Chapter 65:- Team Yuki

When the group arrived at Training Ground 2, they found Yuki already waiting for them, her arms crossed and her expression unreadable. She looked them over with a raised eyebrow, especially focusing on Kenshin and Kana.

"I was planning to come by the Uchiha compound last night," Yuki said, her tone casual but with a hint of exasperation.

"But the Hokage told me about Kana's return to active duty. Looks like I'm not only keeping an eye on Kenshin here but making sure his mother's Jonin material."

Kana grinned, but Yuki's gaze remained steady on Kenshin. "This is more than just a reunion of the old team. You're all in for some serious training. Kenshin," she addressed him directly, "I know you've got potential, but I need to see for myself what you can do."

Yuki stepped back, forming a series of hand signs, and suddenly the air around her chilled. Daggers of pure ice formed in the air, floating effortlessly around her, shimmering in the sunlight. They hovered, ready to strike at any moment.

"This is my Kekkei Genkai," Yuki explained, her tone professional. "Ice Release. With it I can form weapons or create barriers out of ice. It's versatile and deadly. But also slightly taxing." The daggers swirled around her before dissolving into mist.

Kenshin's eyes widened as he observed the ice technique. He had read about Kekkei Genkai, but seeing it in person was something else. He nodded in acknowledgment. "That's sick!"

Yuki then turned her attention to the rest of the group. "Before we begin, I need to know your inherent nature releases. Kenshin, you first."

Kenshin looked at her seriously. "I have earth, fire, and wind release. Wind is my strongest affinity."

Yuki blinked, clearly surprised. "Three nature releases… and wind is the strongest?" She crossed her arms, impressed. "That's… unheard of. We'll need to test how well you've mastered them."

Maki, standing a bit to the side, let out a low whistle. "I feel like a black sheep in a team like this. You guys have all these fancy abilities, and here I am with nothing but fists." She chuckled lightly, though there was no bitterness in her voice.

"You've got strength, Maki," Yuki said, smiling faintly. "That's not something to take lightly. Taijutsu specialists like you and Lee are rare and incredibly valuable on the battlefield."

Maki shrugged, but there was a glimmer of pride in her eyes. "I guess we'll see how I stack up."

Yuki turned to Kana next. "And you, Kana?"

"I've got earth release," Kana responded. "I've also learned a little bit of fire release from Ken-chan's father."

Yuki nodded in understanding. "Earth and fire, a pretty decent combination."

Kenshin, who had been quietly observing Yuki's technique with his EMS, spoke up, "Your ice release… I suppose It's wind and water, right?"

Yuki smiled faintly. "You're smart. Yes, it's a combination of wind and water. It allows me to control both elements simultaneously to form ice by cooling the water."

She gestured toward the training grounds. "Now that I know what I'm working with, let's see how well you can use them."

Yuki's training began with a test of their abilities, starting with Kenshin. He was tasked with using his wind release against Yuki's ice daggers.

Kana, meanwhile, would work on earth release to create defensive walls and barriers against Yuki's projectiles.

As the morning wore on, it became clear to Yuki that Kenshin's wind release was truly formidable. His attacks were sharp, precise, and powerful enough to cut through her ice.

However, she also noted that he still lacked control when transitioning between his three nature releases.

Kana's earth release proved to be rather powerful, and though her fire release was still developing, she showed potential for offensive attacks.

As they paused for a break, Yuki called them together. "You all did well," she began, "but we've got a lot of work to do. Kenshin, you've got raw power, but you need more finesse in switching between elements. Kana, your defense is strong, but I want to see you push your fire release further."

The group nodded in understanding, determination in their eyes. The training had just begun, but they were already growing stronger as a team.

After they finished their break, Yuki clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, team," she began, "good work this morning. Now, before we wrap up for the day, I'd like to have a word with Kana. The rest of you can continue practicing what we've covered."

Kenshin, Akane, and Maki nodded, moving to different areas of the training ground to resume their training. Kana approached Yuki with a curious expression.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Kana asked.

Yuki gestured for Kana to walk with her along the edge of the training field. "Yes. Since you're aiming for a promotion to Jonin, there are several things we need to address. The sooner you're up to speed, the sooner I can recommend you for promotion—and, to be honest, the less work I'll have."

Kana chuckled lightly. "I appreciate your candor. I'm eager to learn whatever I need to."

"Good," Yuki replied with a slight smile. "First, let's discuss the responsibilities of a Jonin. It's not just about being strong or skilled in combat. A Jonin is expected to lead and mentor others, particularly Genin and Chunin. You'll need to demonstrate leadership qualities and the ability to make strategic decisions under pressure."

Kana nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. I did lead some Genin back before my kids were born, right after I became a Chunin but I think I can handle this."

"Excellent. Additionally, Jonin are often assigned high-ranking missions that require advanced tactical knowledge and discretion. Mastery over at least two chakra natures is typically expected, along with a broad repertoire of jutsu.

Your Earth and Fire release are a solid foundation," Yuki acknowledged. "We'll focus on enhancing your proficiency with both. Also, tactical versatility is crucial. You should be able to assess situations quickly and adjust your strategies accordingly."

Kana glanced over at the others training. "I suppose helping to mentor the team could be a good start in demonstrating leadership."

"Exactly," Yuki agreed. "Why don't you take Maki under your wing? She's a formidable taijutsu specialist but could benefit from learning complementary ninjutsu techniques. And you could help with her taijutsu too, since I fought you back during the war and I still remember that last punch you gave me, almost cracked my jaw."

Kana smiled. "I punched a lot of people back then. But I'm glad you remember our fight. And I'd love to teach Maki-chan, she has lots of potential."

Yuki's eyes softened slightly. "Good. Also, keep in mind that as a Jonin, your conduct sets an example for others. While your... youthful energy is refreshing, there are times when formality is necessary."

Kana laughed softly. "I tend to be a little bit childish at times, and my kids spoil me. But I'll do my best to balance both."

"That's all I ask," Yuki replied although she couldn't suppress a small laugh. "Now, let's put some of this into practice."

They returned to where Maki was practicing her strikes against a training log. Kana approached her with an encouraging smile.

"Maki-chan, mind if I join you?" Kana asked.

Maki turned, a bit surprised. "Not at all, Kana-san. What's up?"

"I was thinking," Kana began, "your taijutsu is impressive, but have you considered incorporating some ninjutsu to enhance your combat style?"

Maki shrugged lightly. "I've thought about it, but I've always been more focused on close combat because I suck at ninjutstu."

"Understandable," Kana said. "But imagine combining your strength with earth-based techniques to catch opponents off-guard or defend against attacks you can't dodge."

"For example, suppose you're fighting someone and just when they shift their weight a bit, the ground below them moves suddenly. It can be slight, but that would be enough to take them off balance and you could take them down easily." Kana explained, demonstration what she said using a water clone.

Maki's eyes lit up. "That does sound useful. I'd love to learn."

"Great! Let's start with some basics," Kana said enthusiastically. "I'll show you how to manipulate the earth to create barriers or trip up your opponents."

As Kana began instructing Maki, Yuki observed them from a distance, noting Kana's teaching approach and the rapport she built with Maki.

Meanwhile, Kenshin and Akane were sparring, working on coordinating their jutsu.

After a while, Yuki approached them. "Kenshin, your control is improving, but remember to anticipate your opponent's reactions. Akane, good job supporting his attacks, but don't forget to watch your own defenses."

"Yes, sensei," they replied in unison.

Yuki gave a brief nod and moved on, satisfied with their progress. 'Till now, nothing seems off about him. But I did notice him still wearing the hidden rain headband inside his jacket. I need to keep my eye on him.' She kept watching him from a distance, while also watching Kana teach Maki earth release.

'Maki has earth release so she should be able to pick up earth release from Kana without too much difficulty.'


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.