Chapter 32:- Journey back to the rain

"You're flattering me." Maki chuckled. It was the first time in a long time that she saw someone get so impressed by her.

"But I'll agree that sensei is incredible. But anyways, enough about that. The meat's getting cold. Come on." Maki said before she began eating.

After that, she paid for the meal. Well technically she pain half but still, Maki's wallet was nearly empty. "I underestimated how much you can eat." Maki said, feeling slightly depressed.

"Don't worry, Maki-san. I only ate half of what I usually do. And if you want to, I'll pay you the money back."

"Absolutely not! I went low enough asking you to pay for half when I said I was treating you. So don't take pity on me." Maki said with a stern look.

"Also, you don't have add 'san' when you address me. Just call me Maki."

"Very well, Maki. So, what now?"

"I need to get back, my little brother is alone at home."

"In that case, how about I buy him something? I mean, you will have to make him dinner anyway." Kenshin took out his wallet and bought dinner for Maki's brother.

"Well I appreciate that. Anyways, good night."

"Good night." Both of them went their separate ways after that.

But just as he turned around, Kenshin remembered something. "I should probably take some for Akane as well."

[Back at Akane's apartment]

When Kenshin got back, Akane was preparing dinner. "How did your training go?" She asked after hearing Kenshin enter.

"It was..... okay, I guess. Maki showed up and we had a little spar."

"Is that so? And? Who won?" Akane asked, her curiosity piqued although she had a feeling she knew the answer.

"I lost, obviously. And then Maki decided to treat me to barbecue. Speaking of which, I brought some for you." Kenshin said, putting the box on Akane's small dinner table.

"Oh, that's great. But I'm already halfway done with making dinner. What should I do?" Akane said with a worried look.

Kenshin deadpanned at her and spoke after a moment of silence. "You're seriously saying that when you have two Uzumaki here? What I ate with Maki was merely a snack. I always have room for your cooking."

Kenshin began taking his clothes off, and went into the bathroom, and came out half an hour later.

"Took you long enough, brat." Akane teased before she got a good look at him. His slightly tousled, damp hair, the steam rising from his body, and his relaxed, refreshed expression all made him look incredibly good.

"Damn, you look good!" Akane licked her lips, but before she could say anything, Kenshin interrupted.

"Food's getting cold right? And I think you've had enough of me for today. It's the middle of winter, we should eat quickly."

"Hehe, fine. But I'm not making any promises. After dinner, I'll have you. I've been wanting to try something." Akane said with a mischievous giggle. 'Maki told me how to do a blowjob and I've been dying to try it on him.'

[The next morning]

Kenshin woke up, feeling the sunlight on him from the window. 'Damm! Where the hell did she learn that? And it was good too! Like, seriously! But well,

When Kenshin tried to get up though, Akane grabbed his hand. "Please. Just.. just a little while longer. You're going back to the hidden rain today, right?" Akane said, her voice carrying a hint of sadness.

"And it takes at least a week to get there. That means I'll be alone for over two weeks. I've been so lonely all this time, just stay with me a bit more. I'm not ready for you to leave yet." She pleaded, holding his hand tightly.

Hearing this, Kenshin laid back down and embraced Akane tightly. "Silly, I'm only going so that I can stay with you in the future. And besides, you've been so strong all these years, a week or two couldn't possibly break you. Right?"

He gave her a gentle peck on the forehead before setting down. "But an hour or two couldn't hurt. So rest assured, I'll be here until you're ready."

"Thanks." Akane whispered, burying her face in his chestand the two of them laid together in silence.

About an hour went by, and Akane finally lifted her head and broke the silence. "By the way I've been meaning to ask, don't you feel any regrets about dying?"

"What do you mean?" Kenshin asked, confused by her sudden question.

"I mean..... you had lots of friends back in the other world. And you were really close with your brother Todd too. And our other cousins as well. Don't you miss them?"

"Honestly speaking, I do. I miss hanging out with the boys, arguing over who had the best PC and stuff. Not to mention Todd was supposed to go on his first date, the day after we died. Which I'm sure he had to cancel. The girl was nice, I hope he gets her."

Kenshin's face turned somber for a moment but then it turned normal again.

"But, I lost my mother in that world. And not amount of company can measure up to the love of a mother. So in that regard, losing all that in exchange for a mother, and of course you, it's all worth it."

Kenshin looked her in the eye and Akane saw nothing but happiness in those dark orbs.

"And besides, I'm sure that the boys would've wanted me to do this, if it was a choice for me. I'm also lucky I got someone like mom instead of some abusive bitch."

"I'm glad I was able to reunite with you in this life. I'd already severed all my ties that night. I don't have any regrets.

The only thing I'm worried about is how we're gonna explain this to mom." Akane said after a short pause.

"Leave that to me. I'll figure something out. You just need to think about a plan for the others like your friends. We got seriously lucky with Shizune and Maki. I was totally expecting them to flip." Kenshin said, getting up from the bed and heading to the bathroom followed by Akane.

"But I'm sure that it won't be as smooth with others. You try to come up with something, and I'll figure out a way to explain it to mom."

"Okay. I'll try to think of something."

[Later that day, at the village gate]

Shizune had come to see Kana and Kenshin off, alongside Akane. Although there was a clear awkwardness between Shizune and Kenshin but Kana didn't pay attention to it.

"Take care, Akane-chan. I really want to say I'll be back but I still can't be sure. But I just want to say, I love you." Kana was hugging Akane tightly, unwilling to let her go.

"Mom, you're suffocating her. Besides, we're coming back anyway." Kenshin interrupted, and Kana finally let go of Akane.

"Rest assured, nee-san. We'll definitely come back. So be ready." Kenshin assured her, and Akane hugged him tightly.

"Be careful."

"I will."

"Don't push yourself too much, Kana-san. Take breaks frequently." Shizune advised Kana. Over the past week, she had grown quite fond of Kana.

"I will, Shizune-san. Thank you for taking care of me. Goodbye."

And so Kana and Kenshin began their journey back to the hidden rain village.

On the way, Kana listened to Shizune's advice and took breaks very frequently, because her legs were still not accustomed to running and jumping that much.

So they didn't get too far from the village.

Later that night, when Kana and Kenshin were having dinner by a fire, Kenshin decided to finally tell her.

"Hey mom? I need to tell you something. It's really important."

"Hmm? Sure, tell me anything."


Everyone, thanks for your continued support and power stones. As always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.