Chapter 60:- Self-developed jutsu

Akane nodded, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studied the energy around him. "It's different with the EMS. The wind chakra… it's this greenish-white color. I think our eyes are able to pick up on chakra nature differently now."

Kenshin deactivated his EMS for a moment, then looked down. To his normal vision, the wind chakra appeared as it always had—almost invisible, just a faint shimmer in the air.

But when he reactivated his Eternal Mangekyo, the energy became more vivid, swirling around him in distinct, vibrant hues.

"Interesting, it's almost like the magic spells in those fantasy anime." Kenshin murmured. "This might help us distinguish different jutsu in battle. Or maybe we can learn which nature releases make up certain kekkei genkai."

"Let's test it," Akane said, stepping back a little. "Try using other chakra natures and see what color shows up. You once told me you had 3 inherently right?"

Kenshin nodded, forming hand signs for a basic Earth Release jutsu. As he channeled his chakra, the ground around him shifted, small rocks and debris rising to his command.

Through the lens of the Eternal Mangekyo, the earth chakra appeared as a rich brown, solid and stable.

"Brown for earth," Akane noted. "Makes sense."

Next, Kenshin switched to Fire Release, inhaling deeply before exhaling a small stream of flames. The fire chakra blazed bright red, illuminating the training grounds with its heat.

"Red for fire," Akane confirmed, her eyes sharp. "Alright, my turn."

She stepped forward, forming quick hand signs before releasing a stream of water from her mouth. The water chakra flowed dark blue, its color deep and fluid.

Then, she formed another set of hand signs, gathering lightning chakra in her hand. The lightning chakra glowed light blue, electric and vibrant against the night sky.

"Dark blue for water, light blue for lightning," Akane said, her voice filled with satisfaction. "It's fascinating how our eyes can see the nature of chakra in such a way now. This must be the unique ability of our Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan."

Akane smirked after observing the different chakra colors. "Wanna see something cool?"

Kenshin turned to her, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Without another word, Akane stepped back, forming hand seals and gathering lightning chakra in her hand once again. But this time, the energy crackled more intensely, forming a dense, concentrated ball of lightning in her palm.

The crackling energy lit up the area, and Kenshin recognized it instantly—the famous Chidori, or perhaps more advanced, Raikiri.

"You've been working on Raikiri?" Kenshin asked, surprised. He knew Akane had been practicing her lightning release, but this was a significant jutsu. An S-rank jutsu.

Akane nodded, her eyes gleaming with pride. "My control is better now. I can shape it better, and it's a lot faster than before."

With a sudden burst of speed, she dashed forward, her Raikiri trailing behind her like a comet, before stopping just short of a large rock. The lightning discharged into the ground, splitting the earth beneath her.

She turned back to Kenshin, her smile growing. "What do you think?"

Kenshin grinned. "Impressive. But you're not the only one who's been working on something new, my dear sister."

Akane tilted her head, intrigued. "Oh? Show me what you've got, young man."

Kenshin nodded, stepping back to give himself space. He took a deep breath and formed hand seals, focusing chakra into his palms. The air around him seemed to stir as wind chakra gathered, swirling rapidly in his hands.

"First, something simple," he muttered. "This is my 'Wind Burst.'"

Akane watched curiously as Kenshin suddenly thrust his palms forward, releasing a concentrated blast of wind chakra that propelled him backward with tremendous force.

In the blink of an eye, Kenshin was halfway across the training ground, his speed boosted by the burst of wind. He came to a skidding stop, the grass beneath him bending in the wake of the wind blast.

"Whoa!" Akane exclaimed, her eyes wide. "That's amazing!"

Kenshin grinned, brushing off his hands. "Yeah, I made this jutsu to complement my Wind Chakra Mode. Once I get full control over it, I'll be able to use Wind Burst to navigate while flying."

Akane crossed her arms, clearly impressed. "You've really thought this through. What else have you been hiding?"

Kenshin's expression grew serious. He focused again, creating a thin layer of wind chakra around his body before focusing it around his forearm and hand. The chakra condensed into a gauntlet-like shape, swirling violently as the wind itself had been trapped within his grasp.

"This one's called 'Gust Bullet,'" Kenshin said, his voice calm but focused. He extended his arm, aiming at a distant boulder.

With a flick of his wrist, a concentrated bullet of wind shot from his hand, tearing through the air with a sharp, high-pitched whistle. The wind bullet slammed into the boulder with a thunderous crash, shattering it into pieces.

Akane's mouth fell open slightly in awe. "That… was insane," she said, walking over to inspect the damage. "It tore straight through the boulder like it was nothing."

Kenshin walked up beside her, nodding. "The power is there, but I can only manage about five shots before I need to build up chakra for this jutsu. It's a huge drain, but if I can master it…"

"It could one shot anything." Akane finished for him, still marveling at the precision and strength of the jutsu.

Kenshin rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, but it'll take time. Both of these techniques are far from perfect."

Akane looked at him with a mixture of admiration and excitement. "You created two freaking jutsu on your own, Kenshin. And you're on your way to completing your third! You're amazing." Akane leaned in to place a soft kiss on his lips, before pulling back.

Kenshin wiped the sweat from his brow, his mind racing with new possibilities. He turned to Akane, his gaze serious. "Nee-san, how about we test something else?"

Akane raised an eyebrow, curious. "What do you have in mind?"

"I want to see just how strong my Gust Bullet actually is." Kenshin said, stepping back a few paces. "Summon your susanoo and reach its hand out toward me."

Akane smirked, always up for a challenge. "Alright, but don't hold back. Let's see if your jutsu can really put a dent in the ultimate defense."

She focused her chakra, the bluish-white aura swirling around her as she summoned her Susanoo. The skeletal figure took form, towering above them both. Its massive hand extended forward, palm open, fingers spread as if daring Kenshin to strike.

Kenshin took a deep breath, focusing his chakra into his right arm, forming the gauntlet of wind once more. "Let's see how it fares against your Susanoo."

Akane's eyes sparkled with anticipation, her confidence unwavering as the Susanoo's hand hovered in front of her. "Give it your best shot."

Without another word, Kenshin aimed at the outstretched hand. The wind around him swirled violently as he released a powerful Gust Bullet from his hand, the projectile speeding toward the Susanoo with a deafening rush of air.


The Gust Bullet slammed into the hand, and to both their surprise, cracks formed along the surface of the Susanoo's skeletal fingers.

Akane's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and respect on her face. "It actually cracked it…"

Kenshin narrowed his eyes, not finished yet. He gathered his chakra again, firing another Gust Bullet at the same spot. This time, the cracks deepened, spider-webbing up the Susanoo's arm.

Akane gritted her teeth, focusing more chakra to reinforce her Susanoo, but Kenshin wasn't done. With a third shot, the wind chakra condensed even more, and with a sharp whistle, it tore through the already damaged part of the Susanoo.


The Susanoo's hand shattered, fragments of its skeletal structure crumbling away into bluish-white chakra particles before dissipating into the air.

Akane took a step back, visibly impressed. "I didn't think it would actually break…"

Kenshin let out a breath, lowering his hand as the wind chakra dissipated. "I didn't either. But it looks like my Gust Bullet is stronger than I thought."

Akane chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. "You've definitely leveled up. Breaking a Susanoo isn't something just anyone can do. Looks like I'll have to keep my distance from that jutsu in a fight."

Kenshin smiled, but there was a seriousness in his eyes. "It's powerful, but it drains a lot of chakra. I can only use it five times, and after that, I'm temporarily out of commission. It's a high-risk move."

Akane nodded in understanding. "It's a solid finisher, though. It's almost like a sniper. You just need to make sure you don't waste it."

She let her Susanoo fade away, the bluish aura slowly receding into her body. "Guess I need to keep working on my Susanoo, too. There's no way I'm letting it be that easy to break next time."

Kenshin chuckled, stretching his arms. "Deal. Next time, I expect your Susanoo to take a lot more than just a couple of Gust bullets."

For a moment, the two stood in silence, letting the weight of their training sink in.

Akane broke the silence with a smile. "Let's call it a night, it's getting late. Besides, you finished putting the seals in my room, right?"

Kenshin nodded in agreement, already feeling the drain of chakra from their intense training. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

As they began to make their way back, Kenshin's mind was racing, filled with ideas for further refining his jutsu and mastering his Chakra Mode. Akane walked beside him, her thoughts on strengthening her Susanoo and Raikiri.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.