I am Azrael



Esme went back to her room deep in thought 

"What the hell is that guy" she said as she thought about Roy 

The little memories that came back to her suddenly varnished from her mind as if something is erasing her mind 

She knew that something is tempering with her memories but couldn't understand what it is 

"I'll have to use our family secret technique with my sister" Esme said as she went out of the room and went into Elizabeth room 

"Sister, I want to use the secret technique of our family to view and sort my memories, it seems like something is erasing our memories of a particular event or person" Esme said as she entered Elizabeth room

"I was also thinking the same thing" Elizabeth replied 

They sat down and held each others hands the started circulating mana in their body and activated their family skill [Hypnotic memory view] 

The skill will reveal all of their memories, including the one that has been tempered with or erased but the skill has a price , a heavy price , it reduces the life span of the user by ten years

"Ten years is not too much right sis?" Esme asked 

"Since we can live up to a thousand years, I don't see a reason why we can't sacrifice a hundred years to find out what's really happening" Elizabeth replied 



Azrael started to feel happy that he won the fight against Roy White just to find out he has been tricked 

The person who fell in front of him just now happens to be a clone 

The real Roy White was already behind him and has grabbed the crown of death on his head

"Haha, you really thought I'll give your my real name?" I asked 

"Let me introduce myself to you" 

"I am the monarch of darkness , the ruler of life and death" I said 

The darkness in the underworld responded to my name and blood river flowing through the underworld turned black 

I grabbed the crown on Azrael's head and removed it from him then opened my mouth and breath hell fire on him turning him into a black dust

As I breath fire on him I felt my face become that if a skeleton and after I stopped the attack flesh and blood came back to my face 

After removing the crown , I placed it on my head 

"FROM TODAY ONWARD , LISTEN OH YE DEWELLERS OF THE UNDERWORLD I CLAIM MY TRUE NAME" I said my voice echoing throughout the underworld 


[[You have gained a true name : Azrael ]]

[[You have gained the skill resurrection]]

[[You control the life and death of every living things in the world ]]

[[You have gained a weapon : Scythe of death ]]

[[You have gained the ability to summon and raise creatures that are dead]]

"Arise" I said pointing to Azrael dust below me 

Purple light flew out of my hand and engulfed the dust 

A skeleton rose out of the dust having the same qualities as the dead Azrael 

"You will be called grim reaper" I said to the skeleton as I gave him the scythe I obtained from the system

"You job is to look through the book of death and accompany the souls of people into the underworld" I added 

"I shall listen to your command my lord" The skeleton bowed and a cloak covered him and shrouded his face in darkness, the scythe glittered as it caught the remaining flames from my attack 

[you have completed a hidden mission]

[[You have gained the wings of death ]]

[You have gained a title : Underworld Conqueror]

[Mission Accomplished: Returning back to the ruins in ten minutes]

[You can visit the underworld anytime you like ] 

[Do you wish to return now?]


The world wrapped and I was covered with golden glow 

The scenery changed and I found my self back in the citadel 

The citadel is desolate like when I entered and the statues lined up along the wall 

"Kuman , I've completed the mission , I'll fulfill my promise in saving this universe from the evil god" I said as I looked at Kuman statue of the throne 

I could swear I saw him smile 

I walked out of the citadel and void appeared on my shoulders 

"Where were you ? Why did you suddenly disappear" He asked me 

"Since you stayed in my ring through the journey I travelled back in time and became the ruler of the underworld having several beautiful ladies serving me, I also have a city build for me and I'm a god there, its a shame that the past can't affect the future " I said to him

"Well that's not fun" Void said 

"Well I robbed hundreds of pirates" I replied 

"Now that's fun , I regret staying in that ring" void said

"I'm staying on your shoulders now" void added 

"Do whatever you like" I responded 

Stepping out of the citadel , the ruin monsters lucking in shadows felt my presence and started to flee as if sensing the aura of death around me 

"Why are they running?" Void asked 

"Well I became the angel of death" I replied nonchalantly 

"What?" Void screamed "This is not fair, I missed out the whole stuff" Void added 

"That's your reward for letting me face the dangers alone since I entered the ruins" I replied 

"Well we are going to the dragons territory now" I added 

"Oh, I'll vent my anger on those oversized lizards " Void said 

"I became the angel of death doesn't mean you won't die , because I won't even try to save your life if you provoke the dragons into attacking us" I said

"I'm still not strong enough to face hundreds of dragons , I can still hold my own against a dragon" I added 

"Why are you so scared of an oversized lizard , just because they can breath fire?" he asked 

"Yes and I forgot to tell you I can also breath fire from my mouth" I said to void as we walked through the ruins as if its a normal thing to do 

"Really , show me" Void said 

"Let's try it out on a ruin monster" He added 

I concealed my aura not even leaking a pinch of it , then I started walking through the ruins as we started to find monsters to hunt 

"When was the last time you fought?" I asked void 

"Well I could say since the day I got to this world when I killed a large wolf " void said 

'When was that?' I thought 'liar' 

"Well you better start warming up" I said 

"What can possibly go wrong, you have me with you I bet those oversized lizard will bow down to us" Void said 

"okay okay, I have heard your majesty don't ask for my help because I'll be busy running for my dear life" I said 

As we walked through the ruins our surroundings as now a black forest 

I could feel several eyes on us but didn't attack because I know that if I fight this lesser ruin monsters , stronger ones will be attracted to our fight and before long I'll start o face the Abyssal ruin monsters and then the infernos which I wanted to avoid at all cost since I'm not an S - ranked 

We walked Oblivious that we are starting to walk towards a large python that hide among the bushes 

I could say that it's camouflage is the absolute best because even with my night vision I could see it 

We felt nothing until we were under attack

We would have died if not for the teleportation skill I had

I quickly teleported back to where we came from and drew out the lightsaber 

My armor quickly formed around me 

"Wow , your armor looks different!" Void examined 

"Shut up and focus we are fighting a large snake remember?" I reminded void who got carried away by the beauty of my armor 

The python hissed and curled towards us it's red eyes glowed in the dark forest as it fixed his eyes on me 

The python suddenly flew towards me making me jump to the right and rolled in the floor 

I knew if I should take flight I to the sky there would be another ruin creature that will attack me 

We engaged in a fierce combat and the snake started to try trap me and surround me 

I could not break the defense of the python because of its tough scale 

'What do I do' I thought then a thought came to my mind 

"Hey if you can hear me what's your name?" I asked the python 

"It's alright to give my prey my name, my name is Urmar" The python responded in a deep voice that made some of the ruins creatures present ran away in fear 

"I knew you are not like those idiots who attack with no fear of death, I can see the tricky of your attack as you tried to trap me and use your tail to attack me from behind , even now that we are having this conversation you are still trying to kill me" I said 

"But I'll like to tell you that, it's not possible to kill me" I said as I brought out a notebook from my dimensional ring 

"OH ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME" The python asked 

I shrugged 

"In forty minutes you will die , but before that you will first feel your heart beating faster, then you will lose control of your body and your outer skin which acts as your defense will shed" I said 

I remembered the instructions on the note book that I can specify what will happen to the target before they die and if I don't specify the type of death , the target will naturally die of heart attack

"OH YOU ARE TRY...?!!" The python could not complete it's words before it lost control of its body 


The python body landed on the floor and I walked towards it 

"A notebook that only requires your name to kill you, guess you know who I am now?"