Chapter 40:- Last week in the rain part 5

He froze momentarily, caught off guard by her intense kiss. But then his hand found it's way to the back of her head, pulling her closer.

When they finally pulled back, it was only because they both needed air, their foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath.

"Konan." He whispered softly, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I'm glad you feel this way. I promise I'll come for you."

"Thank you, Kenshin. You know.... this is the first time you called me simply by my name. I'm glad."

Konan looked at Kenshin, her heart heavy with the decision she was about to make. She had never wanted it to come to this, but she knew it was the only way to protect him from the inevitable pain that awaited him.

"Kenshin," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of sadness he couldn't quite place. "Close your eyes for me, just for a moment."

He hesitated, sensing something was off, but her gentle tone and the trust he had in her made him comply. He closed his eyes, letting out a slow breath as he waited, unaware of what she was planning.

Konan reached into her pocket and pulled out a small capsule. She carefully opened it, holding it close to his nose. The moment the capsule cracked open, a faint hiss sounded as the potent gas escaped, immediately enveloping Kenshin's senses.

Kenshin's breath hitched as he unknowingly inhaled the gas. The effect was immediate. His body began to lose strength, his muscles weakening as the potent drug coursed through his system. He opened his eyes, confusion and a hint of fear flickering across his face as he realized something was wrong.

"K-Konan... what's... happening?" he mumbled, his voice growing weaker, his body slumping against her.

Konan caught him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders as she eased him down onto the bed. Her fingers gently combed through his hair, trying to soothe him even as she felt her own heart shatter.

"I'm sorry, Kenshin. I had to do this. You're going to the Hidden Leaf, and I know you. You'll want to protect your new home, and when the time comes, you'll go after the Akatsuki, after Pain. But you can't win... no one can."

She paused, her voice trembling slightly. "I can't let you die with a promise you won't be able to keep. Not when I know what's waiting for you. It's better if you forget, if you live without this burden."

Kenshin's eyelids fluttered, his vision growing dim as the drug took full effect. He tried to fight it, to hold onto the memory of her, of this moment, but the fog in his mind grew thicker, pulling him into unconsciousness.

"Please forgive me," Konan whispered again, her voice breaking as a tear slipped down her cheek. She pressed a soft kiss to his forehead as his eyes finally closed, his breathing evening out as he slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep.

For a long moment, she stayed there, holding him close, her tears falling silently. She knew that when he woke, he wouldn't remember any of this—her confession, their kiss, or the promise he had made. The thought both comforted and devastated her.

Finally, she laid him gently on the bed, brushing her fingers across his cheek one last time. "Please be happy with that girl. In the hidden leaf. With your family. I hope you won't have to die, and maybe you and I can be together in the new world Nagato will create."

She stood up, her legs feeling like they could barely hold her. Quietly, she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

As soon as she was alone, the weight of what she had done crashed down on her. Tears fell freely from her eyes as she rested her back against the wall outside his room.

Slowly, she slid down to the floor, her body trembling as sobs wracked her frame. She buried her face in her hands, the quiet sound of her sorrow the only thing breaking the silence of the night.

In that moment, she wished she could forget, too. But the memory of his touch, his voice, and the promise he would never remember would haunt her forever.

The next morning, Kenshin woke up alone in his bed, the events of the previous night completely erased from his memory. All that remained was a vague sense of something missing, something he couldn't quite grasp.

"Ken-chan! It's getting late!" Kana called out from the kitchen, while preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, mom. Where's onee-san?" He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes. Whenever he thought of Konan something lingered in his mind, but whatever it was he tried to recall, it slipped away like a forgotten dream.

"Konan went out earlier. She said that the messenger had returned and she needed to be there. She said she'll be back by noon."

"Oh. By the way, did something happen last night? I've been having this weird feeling, but I can't exactly put a finger on it."

Kana thought for a bit, but couldn't remember anything about the previous night. "I don't think so. I mean... we had a few drinks together but that's it. I don't think anything more happened."

Kana began serving breakfast, and Kenshin sat at the table with Kana, his chopsticks idly pushing the food around on his plate.

The strange feeling nagged at him, like a word on the tip of his tongue that he just couldn't quite remember. He sighed, finally shaking his head in frustration.

"Is something wrong, Ken-chan?" Kana asked gently, noticing his distraction.

He glanced up at her, offering a small smile. "No, it's nothing. Just... a weird feeling, that's all." He paused, then added, "It's probably just exhaustion. I've been working hard on that new jutsu, but I still can't concentrate the wind chakra enough."

Kana nodded, her expression softening with understanding. "That makes sense. You've been pushing yourself so hard lately. Maybe it's time to take a break, let your mind rest."

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Kenshin agreed, though the nagging sensation still lingered in the back of his mind. He took a bite of his breakfast, trying to focus on the meal and push the unease away.

But every time he thought of Konan, something tugged at the edges of his consciousness, something he couldn't quite grasp.

He let out another sigh, deciding to push it out of his mind for now.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. As always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.