

I stopped walking , The orange corals broke apart and a yellowish figure came out from the corals.

the creature covered the orange glint of sun coming my way , The creature is two times taller than me, it has no eyes and nose , it seems like a starving human, it's ribs were showing themselves from his skin.

His wide mouth, which seems to reach both of his ears parted slightly, reveling a set of teeth that's almost comparable to that of a normal human, His mouth widen and the gums holding his teeth revealed themselves in the air, The dark red gum seems to be capable of hiding more teeth underneath.

His body looked like he's a mixture of a human and a cockroach, I would have called it a giant cockroach if not for the fact that he doesn't have wings and he has the shape of a normal human leg, Although his body seems to change color into dark brown , almost resembling black.

His head was riddled with several needles , The needles looked like the needles used by doctors in the eighteenth century.

I didn't realize I've been holding my breath until I started to feel uncomfortable.

'The creature has no eyes , which means it doesn't see, no nose , so it doesn't detect its prey by smell , however since it senses me , I guess it must senses its prey by sound

'The creature only appeared after void screamed , which means it would have moved closer to this location since I first engaged the ruin creature I encountered'

I stood still not moving , I knew a single sound would alert the creature, thought it stood till like a statue I can bet that it's listening to the smallest sound in the orange labyrinth 

'Crap!' That was the thought that filled my mind , the creatures I've been facing recently have tough skin , Looking at the ashy brown skin of the creature, I knew the damned monster would have a tough skin 

Apart from that only the ferocious and thick skinned monster can survive this deep in the ruins , if this creature would be a easy kill for me , then it would not have survived the ruins up until now.

'What can I do?' since I don't know how dangerous the monster is 

'To flee or fight?' I thought , if I keep fighting the monsters here , I'll eventually be forced to retreat, the more I kill them , the lower my Mana , and the more monsters I attract to myself 

'lets fight'


I let out a deep breath and in the next moment the creature disappeared from my view.

'it's quite fast' I step sided to the right, a seconds later , the air rippled and a large spear like hand passed through where I've been , I would have been impaled if I did not move.

The creature although fast, it would have successfully killed any other human, unfortunately for it speed is my main focus in battle.

I slashed the creature arm at lighting speed , a deep mark formed on its arm , but the light saber refused to cut deeper into the creature arm.

The creature eyes glowed with madness and its bloodlust suddenly skyrocketed, it's dull red eyes ignited shining brightly in the orange labyrinth 

'Oh boy , here we go again' teleporting to the back of the creature 

Not expecting, an arm slammed me away before I could even appear behind the creature. I shook my head to clear the dizziness that is starting to wash over me.


This is the first time something like that ever happened to me , Runs monster don't think like humans , so it should be unable to predict my movement, There's only two things that could have caused it to attack me, the incident reminded me of what happened in the goblin dungeon.

'The first one is that the creature can sense spatial distortion , and its instinctively moved its hand ' 

'The second option is that someone is controlling the ruin monster, I'm currently fighting

The first option seems plausible, but it can only be found among high ranking ruin monsters from the rank seven and above .

The creature should be a rank five monster , two ranks below, However, Chances of someone controlling a rank five monster is low but not zero.

Even a beast tamer will have a hard time trying to subdue a rank two ruin monster , so if someone is controlling this monster then the beast tamer should be powerful.

"Void it seems someone it controlling this monster" I said , void appeared on a coral and looked into the distance 

"I can see the person controlling it" Void replied 

Having confirmed that the beast is under someone's influence, Madness ignited in my eyes

"Place a sign of that idiot, we will deal with him later" I said and dashed towards the ruin monster 

The creature sensing me coming to it , stretched out one of its hands and lowered itself a little bit , I could see he also wanted to moved, but unfortunately for it I won't allow it , The muscles in the creature leg contracted , moving like thousands worms and compacted together 

I snapped my finger and the ground turned to mud, The creature did not notice instantly, By the time it knew something is wrong almost half of its legs is already in the mud.

It quickly started to move trying to bring itself out of the mud , it's faceless head showed signs of panicking , I could see the outline of its heart beating rapidly against its rib cage.

However I'm not interested in killing the creature, the person controlling it must die , if there's anything I don't like , it's when someone is trying to kill me.

I suddenly disappeared from my position, the ruin monster turned backwards thinking I'll appear behind it , but , I didn't appear.

instead I appeared to the back of the beast tamer , my light saber rested on his neck , I could feel his body grow stiff.

"Oh you are a classmate of mine!" I said 

It's strange that my classmate tried to kill me , the boy is one of those who liked Isabella and has been trying to gain her attention for a long time , but the reason he wants me dead is unknown.

"Why are you trying to kill me?" I asked 

He started shivering as if the weather suddenly became could , the aura of death started to come out of me subconsciously , ruins monster near the area started running crazily , however they were not heading in my direction, but running far away from the place.

"I- I was told to kill you" He said stuttering in fear 

His legs suddenly lost strength and he fell to the ground weakly , yellow liquid flowed out from between his legs.

"Who sent you?" I asked 

"Malcolm and Talcolm" he said "Please spare my live" he added 

Malcom the pink haired boy in Andrews group who is currently Kate's boyfriend, and Talcolm is the silver blue haired boy currently dating Esme, But why they want me dead is unknown to me.

"Where is everyone?" I asked 

Since I'm lost in the ruins I could get the location of the nearest city from here , and the one who would provide me the information is right in front of me.

"I'll tell you if you promise not to kill me" the boy responded 

'Well I needs my promise , as warriors our pride would not let us go against our words , unfortunately for him I'm not a warrior '

'He's quite smart' 

"The city is to the south , it will take you three days and night if you trekked from here to get to the city" he said 

'It would take me three days , not quite far provided I don't meet ruins monster on the way'

However, things doesn't really work well for me , I'll definitely be attacked by a ruin creature or two 

"How do I enter the city" I asked 

"The city is build on a river , the river is quite deep so you will need a boat" The boy replied 

"Thanks , you can rest now, it's meet in hell " I said 

"But you promised to spare me!' the boy cried out loud 

"Sorry but I have no honor as a warrior, I'm a survivor" I replied and then slashed his neck 

The boy fell to the floor dead, his blood was sucked by the orange coral and they started to change their color to crimson.

'So it's blood that turns them crimson!' I came into realization.

Back to the matter at hand I've made up my mind to kill both Malcom and Talcolm, but I won't do it with my own hands , I still need to proceed to the dragons territory to get the sword of death.

'Why don't I just send this guy back to them?!' I thought and then stretched my hand over his dead body and mumbled under my breath. 

The surroundings started to turn purple.