Giant house monster

I woke up the next day feeling grim and uneasy , The memories of my time in the past and in the underworld was still fresh in my mind , making every shadows seems sinister and foreboding.

I left the cave and started to move through the crimson moss, " I am Lost" I realized painfully that I don't know where I am in the ruins, The chase yesterday has made me lose my sense of direction .

The crimson field is not helping either, There seems to be no difference , And all sense of direction is gone.

I climbed the top of a gargantuan spine and then straightened, turning to take a look at the direction I chose to be north, I expected to see the same picture of the usual picture - an endless expanse of the crimson field moss.

However , what I saw made me speechless

Some distance away, the field seems to have change color. The crimson blades of the coral became orange and the blades bent in an awkward position

'it seems like a powerful ruin monster passed through the field not too long ago' I thought

Well apart from that direction , everywhere else seems to be covered in crimson corals , "I'll have to pass through that field , let's just pray a powerful ruin monster is not lucking behind those orange corals" I said and started to descend from the gargantuan spine.

I walked through the crimson corals which is starting to change colors as I neared the orange corals field i saw in the distance 'Should I call this place a field or a Labyrinth' I thought

Breaking through the red crimson labyrinth I proceeded to enter the orange color labyrinth, a foreboding sense started to envelope me.

I looked around trying to see if there's are ruins monsters nearby ,but it seems they all seems to avoid this labyrinth,

The bad news is that there must be something powerful maybe a powerful ruin creature lives there, on the other hand it's not actually that bad I'll be free of constant attack from the ruins monsters for the time being and if anything happens I can just escape.

I felt something behind me , a large shadow loomed over me , I started to turn slowly and that when I saw—

A giant ruin monster which was engulfed in darkness, His polished armor blazed with the reflection of the reflected sunlight hitting its surface, sending radiant glints in all direction.

For a seconds time seems to stop as I stood still , I stared at the ruin monster , my eyes wide , as I looked at him.

The ruin monster looked like a moving house , standing tall and elegant , his eyes looked like a window to the house as they glowed orange

'Aren't you supposed to run?' I thought as the giant ruin monster started to move

'How is this fair' I thought

Of course the world is not fair to anyone , and I know I'm quite lucky to still be alive , I'm not supposed to survive the battle with Azrael if we consider the difference between us, Thanks to the underhand method I used in killing him and the additional boost I got after getting the apocalypse sword.

My feet struggled to move as I find it hard to think , my thoughts seems to have clouded , and making rational decisions seems like a hard task , 'it's mind attack' I thought , my mind became clear ,the fog covering it seems to vanish the moment I concluded I'm under a mind spell.

I summoned the light saber and held it in my right hand , using the sword of apocalypse is out of option , Using it now will alert the universe of my existence , and I'll also be hunted down by the demons.

Until I am strong enough to defeat them I don't think I can make use of the sword of death in battle , 'This ruin monsters will be good for me to train myself' I thought as I suddenly remembered that I'll have to face a dragon if I want the sword of death

I jumped backwards out of instincts, in less than a seconds , the space I was occupying caved in as the monster shot out it's pincers , tremors ran through the ground making me lose my balance for a little while.

I ducked, dodging the pincers shot at me by the ruin monster, thanks to my quick reaction , I'm sure I would have been decapitated or better still I would have had my neck sliced off.

"I'm I this tasty why is everyone after me?!!!" I asked the ruin monster who lunged at me , its scythe-like leg sunk into the ground as if to tell me how sharp they are.

I lunged at the giant monster trying to overcome it with speed, but unfortunately for me it is surprisingly agile for its large size , I jumped into the air and did a back flip, dodging the monster pincer that shot out stealthily and lunged at me from under the ground.

"Oh, you are also playing dirty, what's wrong with you ruins monster trying not to fight normally?" I asked as I moved to the back of the monster , landing behind it , I thrust the light saber forward , but unfortunately the monster dodged the attack by moving away , the monster slid across the ground as it gained distance between us.

The monster knew it has advantage over me in this battle , it's pincers covers a wider range than my light saber , ' How can I turn the tide of this battle in my favor' I thought

"Void don't tell me you are hiding again?" I asked mentally

"I'm just trying to relax, didn't you say we will be facing an oversized lizard soon?" he asked

"Come out here and help me" I replied jumping to the side , not even a second passed the ground shook as the pincer of the giant monster struck the ground , I felt my body jolt as the shockwave ran through me.

I felt my inside went into disarray , my stomach start to churn , liquid rose up to my throat but I forcefully swallowed it , my vision started to become blur , I shook my head to clear the dizziness

void appeared then lunged towards the giant monster , he weaved through the attack of the monster , jumping and teleporting as he dodged the attacks , 'I am also supposed to fight like that, teleporting will give me advantage' I thought then I stood straight from the ground.


The ground shook as void attacked the giant monster, the force of the attack obliterated the orange corals in the surroundings.

The monster retreated as it took the blow , it didn't expect a powerful blow from a small cat, its small paw in which he underestimated completely obliterated one of his legs.

I looked at the giant armored and injured ruin monster "void thanks for the help I'll take it from here" I said.

void disappeared by into my storage ring , I could swear that I saw a piece of meat in his mouth , 'he must have eaten the meats in my ring' I thought

The ruin monster lunged forward throwing its pincers to stab me , still thinking about what punishment I should give to void , I felt the sound of the air splitting, The pincer shot and passed through me , well my after image.

I activated dash and ran towards the monster , not expecting my speed to suddenly increase , it was caught off guard , I moved near the ruin monster , my plan to get close to him is quite dangerous , but that's not the dangerous part of the plan.

I was not seriously considering facing and killing the giant monster , I just wanted to use it to train, but now I planned to kill it but there's too much gap between me and the monster in terms of attack power.

 However my lacking strength did not mean that I can't kill it , I just have to be smart about how to do it , for example I can make it attack itself by landing on it.

And now I'm halfway to making that plan reality.

Of course the most dangerous part was yet to come — I still have to survive the attack of the giant monster in the process of getting close to it.

I ran closer to the monster dodging its pincers by a hair breath , ' it's time' I thought the last pincer the giant monster use to shield the corner of its neck shot out , I teleported away from my position at the last minute making the pincer sink deep into the orange ground.

The giant monster is now defenseless and its open for attack , I quickly switched my plan and thrust the light saber into the side of its exposed neck , the light saber moved smoothly meeting no obstacles and decapitated the giant monster.

I landed on the ground after somersaulting in the air , the head of the giant monster fell to the ground beside me .

The body followed suit and the black blood flowed endlessly out of its neck.

[You have killed an Abyssal monster : Haunted house]

"Eh" I said

'Abyssal?, I just almost killed by self' i though 

"Roy?" I heard a voice behind me and then when I turned back , I froze

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