Chapter 78:- Party

The sun dipped low, casting warm golden hues over the Uchiha compound as Kana and Kenshin worked in the kitchen. The sound of clinking utensils and sizzling food filled the space, the scent of cooking meat and vegetables mixing with the cool evening air.

Kana darted around the kitchen with a surprising amount of energy, giggling as she tossed flour into the air like a child. Kenshin, more focused on the task, chuckled at her antics, though he occasionally stole glances, making sure the food didn't burn.

"You're making a mess, mom," Kenshin said with a smirk, turning his attention back to the pot of simmering stew.

Kana pouted playfully, then suddenly burst into laughter as she tossed more flour at him. "I'm just having fun! Besides, this is our celebration! We deserve to relax!"

Kenshin shook his head, a small smile creeping onto his face. "At least don't get flour on the food."

Maki, setting plates at the table with Akane, glanced over and chuckled. "Kana-san, you're worse than Keita right now."

"That's because Kana-san isn't boring like you, onee-chan!" Keita chimed in, darting around the room like a whirlwind. His laughter was infectious, and Kana joined him, hopping in circles, acting even more childlike.

"Now, now, Keita, let your sister finish setting the table," Akane said, though her eyes gleamed with amusement at the lively scene.

Just as the food was finished and the table set, a loud knock on the door interrupted the moment.

Kenshin, wiping his hands on a cloth, went to open it. Standing in the doorway was Yuki—flushed, swaying slightly, and clearly drunk.

"Hiya!" Yuki slurred, her grin wide as she stumbled into the room. "Guess whooooo had drinks with Asuma!"

Kana giggled at the sight of her sensei in such a state. "Yuki, are you drunk?"

Yuki waved a hand dismissively, her words jumbled together. "N-not drunk... just... well, maybe a little drunk." She gave a goofy smile. "But it's a party, so who cares!"

Kenshin raised an eyebrow but couldn't help but chuckle at Yuki's complete departure from her usual composed self. "I guess we should get you some water, sensei."

Yuki stumbled closer to the group, her attention drawn to Kana, who was still brimming with energy. Her eyes softened as she muttered, "Kana, you're so cute. Like... really cute."

Kana tilted her head, giggling. "Thanks, Yuki!"

Yuki leaned in closer, her voice turning into a drunken whisper, though loud enough for everyone to hear. "You've got this... childlike personality, you know? Super adorable. And... let me tell you, you've got a nearly perfect body—just like Tsunade-sama! You're... beautiful. Gorgeous face, that red hair... those!"

Kana, blushing furiously, glanced at Kenshin, who was struggling to keep a straight face. Maki burst into laughter while Keita, oblivious to the awkwardness, darted around the table, his attention more on the food than the conversation.

"Yuki-sensei, you're embarrassing her!" Akane said, trying to stifle her own laughter.

Yuki, completely unaware of the commotion she was causing, continued to compliment Kana, her words growing more incoherent with each passing second. "You could be... a model or something, you know? S-Seriously! You and Tsunade-sama... b-beautiful... I don't know why the rain let you go. I wouldn't."

Kana covered her face with her hands, half-hiding her laughter and embarrassment. "Yuki! Stop, stop, you're drunk!"

"Alright, alright," Kenshin stepped in, grabbing Yuki's arm gently. "Let's get you some water before you pass out. I don't want my mother to be more embarrassed."

Yuki giggled as Kenshin led her to a chair, where she collapsed with a sigh, her head leaning back as if she'd just run a marathon. "You guys are... amazing... Best students ever..."

As the group gathered around the table, the atmosphere relaxed, filled with laughter and lighthearted teasing. Yuki, now quieter but still tipsy, continued to grin at everyone, her usually stern demeanor completely replaced by a carefree, almost childlike enthusiasm.

"I hope Asuma's okay," Kenshin muttered under his breath, imagining the Jonin still sitting at the bar, drinking in silence after watching his comrade get this drunk.

Maki, overhearing him, chuckled. "I'm sure he'll be fine. If he could handle Kurenai-sensei, he can handle anything."

Keita, finally seated and ready to eat, pointed excitedly at the dishes. "Can we eat now? I'm starving!"

Kana, still red from Yuki's compliments, nodded vigorously. "Yeah, let's dig in!"

And with that, the group began their meal, the sound of clinking utensils, laughter, and cheerful chatter filling the room.

Despite the strange turn of events, the party was a success, bringing the group closer and giving them a brief reprieve from the looming tensions of their ninja lives.

As the plates emptied and everyone leaned back in their seats, the laughter continued. Kenshin sat beside Yuki, who seemed to have sobered slightly, though the alcohol was still clearly in control. She looked around the group with a dopey grin.

"You know... Kenshin..." Yuki slurred, her voice low and sluggish. "You're... you're pretty handsome, ya know?"

Kenshin tensed slightly, offering a polite smile. "Thanks, Yuki-sensei."

Yuki leaned in closer, her breath warm against his ear as she mumbled, "No, really. You're... just... perfect. Smart, good-looking, talented..." Her words trailed off into drunken nonsense. "You even made your own jutsu. You know how jealous I am? I'm a wind user myself and yet all I can do is combine it for my ice."

Akane, sitting across the table, shot a glance at Yuki, her eyes narrowing. "Yuki-sensei..." she began, her voice tense, but Yuki cut her off with a giggle.

"Kenshin, you... you should... kiss me," Yuki muttered, her eyes half-lidded as she leaned in even closer. Without any regard for the others at the table, Yuki tilted her head, closing the distance.

Akane shot up from her chair, her voice sharp and panicked. "Sensei!" she shouted, the mortification clear on her face.

Yuki blinked in surprise, pulling back slightly but still giggling. "What? Oh, come on, Akane! Don't hold your brother down. He's a handsome young man... and he should be allowed to make out with a lady like myself."

Akane, her face flushed red with anger, opened her mouth to argue, but Kenshin gently held up his hand. "Yuki-sensei, you've had too much to drink," he said calmly, his voice steady despite the awkwardness of the situation. "You should stop."

But Yuki wasn't listening. In her drunken state, she grabbed Kenshin by the collar, pulling him toward her. "Oh, hush. Just... one kiss," she mumbled before leaning in again, this time pressing her lips to his with surprising force, slipping her tongue into the kiss.

Maki gasped, dropping her chopsticks, while Kana looked on in wide-eyed shock. Keita, oblivious to the tension, was too busy eating to notice what was happening.

Akane, however, was beyond mortified. Her eyes flashed with anger as she started forward, but before she could intervene, Kenshin firmly pushed Yuki away.

His Sharingan flared, casting a subtle genjutsu on Yuki, and within moments, her body relaxed, and she slumped forward, fast asleep.

The room was silent for a beat, everyone staring at the unconscious Yuki.

Akane stood frozen, her fists clenched at her sides, her breath shallow and furious. "What the hell was that?!" she finally burst out, her voice shaking with a mix of rage and embarrassment.

Kenshin, still composed despite the situation, sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "She was drunk, nee-san. She didn't mean it."

Akane's eyes blazed as she turned on him. "Drunk or not, that doesn't give her the right to—" She stopped herself, taking a deep breath as she tried to calm down.

Maki, ever the peacekeeper, gently placed a hand on Akane's shoulder. "Akane, it's over. Kenshin handled it. Yuki-sensei didn't know what she was doing."

Akane exhaled, shaking her head. "I know, but still...!"

Kana, still recovering from her own embarrassment earlier, chuckled softly, trying to diffuse the tension. "Well, at least she was stopped before things got any worse."

Keita, finally noticing the commotion, looked up from his plate with wide eyes. "Is Yuki-sensei okay?"

Kenshin smiled softly, ruffling Keita's hair. "She's fine, Keita-kun. Just tired."

As the tension in the room eased, Kenshin gently picked Yuki up, laying her down on a nearby couch. "She'll sleep it off. Hopefully, she won't remember any of this tomorrow."

Akane crossed her arms, still fuming but calming down. "I hope so, because if she does, I'm not letting her live this down."

With Yuki fast asleep on the couch, the room seemed to collectively exhale, the tension lifting like a dissipating storm cloud. Kenshin returned to his seat, glancing at Akane, who was still fuming but slowly calming down.

"Well, that was... something," Kana said with a chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood. "But let's not let it ruin the night."

Kenshin smiled, grateful for Kana's attempt to move things along. "Agreed. I think it's time for dessert."

He stood and walked over to the kitchen, bringing out a large, beautifully decorated four-layer vanilla cake. The top was inscribed with icing: "Congratulations to my mom, Kana Uzumaki, for not messing up her first time leading a team."

Kana's eyes lit up with delight. "Ken-chan! You made this for me?" she asked, her voice full of surprise and joy.

Kenshin nodded, setting the cake down in the center of the table. "Of course. Vanilla's your favorite, right?"

Her face beamed as she reached for the knife, but not before giving Kenshin a quick, playful punch on the arm. "You just had to make that particular message."

As Kana carefully cut the cake, the lingering awkwardness from Yuki's antics seemed to fade. The sweet aroma of vanilla filled the air, and everyone eagerly grabbed a slice, including Keita, who immediately dove into his with enthusiastic bites.

Maki grinned, enjoying the shift in atmosphere. "That's quite the message, Kenshin," she said, pointing at the inscription with her fork.

"Well, she didn't mess up, so it's true," Kenshin replied with a soft smile, looking at Kana with admiration.

As everyone dug into their cake, Akane leaned over toward Kenshin. Her earlier anger seemed to have melted away, replaced by a teasing glint in her eyes. She leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips, catching him off guard.

"What was that for?" Kenshin asked, blinking in surprise.

Akane smirked. "Disinfection from our sensei's kiss."

Maki let out an amused whistle, unable to resist the urge to comment. "Oh, Akane, that's one way to handle it. You're really possessive, I wouldn't wanna be your rival with that kinda stuff."

Keita, still oblivious to the earlier drama, looked up from his cake with wide, confused eyes. "Disinfection? Is sensei sick?"

The table erupted into laughter, and Akane shook her head, ruffling Keita's hair. "No, Keita. She's just... sleeping it off."

Kana chuckled as she watched the siblings interact, her heart full. This had turned into a strange but memorable celebration, one she wouldn't forget anytime soon.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.