Chapter 61:- A peaceful morning

[The next morning]

Sunlight trickled through the curtains, casting a soft, warm glow over the room. Kenshin stirred slowly, his body still tingling with a pleasant soreness from the previous night's activities. They did it almost till dawn, and only stopped after the sun had begun rising.

He felt the weight of Akane's arm draped over his chest, her head resting on his shoulder, her breathing steady and calm.

"Morning, Nee-san…" he murmured, his voice a low whisper. He blinked a few times, trying to push past the haze of drowsiness.

Akane shifted beside him, burying her face deeper into his shoulder. "Mmm… Morning…" Her voice was equally sleepy, and she made no move to get up.

They lay like that for a moment longer, savoring the peace and warmth of each other's presence.

Despite the grogginess, a small smile tugged at Kenshin's lips as he remembered their training session—and how it had led to their passionate night afterward. The seals had held up perfectly, and Kana hadn't interrupted once, much to their relief.

"Guess those seals worked," Kenshin murmured, tracing light patterns on Akane's bare shoulder.

Akane hummed in agreement, her lips brushing against his collarbone. "We'll have to thank Shizune later… But for now, let's just… rest a little more…"

Just as they were drifting back into a comfortable half-sleep, a loud, familiar voice rang out from downstairs. "Kenshin! Akane! Breakfast is almost ready!"

"Maki?" Kenshin and Akane exchanged confused looks. The brunette's voice was unmistakable, but what was she doing in their house so early?

Groaning, Akane reluctantly pulled herself off Kenshin, sitting up with a tired stretch. "We should get up. If she's here, mom's probably up too."

"Yeah," Kenshin agreed, though he wasn't thrilled about the prospect of getting up just yet. He reluctantly pushed himself out of bed and quickly put on a loose shirt and pants. Akane did the same, tying her hair into a messy bun.

As they descended the stairs, they were greeted by a surprising sight. Maki stood beside Kana in the kitchen, both women working together to prepare breakfast. Kana, still in her usual loose kimono, was humming softly, her long hair flowing behind her.

Maki was chopping vegetables with surprising efficiency, a mischievous grin already forming as she caught sight of Kenshin and Akane's disheveled appearance.

"Well, well, if it ain't our little lovebirds!" Maki teased, leaning on the counter with a smirk. "You two look like you barely slept last night. Guess those seals came in handy, huh?"

Kenshin felt his cheeks heat up, and Akane's reaction was even more immediate. "Maki!" she spluttered, her face turning a deep shade of red. "W-We didn't— I mean, we did, but—" She shot a flustered look at Kenshin, who could only shrug helplessly.

Maki snickered, clearly enjoying their embarrassment. "Hey, no need to get all worked up! It's not like I wasn't expecting it. You two have been eyeing each other like starved wolves for ages."

"Shut up!" Akane shot back, crossing her arms defensively. "We're… We're just—"

"Just enjoying some quality time," Kana interrupted smoothly, turning to face them with an innocent smile that contrasted sharply with her words. "Don't worry, the seals worked wonders. I didn't hear a thing, even though you both looked like you were dying to get it out of your system last night."

"M-Mom!" Akane squeaked, her entire face burning. "You—!"

Kenshin nearly choked, caught between laughter and mortification. "We were not—"

"Oh, I'm sure you weren't," Kana continued, her expression calm as ever. "But those seals were definitely needed, especially with the way you two were… bonding." Her eyes twinkled mischievously. " Just be careful not to wear yourselves out too much."

Maki let out a delighted laugh, wiping a tear from her eye. "Oh, this is priceless! I didn't even have to say anything— your mom already did it for me!"

Akane covered her face with her hands, muttering curses under her breath. "I'm never going to live this down…"

Kenshin sighed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Can we just… change the subject?"

Kana tilted her head thoughtfully. "Sure, we can talk about something else… like how I'm glad you're using soundproofing seals properly."

"Mom!" Kenshin groaned, feeling his own face heat up. He glanced at Akane, whose mortified expression matched his own, and couldn't help but chuckle. Despite the embarrassment, it was oddly comforting to have Kana and Maki teasing them like this.

Maki's laughter eventually subsided, and she waved them over to the table. "Alright, alright, I'll stop… for now. Come on, breakfast is almost ready."

Kana nodded, gesturing to the spread of food. "I made extra since Maki-chan said she'd be joining us today."

Akane, still red but calming down, eyed the table warily. "You planned this, didn't you?"

Maki shrugged with an innocent smile. "Maybe. But hey, you did the same with me and Daichi. I'm just returning the favor."

Kenshin sighed, taking a seat beside Akane. "You really don't hold back, do you?"

"Nope," Maki chirped cheerfully. "But you love me for it."

"Debatable," Akane grumbled, but the faint smile tugging at her lips betrayed her. She glanced at Kana, her tone softer. "Thanks, mom. For… you know. Putting up with us."

Kana's smile was warm, and she reached over to pat Akane's head gently. "Of course, sweetie. Just remember the rules, alright? Let me get used to it slowly."

Akane nodded quickly, eager to move on from the topic. "Right, right. Got it."

Kenshin leaned back, finally relaxing as the teasing died down. Despite the initial awkwardness, it felt good to have this sense of normalcy—a morning spent with family, even if it was accompanied by relentless teasing.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Maki asked, taking a seat across from them.

Kenshin glanced at Akane, and they exchanged a knowing look.

"More training, of course. And after sensei comes back from her mission, the Hokage will assign the three us to her, hopefully." Akane said with a grin.

Maki groaned dramatically. "Training?Seriously? You two are ridiculous. Take a day off, will you?"

Akane's eyes narrowed playfully. "Only if you spar with me first."


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.