Chapter 53:- Accident

For a moment, neither of them moved, each assessing the other. Then, as if by some unspoken signal, they both launched into action.

Kenshin moved first, his Sharingan reading Neji's movements as he closed the distance between them. He aimed a swift series of punches and kicks, testing Neji's defenses.

But Neji was ready, his Byakugan allowing him to see and anticipate each strike with precision. He countered with fluid movements, redirecting Kenshin's attacks with the efficiency of a seasoned fighter.

Kenshin quickly realized that this wouldn't be an easy fight. Neji's Byakugan not only gave him incredible insight into Kenshin's movements but also allowed him to strike at Kenshin's chakra points with deadly accuracy.

Every time Neji's fingers came close, Kenshin had to react quickly to avoid having his chakra flow disrupted.

Their sparring became a dance of sorts, each one pushing the other to their limits. Kenshin used his Sharingan to predict Neji's movements, while Neji relied on his Byakugan to stay a step ahead of Kenshin's strikes.

The others watched in awe as the two fighters clashed, their skills evenly matched. It was clear that neither was holding back, though both maintained enough control to avoid serious injury.

After several intense exchanges, they finally broke apart, breathing heavily but still focused. Kenshin's Sharingan flickered slightly, while Neji's Byakugan remained steady.

Despite actively trying to avoid Neji's attacks, several of his chakra points had been hit, disrupting his chakra flow. He had been brute forcing chakra through his pathways to fight, and only now did it begin affecting his sharingan.

"You're good," Kenshin admitted, his tone one of genuine respect. "I can see why you're considered one of the best."

Neji nodded, equally impressed. "You're not bad yourself. The Sharingan is truly formidable. But you didn't use all you could, did you? I could feel it."

Kenshin smiled, raising his hands in respect. "You're right, I didn't. I still have one more form of my sharingan, but that's not something to be used in a friendly spar."

"I understand. Well, I'd like to spar with you again." Neji extended his hand, and Kenshin shook it firmly.

Before the tension could dissipate completely, Kenshin turned to Lee, who had been watching the fight with barely contained excitement.

"And you, Rock Lee," Kenshin said, addressing him directly. "My sister told me about your taijutsu skills. You're the best of your generation. I'd like to spar with you next, if you're up for it."

Lee's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "I would be honored!" he exclaimed, his voice full of energy. "But I must warn you, Kenshin, I won't go easy on you!"

The group moved again, this time making more room for Kenshin and Lee. Lee's reputation as a taijutsu specialist was well-known, and his intense training under Might Guy had made him a force to be reckoned with, despite not being able to use ninjutsu or genjutsu.

As they squared off, Kenshin deactivated his Sharingan, as his chakra points were still blocked.

Lee, ever the gentleman, bowed deeply before taking his fighting stance, his eyes burning with determination.

Kenshin released his chakra points, and then reactivated his sharingan.

Kenshin mirrored the bow, then settled into his own stance, preparing for a battle that would test his taijutsu against one of the best.

With a quick nod to Kenshin, Lee launched himself forward with blinding speed, his fists aimed at Kenshin's chest.

The ground beneath him barely seemed to register his steps, his movement almost as swift as the falling snow.

Kenshin's Sharingan tracked Lee's rapid movements, and he managed to sidestep the first barrage of punches. Lee's strikes were relentless, each one packed with power and precision.

Kenshin blocked and dodged, using the momentum to counterattack with a series of kicks aimed at Lee's midsection.

Lee, however, was unfazed. He moved fluidly, his body responding to each of Kenshin's attacks with the practiced ease of someone who had dedicated countless hours to perfecting his craft.

The two fighters moved in a blur, their taijutsu exchanges echoing across the training ground.

Despite Kenshin's Sharingan giving him the ability to predict Lee's moves, he found himself pushed to the limit. Lee's speed was astonishing, and his strikes hit with such force that Kenshin could feel the impact resonate through his entire body.

But Kenshin didn't back down; instead, he focused on using his agility and precision to match Lee's relentless pace.

Lee's eyes sparkled with excitement as the fight continued. He could tell that Kenshin was holding his own, despite the clear disadvantage of having disrupted chakra points.

This only fueled Lee's determination to push harder. He suddenly shifted his stance and unleashed a series of rapid kicks, the famous "Leaf Whirlwind" technique.

Kenshin braced himself, his Sharingan spinning as he tried to keep up with the ferocity of Lee's attacks. He managed to block most of the kicks, but a particularly powerful one slipped through his defenses, landing squarely on his side.

The impact of Lee's powerful kick sent Kenshin crashing into a nearby tree, and the jagged edge of a branch pierced through his torso. A collective gasp went up from the others as they rushed to Kenshin's side.

Ino and Sakura, their faces etched with worry, immediately began assessing Kenshin's injuries. Sakura's hands glowed with medical chakra as she began to seal the wound, while Ino frantically checked for any other signs of injury.

The others crowded around, their expressions a mix of concern and shock.

Lee stood frozen, his eyes wide with horror as he stared at Kenshin's impaled body. "No! This is my fault!" he exclaimed, his voice breaking. "I shouldn't have pushed so hard!"

Despite the frantic efforts of Ino and Sakura, the damage was too severe. The medical ninjutsu was unable to heal the fatal wound in time. The atmosphere grew tense as the severity of Kenshin's condition became increasingly apparent.

Akane, however, remained unusually calm amidst the chaos. She watched the scene unfold with a stoic expression, her arms crossed. Her calm demeanor seemed almost cold to the others, who were overwhelmed with worry and fear.

Ino, with tears in her eyes, looked up at Akane. "How could you just stand there like that? He's your family isn't he?!"

Maki nodded, her voice trembling. "Yeah! You weren't this cold, how could you be like this towards your brothers?!"

Akane let out a disappointed sigh before turning her gaze to Kenshin, her tone sharp but laced with a hint of frustration. "Just hurry up and use your ability. You're making everyone worry for no damn reason. You can still use your mangekyo."

The command was clear and direct, though her words carried a touch of affection despite the urgency. The others looked at her in confusion, not understanding the gravity of what she was implying.

Kenshin heard her words and with a small smile, activated his mangekyo sharingan. Sensing the powerful chakra, Neji and Hinata instinctively activated their Byakugan, to clearly see what was happening.

He focused chakra in his right eye, and used it's ability. Within seconds, the fatal injury began healing, at a rate that shouldn't be humanly possible.

'His chakra, it's strange. He's not a jinchuriki, but I can clearly see two different chakra within him. One's dominant, and it's what's flowing into his eyes.' Neji thought, observing Kenshin's chakra flow.

Hinata was doing the same. 'It seems brother Neji is seeing it too.' She thought, turning her gaze to Neji before turning it back at Kenshin.

'There is something else within him. It's dark and cold. It feels.. scary. I can't..' Unwillingly, she turned off her Byakugan, unable to look at the terrifying chakra within Kenshin.

Neji, however, kept looking at Kenshin, as his injury completely healed, and Ino helped him stand up.

Everyone except for Akane stared in awe and relief, their shock and concern quickly replaced by a mix of astonishment and joy.

Lee, still shaken, took a step forward, his eyes filled with gratitude and regret. "Kenshin, I—"

Kenshin raised a hand to stop him, his expression one of exhaustion mixed with relief. "It's alright, Lee. It was a good fight, and I appreciate the push. Just... be careful next time."

Ino, Sakura, and the others gathered around Kenshin, their faces a mix of relief and disbelief. Sakura's voice was shaky but filled with gratitude. "Thank goodness you're okay. That was… incredible."

Neji nodded, his usual stoic demeanor softened by the relief of Kenshin's recovery, though he still felt somewhat disturbed by the presence inside Kenshin. "Your ability is impressive. I've never seen anything like it."

Akane approached Kenshin, her expression softening slightly. "See? You've made everyone worry enough already. Next time, maybe try not to give us a heart attack."

Kenshin managed a weary smile. "Sorry, nee-san."

As the tension eased, the group began to relax, their earlier concern replaced by a sense of camaraderie and relief.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. As always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.