
Purple light flowed like a steam of waters from my hands , Wrapping themselves around the already dead boy like a python trapping its prey with its body.

The sun started to make it's way downwards , the white foams of fluffy white clouds filtered the rays of the sun.

The orange glow after being filtered turned golden creating an explosion of radiant glints through the sky.

The purple light diminished, color seeps back into the boys skin, his eyes fluttered open , reveling a brilliant green color.

He stood up from the ground, staggered a little , After gaining his balance , he looked at me for a while then kneeled he bent forwards and his head touched the ground , as he kowtowed to me.

"Master!" He said not raising his head from the ground 

I looked at him for a while , a smile found it's way to my lips , after gaining the name "Azrael" I already have the ability to raise an army of dead , but I didn't want to since I preferred to fight by myself, however I needed to take care of those twins before I go to the city.

"Rise up" I said

He got up from the ground and stood straight, his eyes unfocused, he emits the aura of the dead.

'Powerful people in the city will know he's an undead' I thought and started thinking of a way out , the only solution that came to my mind is to turn him back to a normal human.

'I won't make him have a free will

Green light burst out of my hand, he light moved like a rushing water and enveloped him , creating a second layer of skin around him.

His eyes became focused and the aura of the dead around him varnished is if it never existed.

"Act like your normal self , but you have to kill those you sent you to kill me" I said 

"Yes master!" He replied standing straight

"Now go!" I said 

The boy started walking through the labyrinth, he knows his way around since he already has several beast scout out the area before coming.

His ability makes him see through the eyes of beasts he already tamed, and he can also control them.

'What a convenient skill

Though the advantage seems good , the disadvantage however is that beast tamers are generally weak, they rely on their beast to fight for them , Take this guy for example , after i got close to him , there's nothing he could do.

I proceeded through the labyrinth, the few crunchy leaves present moved to the said as if avoiding me .

I suppressed the aura I was emitting subconsciously , the orange coral labyrinth seems to gain live back , and the dull orange color came back to live.

The labyrinth started to grow dark , I didn't know where to stay to pass the night , wandering at night is out of the option.

'Well I'm not entirely out of option , I could build a house with earth element, and set up an array around it'

I began to move my hands , the earth moved beneath my feet, the snake make out earth slithered and formed a wall— A sturdy wall that would put the engineers in my formal world to shame.

Soon a sturdy building was erected and I entered it, I brought out my bed from my storage ring , and sat on it , I'm starting to feel hungry , so I checked my ring for food.

What I saw surprised me— Half of the food has disappeared.

'Uh?!, I've only eaten once from the ring!'

"Void!!" I yelled 

Void appeared next to me , yawning he asked : 

"What's up dude, why did you suddenly yell my name" 

"What happened to the food , why is it halved?!" I asked 

Void looked at me then rubbed the back of his head with his small purr and said:

"I ate then because I'm hungry , it's not my fault though, you suddenly disappeared for two months or so" 

How could I forget , the longer in spent in the past the faster the time moves outside .

'I'm such a fool

Maybe it's because of the constant stress I went through in the last few days that made me forget that it's almost a year since we have been in the ruins.

"Sorry I forgot" I replied scratching the back of my head 

"No problem" Void replied and disappeared back into my ring 

'What's his deal, why is he always staying in the ring?!' well it's a question for another day because I needed to sleep.

The ruin's descended into darkness, the orange corals seems to have lost color , the sky turned ashy grew , silver colored lighting flashed across the skies , and the fluffy clouds now turned black.

Soon the world seems to flash black and white and tiny white dots moved rapidly falling to the ground , The lighting flashed and the rain reflected them, sending white light glints into the coral labyrinth.

The shadows moved in labyrinth, and a sinister atmosphere defended on the labyrinth, several red dots shined in the distance arranging themselves in squares

A large wyvern cuts an imposing figure against the sky, its massive wings outstretched to catch the wind. Its body is sleek and muscular, covered in scales that shimmer with shades of deep emerald and midnight blue. Each scale is like a polished gem, reflecting the sunlight in dazzling patterns as the creature shifts its position.

The wyvern's head is adorned with sharp, curved horns that sweep back from its brow, framing a pair of intelligent eyes that gleam with a keen intelligence. Its snout is elongated and lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth, capable of rending flesh with ease. Long whiskers protrude from its jaw, twitching occasionally as it surveys its surroundings with a predatory gaze.

From its powerful shoulders extend two formidable forelimbs, ending in claws that could tear through rock and bone alike. The wyvern's hind legs are equally muscular, ending in taloned feet that grip the ground with lethal precision. A long, sinuous tail trails behind it, tipped with a barbed stinger that glints ominously in the sunlight.

According to what i know about them ,In flight, the wyvern is a marvel of aerodynamic prowess. Its wings span wide, each membrane stretched between elongated finger bones that allow for agile maneuvers and swift changes in direction. The sound of its wing beats is a deep, resonant thrum that echoes across the landscape, marking its passage through the skies.

Despite its fearsome appearance, there is a gracefulness to the wyvern's movements, a testament to its mastery of the air and its place as a apex predator in its domain. As it soars overhead, it casts a formidable shadow that ripples across the ground below, a reminder of the ancient power and majesty embodied in this magnificent creature.

I gulped as I saw the creature.


That was all I could think about as I looked at the wyvern which starts to move through the labyrinth

'There's nothing that will trigger me to fight this thing!' 

The distance between me and the creature seems to be thirty kilometers or thirty five kilometers.

It's red eyes looked around as if searching for a lost item, I made sure that there's no source of light near or in my makeshift house.

'if this creature spot me, I'm good as dead, given I did not use my skills to escape and I want to face it one on one

"Oh , this monster looks interesting, want to give it a go?'" Void asked me 

"Go?!, I won't fight that creature even if I'm paid a million dollars!" I replied 

"How about this creature compared to the oversized lizards?" Void asked 

'If I can't kill a ruin monster this size because of I'm scared how will I face the dragons?'

Granted I'll have a lot of time to study the dragons and know their weakness , I already knew one of their weakness.

'The fire dragons are weak to water or ice'

'If there's any element I'm sure that I know a lot about , I'll choose the ice element

'But this monster I'm seeing right now I don't know a thing about it'

'What if I study it, and I kill it after knowing about it?' I thought 'After All it will make a good EXP'

"You know what void ?!" I asked and then added :

"We are follow this ruin monster" I said 

"Oh you want to really kill it!" void said , he paused for a while and then finally spoke:

"You seems different after you came back from the past or whatever you said you went" 

I thought for a second ' I didn't notice any change in me , I'm still acting my normal self , well except the times when my dark side took over

'oh I think I'm finally getting what he meant!'

'I'm slowly becoming insane, like the ruin monsters whose thoughts are to kill any thing they come across, my quest of survival has also turned me into a killing machine, though I have a sense of reasoning, I just wanted to see any monster I come across die , justifying myself with the fact that I want to grow stronger to defeat the dragons

'Although my justification seems right , and I only kill monsters that tried to attack me , what about the monster I'm looking at now crawling gently to its destination, why did I even think of Killing it?!, EXP?! , I don't know why but my heart seems to beat faster in excitement whenever I want to kill a living creature'

'am I slowly becoming a monster also?'

"You are becoming more of a monster"