
I froze, I turned slowly behind me was a wytch 

It's blue colored mane stood majestic amongst the orange corals, it large and wide bird-like mouth opened wide , milky colored liquid dripped out of its mouth

I looked downward at the armored wytch, it's humanlike body is quite muscular and it's tail rose high behind it , it's chicken like legs were equiped with black sharp blade-like nails which glittered under the sun overhead the orange coral labyrinth.

It stretched its hand out , black nails project out of its hand , their sharpness splitted the air , leaving a clear metallic sound of themselves, It black color seems to tell of how poisonous they were, it was long ,sharp and deadly 

It looked at me with its glowing blue eyes , the wytch eyes fixated on me as if looking directly at my soul , I knew it was watching my every move and accessing me 

I took two steps backwards as fear started to creep inside my heart, the wytch seems to attack its prey with mind attacks before fighting them physically.

Even though the talent remover potion provided defense against mental attacks , stronger ones cannot be stopped, but the intensity of the attack will be lowered , if it were to be any other person who encountered the wytch , they would have lost their mind to fear unable to move a single muscles.

I stepped back then I ducked , doding the attack of the wytch, A white thin line flew past me cutting the end of my hair, The corals behind me splitted in half , If I have been a seconds late i would have been injured badly or worse beheaded

In fear I stepped on a stone and fell butt first to the floor , not even a seconds later , another sharp thin white line flew over where my head was supposed to be if I had been standing , though I managed to avoid the attack luck , unfortunately I'm on the ground unable to quickly think of a solution to my current predicament 

My thoughts seems to be covered in white fogs, I could not think straight 'Something is wrong , something is definitely wrong with me' I thought, The world wrapped and I found myself several kilometers away from the wytch 

My thoughts started to clear and I can finally feel my surroundings 

"Roy we need to leave" Void yelled "Snap out of it" He yelled again and slapped me on the cheeks 

Of all the times I faced monsters stronger than me I've never felt this type of intensity of fear, that ruin monster is able to inflict strong mental damage than the evil god 

The wytch started to move in my direction, it's chicken legs splitted the orange corals , it's movement were dead silent and stealthy , Even though I could see it , I could not sense any sound from it movement 

"Interesting" I mumbled under my breath , The wytch is starting to near me 

"Roy let's go" Void yelled again 

"No , We kill this fucker" I replied , my blue eyes glowed with madness 

According to human , the ruins monsters are considered mad creatures , but it's not that they are truly mad , their way of thinking is just crazy and perverted, Their thought is to kill whatever they lay their eyes on

However their madness did not make them stupid and crazy , yes , they attack with reckless abandon, but they are crafty and extremely cunning , Those with mind attacks first break their preys mind , After all what's the use of a warrior with broken physiological defense in the ruins.

I charged at the monster , the ruin monster was taken back by my sudden movement, not away from him , but towards him, A normal human would have ran away , but unfortunately for the wytch I'm not normal , my madness is a little more than any ruin monsters that is alive in the ruins now 

I slashed at the wytch , it moved to the side , dodging the attack with a simple movement of its body, It's massive body and armor did not interfere with its movement, The ruin monster thought it has successfully dodged my attack , unfortunately for it I'm faster 

I teleported to the right, the wytch body fell towards me , I thrust my sword forward, The wytch eyes widen in horror as realization dawned on it , the wytch tried to move its body away from the path its currently following, unfortunately for it , the law of physics doesn't work like that, so instead of dying to my attack , the wytch sacrificed it's left arm.

Green blood flowed out of its arm, The decapitated arm of the wytch fell to the ground , the orange coral seems to come to life and the blood pouring from the decapitated arm which soaked the floor stated to reduce in quantity .

The wytch realizing it just lost an arm to a prey whom he had thought would be a easily kill and make a good lunch made a strange sound 

For the first time throughout the short exchange between us , The wytch seems wary of me 

"Oh don't back out now that we've started " I said moving closer to the wytch 

I didn't know where My behavior and fearlessness came from , maybe its out of audacity or foolishness, or maybe I'm insane , i don't know but whatever or whichever it is I needed it

The wytch stopped retreating backwards , it's blue mane now stained in green blood painting some of it greenish—blue 

The wytch sudden lunged at me , its arm stretching out to snap my neck in an instant or better still decapitate me , I stood still now moving , The sharp nail came closer to my neck, I could see the blood and mud stain of the black surface of the nail 

The monster went for my neck thinking it can overpower me with sudden speed , thereby catching me off guard , it's plan seems foolproof and would have worked on other humans or creatures after making them lower their guard by acting as if its retreating, However , it didn't know that such tricks won't work on me.

The dangerous plan of the wytch which it's now carrying out , it's seems perfect, the wytch executed the plan perfectly 

I snapped my neck to the side and the wytch hand shot past me 

"The dangerous part of your plan is that you now have to survive my attack because you are open now" I said 

The wytch realizing it really messed up , suddenly backed away creating distance between both of us, its chest heaved up and down as it breath heavily , it seems to have not realized that I have already removed its heart from its chest.

The wytch legs trembled, it looked down slowly and saw a hole it its chest , its eyes widen with horror as it started it the hole , it then looked at me .

I raised the wytch heart up , I squeezed it a little bit , green blood flowed from the heart , my arm started to get wet from the constant blood flowing out of the heart , a part of my white hair already turned green 

"An eye for an two eye, I pay evil with greater evil" i said and then squeezed the wytch heart which was still beating wildly.

The adrenaline in the wytch started to wear off , It staggered for some time, regaining balance , time seems to stop around the wytch as it stood upright for a few seconds 


The ground shook a little as tremors ran through it , the body of the wytch collapsed on the ground , it's eyes wide opened , telling the tale of the wytch unexpected demise 

Blood flowed out of the gap in the wytch chest and the orange coral quickly sucked it up, The wytch body started to change color , it's black skin seems to grow darker , its muscles started to harden 

"Is rigor Morris that fast?" I asked no one In particular 

From the little knowledge I have about corpse rigor Morris should set in after three to four hours of death 

'Maybe it's different for humans' I thought since the biology of humans are different from that of the ruins monsters , take for example the wytch I just killed 

It is supposed to have two hearts , but it seems to have lost one in battle against some creatures, and also their heart is located in the middle of their chest wile the stomach is located in the right breast. 

I left the scene and proceeded through the orange coral labyrinth, water flowed out of right hand and washed of the blood on my body , if I continue to walk around covered in blood i'll attract the ruins monsters attention 

"That's what I'm taking about!" void yelled 

"You are the MVP of this ruins?" 

"Let's kill them all!" Void yelled I almost burst into laughter as his childish voice echoed in the silent orange labyrinth 

I know for a fact that we will be attacked again because of his little display of madness and just as I thought 
