Returning to the Ruins

Chapter 142 Returning to the Ruins


Haggeredly getting up, Aleshia climbed the steps into the ruin. Unable to go any further, she paused for a brief rest at the entrance. After a few minutes, she felt ready to continue. Descending the long stairway, Aleshia could barely see anything except the steps in the dim light. Darkness surrounded her, leaving her alone with her thoughts.


"This isn't usually how I am. Why are my emotions getting the better of me? I am sure I have dealt with fears similar to these long ago." With doubts swirling in her mind, she kept descending. As she journeyed deeper, more worries plagued her thoughts until she eventually reached the bottom of the stairs.


Aleshia spoke aloud to readjust her thoughts. "Alright, I need to remember my goal: enter Kailey's soul space, find the panels, look for information on curses, and then return." She glanced around and noticed many doors lining the corridor. She opened a few, but they were empty spaces devoid of anything but rock walls. This pattern continued with all the doors until she reached the last one.


As Aleshia walked through, she discovered a test chamber featuring several tubes in the center of the room. Beyond the tubes, she noticed a console. Since it resembled the panels from her memories, she felt compelled to approach. Upon closer inspection, she discovered several glyphs protruding from the console. Aleshia attempted to decipher them but could only understand one glyph, which read: "Start."


Not knowing what would happen if she pressed the "start" glyph, Aleshia decided against it. It was then that she recalled the room where she had met Kailey. Using that as a clue, Aleshia navigated through several corridors, trying to find her way back to that area. Without Lucia's guidance in the maze-like ruin, she quickly became lost.


Aleshia wandered through the ruin, passing numerous corridors and opening many more doors. She found several rooms she hadn't explored before but only peeked inside each one before leaving for the next one. Most of the rooms she entered were empty, their rocky interiors bare. Occasionally, she noticed markings on the walls, but she did not investigate them, as her sole focus was finding where she had first met Kailey in person.


She couldn't see outside and had lost track of how much time had passed. Feeling that it had already been a long time since she entered, panic began to set in. However, she persevered, pushing down the fear as best she could, and continued to explore the ruins.