Chapter 62:- I'm thinking of naming chapters like this like a gintama episode so just a bunch of random stuff

Kenshin chuckled, sensing where this was headed. Maki loved a good challenge, and there was no way she'd pass up an opportunity to test her skills against Akane, despite all her complaints.

"Fine," Maki sighed with a smirk, her competitive nature already kicking in. "But don't cry when I win."

Akane snorted, standing up and cracking her knuckles. "I'd like to see you try."

The three of them quickly finished their breakfast, and before long, they were outside in the crisp morning air. The courtyard of the Uchiha compound provided the perfect space for a sparring session. Kenshin leaned against a nearby tree, watching with amusement as Akane and Maki squared off.

"Alright, no ninjutsu. Just taijutsu," Akane announced, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "I want to see how much I've improved."

Maki grinned. "You're on."

They began circling each other, both girls moving with practiced ease. Akane made the first move, darting forward with a quick jab aimed at Maki's midsection.

Maki dodged, pivoting smoothly and countering with a roundhouse kick. Akane blocked it with her forearm, the sound of the impact echoing through the courtyard.

For the next few minutes, they traded blows, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Maki was fast and agile, her strikes precise and controlled, but Akane was relentless, her movements fluid and powerful.

Despite Maki's best efforts, Akane's superior strength began to show.

In a swift, decisive move, Akane caught Maki's arm and flipped her onto her back, pinning her to the ground.

"Yield?" Akane asked with a triumphant smirk.

Maki groaned, tapping the ground in defeat. "Yeah, yeah, I yield. Geez, Akane, go easy on a friend will ya?"

Akane stood up, offering her friend a hand. "Not with you. You're too good for me to hold back."

Maki accepted the hand, pulling herself up with a chuckle. "Fair enough. You win this round. But next time…"

"You'll still lose," Akane teased, brushing some dust off her clothes.

Kenshin clapped from his spot under the tree. "Nice match. You both looked great."

"Thanks, kid," Maki said with a grin, wiping sweat from her brow. "But next time, you and I are sparring. I need to see how much you've grown too."

Kenshin raised an eyebrow. "Sure. But I'd be happy to tell you that I was top of my class back in the hidden rain."

The three of them shared a laugh before deciding to take a break. They wandered to the park, where preparations for the upcoming Rinne Festival were already underway. Decorations were being hung, and people were busy setting up stalls and lights.

Maki, still riding the high from the spar, nudged Kenshin playfully. "You know, festival nights are pretty special. Especially for… well, certain nighttime activities." Her smirk widened as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Akane's cheeks flushed a little, but she rolled her eyes. "Really, Maki?"

Maki shrugged innocently. "Just saying, no one's gonna mind if you stay up all night again. Especially during the festival."

Kenshin and Akane both yawned simultaneously, earning a laugh from Maki. The exhaustion from their long night was catching up to them, and neither had gotten nearly enough sleep to recover.

"Speaking of which…" Maki's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in closer. "How long did you two go at it last night?"

Akane, without missing a beat, casually answered, "Until sunrise."

Maki's eyes widened in shock, and she let out a low whistle. "Damn Uzumaki and your unlimited stamina. I wish I had that."

Kenshin chuckled and patted Maki on the back. "Hey, you're already so strong without fancy genes. If you had them, you'd be way too strong. It'd be boring."

Maki blinked, then grinned, clearly touched by his words. "Thanks, kid." She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes briefly as they sat together on a bench, soaking in the winter sun and the peaceful atmosphere of the park.

Akane leaned against Kenshin as well, letting out a content yawn. "You know, we should really get more sleep tonight."

Kenshin smiled softly, wrapping an arm around Akane's shoulder. "Agreed."

Afterwards, as they made their way through the streets toward Kenshin and Akane's house, the sun now fully overhead, they spotted a familiar figure walking briskly in the opposite direction.

"Sensei?" Akane called out, her eyes widening in surprise.

The light blue-haired kunoichi turned around, a slight smile appearing on her lips. "Akane, Maki, and... Kenshin, right?" Yuki greeted them with a wave.

"That's right," Kenshin responded with a polite smile. He remembered her from the introductions a few days ago, though their interaction had been brief.

Yuki's gaze flickered between them, lingering on Kenshin for just a moment longer than necessary. "I'm glad I ran into you all. I was just about to head to the Hokage's office to report in, but there's something I wanted to discuss first."

Akane crossed her arms, curiosity piqued. "What is it?"

Yuki glanced at Kenshin before speaking. "I was thinking... It might be a good idea to reinstate Team Yuki. Especially since Daichi passed away quite some time ago. I want to teach you guys again."

She paused to let that sink in before continuing. "But with a new dynamic. I want to take Kenshin under my wing. He could use some guidance, and I'd like to oversee his development personally."

Akane and Maki exchanged knowing glances, while Kenshin raised an eyebrow. "You want me to be on your team?"

Yuki's expression remained calm, but internally, her thoughts raced. 'He seems trustworthy enough on the surface, but he's a mystery. I can't just blindly trust someone from the hidden rain. If he's under my command, I can keep a close watch on him. It's better this way.'

"Yes," Yuki said aloud, her tone professional. "You've shown promise, but given your background, it's best if I can ensure you adapt well to the Leaf. I'll be able to help with that."

Akane frowned slightly, sensing something off in Yuki's reasoning but not quite able to place it. "I don't see any problem with him joining our team, I personally wanted this too. But sensei, I don't think he'll have any problem adapting to the leaf, since we're with him."

Yuki smiled faintly, masking her true thoughts. "It's not just about that, Akane. It's about giving him the right kind of training and making sure he has the proper support system in place. Besides, we could use a fresh start for Team Yuki."

Maki gave a thoughtful nod, turning to Kenshin. "Well, I think it could be a good opportunity for you. Yuki-sensei's one of the best, and she has a kekkei genkai. It'll be good for you."

Kenshin glanced at Akane, sensing her unease but also understanding Yuki's offer. He knew she didn't trust him completely, though her concern seemed more like a precaution than hostility.

"Alright," Kenshin said after a moment. "I'll give it a shot."

Yuki's smile widened just a fraction. "Good. I'll talk to the Hokage today and get the paperwork sorted. Welcome to Team Yuki."

As Yuki turned to leave, she gave one last glance back at Kenshin. 'I'll be watching you closely, Kenshin Uzumaki.'


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.