Chapter 66:- Back at home

As the afternoon sun cast long shadows across the training ground, Yuki called the team together one last time.

"That's enough for today," she announced. "You've all made significant progress, but there's still work to be done."

She turned to Kana. "Kana, you're showing promise in taking on leadership responsibilities. Continue working with Maki; your guidance is valuable."

Kana inclined her head. "Thank you. I'll keep it up."

Yuki addressed the whole team. "Remember, being part of a team means supporting each other's growth. We'll meet again tomorrow morning at the same time. Rest well and come prepared."

As they began to pack up their gear, Maki approached Kana with a grateful smile. "Thanks for your help today. I feel like I learned a lot."

"You're a quick learner," Kana replied warmly. "With some practice, you'll be integrating my ninjutsu into your combat style in no time."

Kenshin joined them, stretching his arms. "You two seemed to have a productive session."

Maki grinned. "Your mom's a great teacher. Maybe she should lead the team instead of Yuki-sensei."

Kana waved a hand dismissively. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

Akane chuckled. "Well, I'm just glad we're all working together. It feels... right."

As they walked away from the training ground, the camaraderie among them was palpable. Yuki watched them depart, a contemplative expression on her face.

'Perhaps this team will exceed my expectations after all,' She thought. 'Kana and Kenshin appear to have no desire to betray the leaf, but if recent events have taught me anything, it's that I can't trust anyone blindly.'

Turning away, Yuki made a mental note of the areas each member needed to improve. She was determined to mold them into a cohesive and formidable unit—not just for their sakes, but for the village as well.


Back at the Uchiha compound that evening, Kana sat down to review some strategy scrolls, familiarizing herself with current protocols and mission types. Kenshin and Akane joined her, each bringing their own materials.

"Mind if we study with you?" Akane asked.

"Of course not," Kana replied, gesturing for them to sit. "I could use the company."

Kenshin laid out a map of the region. "I was thinking about potential mission scenarios we might face. Yuki-sensei seems keen on testing us in various environments."

"Good thinking," Kana said approvingly. "Understanding the terrain can give us an advantage."

After about half an hour of intense studying, Kana could feel her brain starting to fry. Her eyes glazed over as she scanned another line of text about troop formations, and she let out an exaggerated sigh.

One could almost see the steam rising from her head as she slumped over the table.

"Ughhh, why is everything so complicated?" she groaned, tossing the scroll onto the table with a thud.

"Why can't we just wing it? Back in my day, I'd just punch my way through enemies or wrap 'em up in my chains and thrash them around until they gave up!" Kana leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms in frustration.

Kenshin chuckled at his mother's outburst. "Plans are important, mom. You know, to avoid getting overwhelmed. We can't just rush into everything fists first."

Akane nodded, her expression serious but with a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Even your chains won't solve everything. But... I kind of agree. Some of these strategies feel like they're overthinking things. Maybe we could make the plans a little simpler?"

Kana gave Akane a grateful look. "See? Even Akane-chan gets it. All this planning just gives me a headache!"

Kenshin raised an eyebrow at his mother. "You were never good with the academic stuff, huh?"

Kana gave a dramatic sigh, resting her chin on her palm. "Nope. Never needed to. I'd always let Konan be the brains and give me instructions and I'd be the brawn."

"You'll have to balance both now," Kenshin teased.

Kana threw a playful glare at her son. "Don't push it, Ken-chan."

Before the conversation could continue, there was a sudden knock at the door, and Maki poked her head in, looking slightly amused. "Interrupting something?"

Kana waved her hand lazily. "Not really, just me losing a battle to strategy scrolls."

Maki laughed and stepped into the room. "Well, if it makes you feel better, Yuki-sensei sent me to check on you guys and see if you were ready for tomorrow's training."

Kana groaned again but nodded. "Yeah, yeah, we're ready. At least, I am… once my brain stops melting from all this studying."

Kenshin chuckled. "We'll be ready."

Maki shot him a wink before glancing at Kana with a grin. "Better rest up, Kana-san. Tomorrow's gonna be another long day."

Kana gave Maki a mischievous smile. "You know, Maki-chan, you're more than welcome to crash here tonight. I could use some company, these two are too busy with each other."

Maki shook her head, chuckling softly. "As tempting as that is, I can't leave Keita alone. He's probably already scarfing down instant ramen and calling it dinner."

Kana waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, fine, I guess we can't let him live off ramen. Go on, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thanks, Kana-san," Maki said with a grin before waving goodbye to Kenshin and Akane with a mischievous wink. "Don't go at it all night tonight. Sensei is gonna beat both of you up if you're sleepy during training."

After Maki left, Kana let out a long sigh and stretched her arms over her head. "I think my brain needs a break. You two finish up here, I'm going to put these scrolls away and relax for a bit."

Kenshin nodded, glancing at Akane as Kana disappeared down the hall. "Guess we're making dinner then."

Akane smiled and moved to the kitchen, grabbing a large pot and setting it on the stove.

She began prepping vegetables and spices while Kenshin busied himself with fetching the ingredients.

The warm sounds of chopping and simmering soon filled the kitchen, and the smell of cooking stew grew stronger.

As Akane stirred the pot, Kenshin slipped behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She paused, glancing back with a soft smile. "What are you up to?" she asked in a teasing tone.

"Just helping my dear sister," Kenshin whispered, leaning in close. His breath tickled her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. She leaned back into him, savoring the warmth of the moment.

Without thinking, Akane turned around in his arms, meeting his eyes. Kenshin leaned in and kissed her gently, and she responded, letting herself get lost in the kiss. Their lips moved in sync, soft and slow, as the world outside their embrace faded.

Minutes passed, and they barely noticed as the stew began to simmer too vigorously. The scent in the air shifted from savory to slightly burnt, but they were too absorbed in each other to care.

That was until Kana's voice rang out from down the hall. "Oi! You two couldn't wait till after dinner?" she called, stepping into the kitchen with a playful groan. "I'm not having burnt stew for dinner!"

Akane pulled away from Kenshin with a startled laugh, her cheeks flushed. "Oops..."

Kenshin smirked, rubbing the back of his neck. "Guess we got a little carried away."

Kana waved a hand, pretending to be exasperated. "Just make sure it's still edible. I'm too hungry to be dealing with burnt food."

Akane quickly turned back to the pot, salvaging what she could, while Kenshin took a seat at the table, chuckling softly. Kana plopped down beside him, giving him a knowing smirk. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood, Ken-chan."

"You mean you're not always in a good mood?" Kenshin teased back, earning him a mock glare from his mother.

As Akane finished the meal, the mood in the house relaxed, the earlier tension from studying forgotten. Even the slight burn on the stew didn't seem to matter anymore.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.