

That was the only thought in my head as I fell awkwardly fell backward, allowing the stinger of the enormous scorpion close right in front of my face with a loud "Clack". The jagged blades were so close to my face that I could see the mud sticking to it's surface.

I landed on my back narrowly avoiding the unexpected strike. The good thing is that I managed to avoid getting injured or killed. The bad thing is that I am now sprawled on the floor unable to quickly create distance between me and the scorpion. The large Stinger still hovering above me.

The realization dawn upon me and I quickly rolled to the side . In the next moment the large stinger lunged down , sending tremors through the mud , if not for my quick reaction my chest would have been caved in by that blow.

My arm screamed in pain , I used the force of the blow and allowed my body to be sent flying through the air , this way at least I'll be out of the Scorpion's range of attack , i scrambled to get up and started running.

I might have exhausted almost all my reserve of Mana but the one thing I knew very well — is how to escape.

Instead of getting injured or dying , I channeled my small reserve of Mana I to my leg and ran in the opposite direction of the scorpion.

"I take it back! , This monster is quite crazy!" Void screamed as I ran through the thick forest , the plants started to curl forward wanting to block my path and entangle me. The plants are known as man eating monsters , although they don't posses legs to move around they can move some of their body part to trap their prey.

"You should have listened to me!" I screamed as I continue to run through the forest narrowly avoiding the tongue of a plant monster.

Tremors ran through the forest, behind me is the scorpion running after me, it's red glowing eyes fixed on my back.

"Who would have thought that scorpion will be a pain in the ass?!!" Void asked me as he struggled to hold unto my shoulder.

We wouldn't have been in this mess if void did not steal the red gem the scorpion was protecting.

I finished fighting the large python two days ago when void suddenly appeared on my shoulder telling me he's currently running from a scorpion.

I engaged the scorpion but found out that I cannot kill it because of its thick shell and the force of it attack.

However, the scorpion has been after us since then sniffing us out like a dog no matter how far we ran away from it.

"Return the damned gem!!" I yelled at void

Void looked back at the scorpion and shook his head

"No, we can escape with the gem! " Void yelled back

"Well I think it's time for you to pay up!" I said and grabbed void from my shoulder, stopping briefly , I turned back to the Scorpion and threw void at him

"W-what?!" void asked as his body flew through the air closer to the scorpion, The scorpion red eyes followed void through the air and raised one of its legs to catch him.

"A thief should learn how to deal with the mess he created!" I yelled turning my back and dashed away

I weaved and turned through the trees also making sure I pay attention to my surroundings and avoided monsters as I ran

~Screech!!! The scorpion screeched as void smacked it's head with its paw making the scorpion loosen it's hold a little bit on him , Seeing his chance void flew out of the scorpion's leg wrapped around him and teleported back on my shoulder , during the short exchange the scorpion already lost sight of me and I used the opportunity to escape into a cave far away

"It least I'll have time to recover my mana" I said sitting down in a lotus position and started meditating


As soon as the morning came, The scorpion crawled out of the forest and rushed towards the cave to kill the man and cat who stole its beloved gem.

I watched the scorpion for some time from the the top of a tree .

At a considerable distance from the tree I stood on , ten or twenty kilometers away , the ground rose naturally and formed something akin to a hill, On top of that hill, An especially massive coral pillar rose to the sky.

I studied the scorpion for a while noticing the way it moves, the structure of its body and it's weak points as I kept studying the monster, I already sent void to scout out the hill in the distance and find a save place where we can hide after the battle with the scorpion.

'If I want to kill this monster successfully, I would have to finish it in one strike' I thought 

But the problem now is that if I use my most powerful strike , The shockwave of the attack accompanied with the noise would attract several monsters to the area , and if there's no safe place for me to hide by then.

'I might as well just jump down now and end the scorpion end it all' I thought 

"Found a safe place" void sent a telepathic message to me 

"Got it" I replied jumping down from the tree , now that my Mana has been replenished I can fight the scorpion heads on

In the next seconds I landed I quickly jumped to the side , The space I occupied before was torn apart by the scorpion who attacked as I landed , it's large stinger crashed Into the side of a tree sending shards of trees flying in every direction 

I caught my balance and continued moving . I was hoping that the bulky , heavily armored wounded scorpion would be no match for my speed , but unfortunately it turns out to be surprisingly agile, it's scythe-like legs pierced the floor behind him and its stinger was already flying through the air threatening to decapitate me in any second

I ducked , doding the stinger , I finally got a second of reprieve , my eyes darted around looking for something I can use as a weapon since the lightsaber doesn't seems to have effect on the scorpion, almost instantly i saw a white bone of a ruin monster on the ground 

The bone was almost one and half meters long , ending in a narrow , sharp tip , almost like a sword , The problem was , Even with the added length of the bone spear , My range of attack is still shorter than that of the scorpion , I also doubted that the bone will be able to pierce the scorpion hard scale

A crazy idea entered my mind 


A bit shocked I didn't know if the idea is a product of audacity or foolishness , either way I wasn't insane enough to actually consider it.

'Maybe I'm truly insane ' I thought 

At that time the stinger shot out again , but this time I didn't dodge it , ' it's time to do something crazy' I thought , I allowed the monster to grab me across my torso with it's large pincer.

Immediately a terrible pressure descended on my ribs as though I'll split apart , The scorpion brought me closer to its mouth trying to bite my head off 

I didn't react and waited until the last moment, my hand dangling in air as I went closer to the scorpion's mouth 

It red eyes ignited as it felt joy that it will be able to consume me after chasing me for three days and night

I suddenly moved my body and leaned forward , summoning the lightsaber I used all my strength enhanced with the mana flowing through my veins , and then thrust the lightsaber forward 

I channeled mana into the lightsaber, making its length increase by two meters and then plunged it into the scorpion tiny eyes 

At first nothing happened, so I drove the lightsaber deeper into the scorpion's eyes , then I felt the pressure decrease 

The stinger open slowly , allowing me to hit the ground , as i hit the ground, the bulky , heavily armored scorpion crashed to the ground too , The lightsaber still sticking out of its head , bathed in the streams of green blood 

I got up from the ground and removed the lightsaber from the scorpion's head 

[You have slain an armored scorpion]

[Your experience points as increased]

After dismissing the system notification I left the scene quickly , because the smell of blood will attract other ruin monsters , and there will be competition amongst them on who will get to devour the carcass of the massive scorpion 

I could already hear the rusting of leaves and feel the little tremors that ran through the ground as the ruin creatures ran towards the smell of blood.

'I need to get stronger , I can't face the dragons like this' I thought as I teleported to the cave void scouted out