Chapter 52:- Meeting the Konoha 11

The following day, it was snowing, a rare sight in the hidden leaf village. It very rarely snowed, and when it did, it usually didn't last long.

Akane led Kenshin through the streets of the Leaf Village, heading toward the agreed meeting spot. As they approached, the sound of laughter and chatter grew louder.

It was near a training ground that her team used, and her friends would occasionally meet up here. Although nowadays it was rare as most of them were already chunin, except for her and Maki.

When they arrived, Ino and Maki were already there, along with Shikamaru, Choji, and a few others Kenshin hadn't met yet. Ino, as vibrant as ever, noticed them first and waved enthusiastically.

"Kenshin! Akane! Over here!" she called out, drawing the attention of the rest of the group.

As they joined the circle of friends, Ino's eyes lingered on Kenshin a little longer than necessary, her interest clear. "So, have you been holding up well?" she asked, a playful glint in her eyes.

Kenshin offered a polite smile, but his focus remained on Akane, sensing her slight unease. "I have. It's good to see you again, Ino," he replied calmly, matching her energy without giving too much away.

The others introduced themselves one by one. Rock Lee was full of energy, his enthusiasm almost overwhelming as he greeted Kenshin with a firm handshake.

Neji Hyuga was more reserved, his gaze analytical as if assessing Kenshin's strength. Tenten greeted him with a friendly smile, while Hinata Hyuga offered a shy wave, her soft-spoken nature evident.

Kiba Inuzuka was straightforward, accompanied by his loyal dog Akamaru, and Shino Aburame maintained his usual enigmatic demeanor, his face mostly hidden behind his high collar and sunglasses. Sakura Haruno gave a polite nod, though her curiosity was clear.

"So, what was it like in the Hidden Rain Village?" Kiba asked, leaning forward with interest. "I mean.. the hidden rain village doesn't really interact with other villages."

"It's quite different from here," Kenshin began, his voice steady as he described the constant rain, the village's architecture, and the unique challenges its inhabitants faced.

He spoke about the people and the way of life, painting a vivid picture of the place he once called home.

"Do you have the Sharingan too?" Neji inquired, his tone neutral but curious. "Maki told us that your father was from the Uchiha clan."

Kenshin nodded, his hand instinctively moving to his eye. "I do," he said, activating it briefly, the red, tomoe-marked eye drawing the attention of everyone around him.

"Whoa... that's amazing," Tenten remarked, her eyes wide with admiration.

The conversation shifted as everyone became more comfortable, asking about various jutsu and techniques, and sharing stories from their own experiences.

The camaraderie was genuine, and even Kenshin, usually reserved, found himself enjoying the company.

At one point, Maki subtly pulled Kenshin aside, a mischievous grin on her face. She reached into her pocket and handed him a small, square packet.

"Here you go kid," she said, her tone teasing. "Just in case. You know, to play it safe with Akane. You wouldn't want something unwanted to happen would ya?"

Kenshin glanced at the condom in his hand, then back at Maki, completely unfazed. "This won't fit," he stated matter-of-factly, handing it back to her. "Next time, at least get the right size."

Maki blinked, her confidence wavering as she instinctively glanced down at his crotch, her face flushing a deep red as she imagined it's size. "W-what...?" she stammered, caught off guard by his blunt response. "I.. you.. what.... what are you....?"

Akane, noticing Maki's sudden change in demeanor, narrowed her eyes at Kenshin. "What did you say to her?"

Kenshin shrugged, his expression innocent. "Nothing really. Just the truth."

Maki quickly composed herself, though the embarrassment lingered in her flushed cheeks. "N-nothing! It's fine," she hurriedly assured Akane, waving her hands as if to dismiss the whole thing.

The group eventually gathered around Akane, chatting and laughing about old memories and new developments. Kenshin stood to the side, watching them with a subtle smile, feeling more at ease than he had in a long time.

As the laughter and conversation continued, Kenshin's gaze shifted towards Neji, who stood quietly at the edge of the group.

'I wanna test my sharingan against one of the Byakugan users. Neji would be the obvious choice, because he's a genius. And Hinata is too cute to fight.' Kenshin thought, stepping forward.

Kenshin stepped forward, drawing the attention of the group. "Neji," he began, his voice steady and respectful, "I've heard a lot about your skills with the Byakugan. I would like to spar with you, if you're willing."

Neji's eyes narrowed slightly, assessing Kenshin's sincerity. "You want to test yourself against the Byakugan?" he asked, his tone calm but laced with curiosity.

Kenshin nodded. "The Byakugan is one of the Three Great Dōjutsu, like the Sharingan. I'm interested in seeing how they compare in a real fight."

Neji considered the request for a moment before nodding. "Very well," he agreed. "I'm curious to see what the Sharingan is capable of as well."

The group moved to a nearby clearing, giving Neji and Kenshin enough space to engage in their sparring match. Snowflakes continued to fall gently around them, adding a serene backdrop to the tension building between the two combatants.

They faced each other, both focused and ready. Kenshin activated his Sharingan, the tomoe spinning slightly as he studied Neji's stance. Neji, in turn, activated his Byakugan, the veins around his eyes bulging as his vision sharpened to an almost inhuman degree.

[Image of the Konoha 11]


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. As always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.