Chapter 64:- Back to duty

Kana stepped into Tsunade's office, her posture straight and her expression determined. The Hokage sat behind her desk, paperwork scattered around, but she looked up with a welcoming smile as Kana approached.

"Kana," Tsunade greeted her, gesturing to the chair in front of her desk. "It's been a while since we've had a talk. I hear you want to return to active duty?"

Kana nodded as she sat down. "Yes, Tsunade-sama. I'm feeling better now and eager to get back to work. I know it's been a long time, but I'm ready."

Tsunade leaned back in her chair, studying Kana for a moment before nodding thoughtfully. "I don't object, but there are some things we need to consider. We respect the opinions of our Jonin here, and don't promote anyone without their approval.

And as you're a kunoichi originally from the hidden rain, there's also an issue of trust. However, as it is part of our agreement with your son, I wish to uphold it."

Kana's brow furrowed slightly, but she kept silent as Tsunade continued.

"To ensure that everything goes smoothly, I'll put you under the supervision of a jonin with a genin team for a short probationary period. Afterward, depending on their evaluation, you'll be officially promoted."

Kana considered the offer for a moment before nodding. "That sounds fair. Who will I be assigned to?"

Tsunade's gaze shifted slightly as she responded, "Yuki, your daughter's former sensei. She's requested to take you on, along with Kenshin. It seems she wants to reform her team, which included Akane and Maki."

Kana's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Kenshin. "Ken-chan too? I thought he would be left alone, considering what he did for this village."

Tsunade folded her hands together. "Yuki specifically requested him. I believe she sees potential in him, and she wants to personally evaluate his skills. As for you, she's one of our best jonin and well-respected, so her endorsement will carry a lot of weight for your promotion."

Kana nodded, her mind turning over the new information. While Kana trusted Tsunade's decision, she couldn't shake a feeling of unease about Kenshin being put under Yuki watch. But if it meant she could officially return to duty, then it was a risk worth taking.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," Kana said finally. "I appreciate the opportunity."

Tsunade smiled. "I'm confident you'll do well, Kana. Report to Yuki tomorrow at training ground 2 alongside your kids. And tell Akane to bring Maki along."

As Kana stood to leave, Tsunade added, "And Kana—take care of Kenshin. He may act like he doesn't need it, but I think he's still adjusting to life here."

Kana gave a small smile. "I will."

As Kana left the Hokage's office, she took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Her mind kept circling back to Yuki and the idea of Kenshin being watched. But, she trusted her son, and that would have to be enough for now.

When Kana arrived home, the smell of dinner greeted her before she even opened the door. As she stepped inside, she saw Kenshin and Akane in the kitchen, working together with surprising harmony.

Kenshin was chopping vegetables with precision, while Akane stirred something in a pot, occasionally glancing at him with a soft smile. They looked comfortable, like a proper couple, and the sight made Kana pause for a moment.

Akane was the first to notice her. "Mom, you're back!" she said with a warm smile, wiping her hands on a towel. "How did the meeting go?"

Kana moved toward the kitchen, shrugging off her jacket. "It went well. I'll be under a Jonin named Yuki's supervision for a probationary period, but she also wants to bring Ken-chan into the team."

Kenshin didn't even flinch, continuing to chop vegetables. "Yeah, I already know," he said calmly. "We met her this morning. She wants to get her old team back together."

Kana raised an eyebrow, surprised that he was already aware. "I see… well, I guess that saves me the explanation," she said with a playful smile. "But I do wish you had told me."

Kenshin shrugged. "Figured you'd find out soon enough."

Akane chuckled softly as she set the table. "Besides, your son can handle himself. It'll be fine."

Kana let out a small laugh. "I suppose so. Well, it looks like we're all going to be working together. That should be fun."

Dinner passed quickly, and before long, it was time to wind down. Kenshin stood up and stretched, eyeing Kana, who was already slipping into her usual carefree antics. "C'mon, Mom, it's bath time."

Kana waved him off, grinning mischievously. "I don't wanna~! I'm not dirty!" she declared, though her playful tone gave her away.

"Nooo~! I don't wanna! I'll just go to sleep right now!" Kana whined, her childlike side fully on display. Her legs flailed as she dramatically resisted, though not with any real force.

"You're worse than a baby sometimes," Kenshin said with a sigh, but there was a softness in his voice that showed he wasn't really frustrated. He and Akane continued to pull her along until they reached the bath.

Once they got there, Kana pouted but finally gave in, letting them undress her as they all slipped into the warm water. The heat of the bath soothed their muscles, and Kana quickly shifted from resisting to splashing the water playfully.

Akane leaned against the side of the bath, watching her mother with an amused smile. "You really don't change, do you?"

Kana puffed her cheeks childishly. "Why should I? You like it this way."

Kenshin shook his head with a small smile, resting his arms on the edge of the bath. "You're lucky you're cute, Mom."

After their bath, the three of them dried off and headed to bed, the house quiet and peaceful as they all slipped into sleep.

The next morning, Kana was the first to wake, feeling refreshed and ready for the day. She woke Kenshin and Akane, and the three of them quickly got ready, eager to head over to Maki's apartment.

"You know, I just noticed, you wear your rain headband alongside your leaf one. Why?" Akane asked, noticing Kenshin's hidden rain headband under his jacket.

"It's important to me." Kenshin explained, his fingers running over the lines of the headband. "Onee-san, Konan, it's her headband. She gave it to me on day of my graduation. It's a memento of our relationship."

"I see. Well, having that on you isn't gonna help with gaining trust. The others aren't exactly gonna take it nicely." Akane replied, adjusting her headband.

"Doesn't matter. All I need is you guys. I can always go back to the rain. Konan will never reject us." Kenshin smirked confidently, zipping his jacket so that the rain headband remained hidden.

The three of them set out for Maki's apartment, which was not very far from their compound.

They arrived just as the sun was rising, the village still waking up. Akane stepped forward and knocked on Maki's door, a mischievous glint in her eye.

The door creaked open, revealing Maki—her usually neat short hair now sticking up wildly in all directions. It looked like she had somehow developed a mini afro overnight.

The sight was too much. Kenshin, Kana, and Akane all burst into laughter, unable to hold back their amusement despite trying their best.

Maki blinked, her sleep-addled brain trying to process what was happening. Then, as the laughter continued, her face turned bright red. With a loud groan of embarrassment, she slammed the door shut.

"You guys are the worst!" her muffled voice called through the door. 'God why did I open the door without asking who it was?! Akane isn't gonna let that one slide, not after yesterday.'

Still laughing, Kana wiped away a tear. "Oh, Maki-chan… I'm sorry! We just weren't expecting that!"

Inside, they could hear Maki hurriedly moving around, getting dressed. Within a few minutes, the door opened again, this time with Maki properly dressed and her hair smoothed back into its usual style.

She crossed her arms and glared at them, though the embarrassment still lingered in her expression. "You better not mention this to anyone."

Kenshin smirked. "Your secret's safe with us."

Maki sighed, but there was a hint of a smile on her face as she joined them. "Alright, let's go. We've got training to do."

With that, the group made their way to the training grounds, the morning sun warming their backs as they prepared for the day ahead.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.