants are all user of Ice element 

The warriors of the city are all strong and mighty that even the S-ranked in their world would find it hard to defeat them 

They sword style is strange and it is hard to defend against so other cities have learned to avoid them because a single warrior is enough to kill an entire army 

They city is hostile to people and rarely allows other humans into their midst according to the little they knew , the founders of the city were abandoned people who came across a god that healed them and help them build the city , the god has not appeared to them in thirteen thousand years and they are all waiting for his call 

They were only able to enter because their ruler asked to meet them 

The soldier led the group into the castle , the castle is large and the image of the strange armored man rested in the wall behind the throne 

"Welcome to the city of ice" A beautiful girl said she looks eighteen years and has a twin sister sitting beside her 

The boys in the group including Vincent could not hide the lust of their face as they saw them 

"Can we ask why you have come to the city of ice?" One of the twin ruler said 

"We didn't mean to intrude on your city your highness we happened to fight ourselves here without knowing so we needed to find the city that has the portal to lead us back to our world" Miss Elizabeth said bowing her head 

"Are those your children?" One of the twin ruler asked 

"No your highness , they are my student" Miss Elizabeth replied

Suddenly the Temperature in the room started dropping Everyone started to shake in fear 

"Did you sense it" A twin said "Yes I did " the other twin replied 

"The nine of you step forward" The ruler said looking at Vincent's group 

"U-us?" Isabella asked 

One of the ruler got off the throne and walked near them , her hips swayed side to side a small potion of her long slim leg revealed itself , making some of the men in the room lose control of their monsters and tried to cover it with their hands 

"Tell me, Have you came across a boy with white hair and pale skin somewhere , not necessary here" she asked 

"White hair and pale skin" Miss Elizabeth spoke 

"I know a student who has white hair and pale skin , if he has offended you we ask for forgiveness, the boy is strange, he just popped out of thin air in our academy" 

"Please don't kill my students for his crimes " Miss Elizabeth begged 

"Never mind, there's no way you would have met a god " the ruler said and walked back 

"But you have his scent on you, thought it's very faint" The ruler said as she walked back to her throne 

"We met a man in a strange armor just like the one of the statue" Vincent spoke up 

Silence, the whole castle fell silent 

"Boy did you understand the consequences of what you are saying?" A soldier asked 

Vincent nodded "We met him few days ago he slaughtered thousand of ruin monsters near a cave" Vincent added 

"Hahahahah Hesss back!!!" The ruler screamed on top of her voice 

"Alert the city that we will soon be visited by the lord" The other ruler said 

"Take them to a room and feed them, they are welcomed to stay because they brought us good news" 

"Yes your highness" the soldiers bowed and led the group out of the palace 

"Roy White is back!" Xiao Min said smiling to herself 


The ship sailed through the waters or should I call it water because it is as red as blood 

In the past few days I've been fighting and traveling alone on the sea , I have not seen any other boat in sight neither did any creature attack me 

Suddenly a large horn blared and hundreds of ship approached my ship quickly closing on me 

"Pirates" I said 

The ships surrounded my ship and the leader of the pirate spoke up 

"Deliver all your goods to us and you will live" He said 

I didn't respond I just stared at him 

"I haven't seen a ship like this before , are you a new merchant in town?" he asked 

I didn't respond 

"ANSWER ME WHEN I'M TALKING!!!" He shouted and lightning flashed across the sky 

"It seems you are eager to die" I said calmly 

"Ain't you supposed to know that when ever you see a man travelling alone on a ship In strange emblem you are not supposed to approach him" I added 

"As a villain you don't even have a entrance line like I am the great master of the sea blah blah..." I responded 

I needed to talk with someone since I've been travelling on the sea for a long time and I have no one to talk to 

"Oh, I get it " the pirate said 

"I am captain Norland" And I rule the seas 

"okay let me also introduce myself " I said 

"I AM THE MONARCH OF DARKNESS , AND I CONTROL LIFE AND DEATH" I said floating out of the ship 

The day suddenly became night as I uttered my name

I blink my eyes because I didn't expect it, green lightning flashed through the sky forming a skull 

The skill spoke "All living creatures life belongs to the king!!" 

The calm sea suddenly turned rough and wind picked up the waves rose high into the air and the red blood sea seems to have come to life 

"Oh great Poseidon please have mercy on us" The pirate started to shout as their ship got caught in the wave 

i looked at my ship the waters around it stayed calm and it glided forward through the strom unaffected 

"Please we beg of you, don't kill us" The pirate leader said 

"Oh , empty your ship of all your goods and I'll spare you" I said 

"Empty the goods in the ship into the ocean" the pirate leader said 

I created a net make of telekinesis not allowing any of the goods they threw out of the ship touch the water 

The goods floated into my ship and I arranged them in the cabin 

"Now leave before I change my mind and drop the slave with you" I said making green lightning flash across the skies angrily 

A girl was thrown out of the captain ship into the water but I floated her Into my ship 

The pirates turned their ship around and fled in panic 

I turned to the girl she looks like a twenty five year old girl but she's not really human but s demon as two small horns were shooting out of her head 

"You are free now" I said to the girl and started to guide the ship in the right direction of the underworld 

"Thank you for saving me mister" She said 

"I'm on my way to the underworld and I can't take you along because of how dangerous it is so is there a place near you want me to drop you off at?" I asked 

"I don't have a home and family " She said 

I brought out the ship I used before then gave her a map leading to the village I left 

"Go to that village ask for the Xiao Min sisters, Tell them that Roy White asked you to stay until he returns" I said to her 

"Don't worry they will never treat you badly because of your race" I said 

"Thank you" She said as she got into the ship "My name is Ariel " She said 

I waved her good bye and casted a protection spell on the ship , if will automatically cast spells to protect her until she reaches the village 

I went inside the cabin and looked at the goods 

"Hehehe, who would have thought I would rob a pirate" I said 

The ship drifted and stopped on a shore red as blood 

Two blood soldiers looked at my ship 

"Who are you?" 

"The underworld is not place for a human" 

"Sorry to break it to you but I'm not human" I said as I kept the ship in my storage ring 

"What kind of sorcery is that" A blood soldier asked as he saw my ship disappeared from view

"Open the gates of the underworld, I need to meet Azrael" I said 

The blood monsters trembled as I mentioned the name of the angel of death 

"O-o-open up the gates, He's no ordinary man" A blood monster said as he rushed to open the gate of the underworld 

I chuckled because to them mentioning Azrael name is instant death