Chapter 79:- First mission

The next morning, sunlight filtered softly through the windows of the living room, casting a warm glow on the sleeping figure of Yuki, who lay sprawled on the couch.

She stirred slowly, groaning as she blinked herself awake. A pounding headache reminded her of the alcohol from the night before. As she sat up, disoriented, the scent of something delicious cooking reached her, drawing her attention toward the kitchen.

Yuki rubbed her temples, trying to recall the events of the previous night. She had vague memories—mostly flashes of laughter, the food, and... Oh no.

Her eyes widened as the memories came flooding back: drunkenly kissing Kenshin, Akane's outburst, and Kenshin having to put her to sleep with a genjutsu.

Her face flushed with embarrassment. 'Please tell me that was just some weird dream... she thought desperately.'

Shaking her head, Yuki slowly rose from the couch, running a hand through her hair in a futile attempt to tidy up. She headed toward the kitchen, where she heard Kana humming cheerfully, clearly in a good mood.

Kana stood at the stove, preparing breakfast. She turned her head slightly when she noticed Yuki entering the room, a welcoming smile on her face. "Morning, Yuki. Hope you're hungry."

Yuki scratched the back of her neck, feeling awkward as she tried to gauge Kana's demeanor. 'She's acting normal... maybe it really was just a dream,' Yuki thought, feeling a tiny bit of relief.

Still, she needed to confirm it. "Uh, Kana... about last night. I had this really... strange dream."

Kana turned fully toward her, curious. "Oh? What kind of dream?"

Yuki swallowed, hesitating. "Well, I might have... I don't know... kissed your son?" She watched Kana closely for any sign that it hadn't actually happened.

Kana's hands froze, her eyes flickering toward Yuki with a slight smirk playing on her lips. "Dream, huh?" She turned back to her cooking. "That's one way of putting it."

Yuki's heart sank. "Oh god... it really happened, didn't it?"

Kana chuckled softly. "Yep. You were pretty out of it."

Yuki slumped into a chair, burying her face in her hands. "I wanna die..."

Kana shrugged, still smiling. "Well, it's not like it was the end of the world. Ken-chan handled it like a champ."

"That's not the point!" Yuki groaned. "I'm his sensei. I should be setting an example, not...." She trailed off, shaking her head in frustration.

Kana gave a sympathetic look before turning back to the stove. "Well, now that you're sober, you can apologize. He won't hold it against you."

Yuki sighed deeply. "I'll do that. Where is Kenshin's room?"

Kana nodded toward the staircase. "Upstairs, second one to the right."

With a heavy heart, Yuki stood up and made her way toward the stairs. Her steps were slow as her mind raced. 'I have to apologize properly... make sure he doesn't think I'm some kind of reckless drunkard... And I'll have to beat up Asuma for making me drink so much.'

As she reached the second door on the right, she noticed it was slightly ajar. 'Oh, maybe he's already awake, that makes it easier.' She thought with a little relief. But as she was about to step inside, she paused.

Through the small gap, Yuki saw Akane leaning over Kenshin, gently kissing him awake. Her lips pressed softly against his, her hand caressing his face tenderly as he began to stir. "Wake up, brat."

Yuki's eyes widened in surprise, and she instinctively stepped back, her heart pounding in her chest. 'Whoa. Nope, not interrupting that, whatever the fuck it is.' She quickly turned to leave, hoping they hadn't noticed her.

But just as she was about to tiptoe away, Kenshin's voice came from inside the room, calm and clear. "Yuki-sensei, you can come in."

Yuki froze mid-step, her heart dropping into her stomach. "Great, of course he'd notice... Damm brat!" Yuki murmured, reluctantly turning around and pushing the door open slightly, stepping into the room.

Kenshin was sitting up now, rubbing his eyes, while Akane sat beside him, her face calm but watchful. Yuki cleared her throat awkwardly. "Uh, sorry... I didn't mean to intrude."

Kenshin offered a small smile. "It's fine. I'm guessing you wanted to talk about last night?"

Yuki winced, the embarrassment returning full force. "Yeah... about that." She glanced between Kenshin and Akane, feeling even more awkward now after witnessing their intimate moment. "I just wanted to apologize. I was... way out of line. I shouldn't have—"

Kenshin raised a hand to stop her. "There's no need to apologize, Yuki-sensei. You were drunk, and we all know that wasn't really you. It's already forgotten."

Akane, while still watching with a slightly guarded expression, gave a small nod. "He's right. It's not a big deal."

Yuki blinked, taken aback by how easily they were letting her off the hook. She shifted uncomfortably, still feeling weird about the whole situation.

"I... appreciate that, but I still feel like I owe you guys an apology. Especially you, Akane." She looked at the Akane sincerely. "I crossed a line."

Akane's expression softened a little, and she sighed, shaking her head. "You're forgiven. Just... maybe next time, stick to water if you're celebrating with us."

Yuki let out a small laugh, the tension easing just a bit. "Deal."

Despite the lighthearted exchange, the awkwardness still lingered in the air. Yuki knew she'd witnessed something she wasn't supposed to.

She decided not to press on it for now, trusting Akane's judgement, but the image of Akane's kiss and Kenshin's casual reaction to her presence stuck with her.

"Well, I'll let you two get ready," Yuki said, stepping back toward the door. "Breakfast should be ready soon."

As she turned to leave, Kenshin spoke up again. "Thanks for coming up to talk, Yuki-sensei."

She glanced over her shoulder and gave a small nod, forcing a smile. "Yeah, anytime." With that, she slipped out of the room, feeling a strange mix of relief and lingering discomfort.

Yuki made her way back downstairs, still trying to wrap her head around everything that had happened. 'I'll talk to Kenshin about it later... when things aren't so weird.' She took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the smell of breakfast that awaited her.

Kana glanced up as Yuki entered the kitchen again, raising an eyebrow. "All good?"

Yuki smiled awkwardly. "Yeah... mostly."

Kana laughed softly. "Good. Now sit down. Food's almost ready."

After breakfast, Yuki stood by the door, pulling on her flak jacket and adjusting her headband. The rest of the team gathered around, looking ready for the day ahead. She gave them a nod, clearing her throat. "Alright, training starts in two hours. Use that time to relax or prepare as you see fit."

Kenshin, Akane, and Kana all nodded in unison, and with that, Yuki took her leave. As she walked away, she couldn't shake the lingering discomfort from the morning.

Despite her growing trust in Kenshin and his abilities, the image of him and Akane sharing that kiss was a constant, nagging thought at the back of her mind.

Still, she brushed it off as best as she could. 'Maybe it's just a family thing,' she rationalized, focusing instead on the training to come.

The next seven days passed in a steady rhythm. Kenshin showed tremendous improvement in mastering his wind jutsu, honing his Wind Burst and Gust Bullet techniques with increasing control. Yuki was impressed with how quickly he picked up on her critiques and applied them.

Kana, on the other hand, was rapidly learning the nuances of leadership and Jonin responsibilities. Under Yuki's guidance, she was becoming a skilled strategist, and Yuki was beginning to see her potential as a future leader.

Despite Yuki's initial reservations about Kenshin, she found herself warming up to him. His earnestness and calm demeanor won her over, and the more time she spent with him, the more she saw how much he valued the team.

He treated her with respect, yet he was casual and at ease, making it hard for her to keep her guard up. It didn't hurt that he was a fast learner, constantly proving his abilities in training.

One afternoon, after an especially intense training session, the whole team decided to rest under a large tree. The afternoon sun was gentle, casting long shadows over the clearing.

Kana sat against the trunk, her head tilted back as she closed her eyes to relax. Both Akane and Maki, worn out from the day's exercises, curled up next to her, each resting on one of her shoulders. The quiet sound of their breathing indicated they'd fallen asleep quickly.

Yuki sat nearby, leaning back with her arms crossed, watching over the team with a sense of pride. Her eyes drifted to Kenshin, who had also leaned against the tree beside her, his energy finally spent from the day's rigorous training. He looked calm, almost peaceful in the silence.

Before she realized it, Kenshin shifted in his sleep and rested his head on her shoulder.

Yuki froze, eyes wide. Her instinct was to shake him awake, but seeing how tired he looked, she hesitated. Instead, she allowed him to rest, though she couldn't help the uneasy feeling growing inside her.

'Why does this feel so weird... I took him under me to keep an eye on him, but now he's becoming really close..' she thought, though a small part of her found the moment strangely comforting.

She sighed and let it be, her own body relaxing under the shade of the tree as the quiet of the afternoon lulled her into a calm state.

At the end of the seven days, Yuki found herself in the Hokage's office, giving her report to Tsunade.

"Kana is progressing rapidly," Yuki said, standing at attention in front of Tsunade's desk. "She's picking up on leadership skills faster than I expected. If she handles the team well during a B-rank mission or higher, I think she could be ready for a promotion."

Tsunade leaned back in her chair, considering Yuki's words. "Good to hear. As it happens, I have a mission in mind for Team Yuki."

Yuki raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Tsunade opened a drawer and pulled out a sealed scroll, placing it on the desk. "It's an S-rank mission. The assignment is simple in theory: deliver this scroll to the leader of the Hidden Grass Village and bring back their response. No detours, no complications."

Yuki blinked in surprise, the words S-rank ringing in her ears. Her eyes narrowed slightly. "An S-rank mission for my team? They're talented, no doubt, but... they're still relatively inexperienced. Shouldn't this be handled by a team of Jonin?"

Tsunade met Yuki's gaze firmly, her expression serious. "Ordinarily, yes. But with the upcoming Rinne Festival, there's an increased number of missions and therefore we're already experiencing a shortage of Jonin-level shinobi in the village.

I want enough of them here in case anything happens during the festival. Your team is capable of handling this mission."

Yuki frowned, her mind racing. Delivering a scroll shouldn't be too dangerous, but for it to be an S-rank mission... She glanced at the scroll on the desk, curiosity gnawing at her. "What's in the scroll?"

Tsunade's expression didn't waver. "That's classified. This order comes directly from the daimyo of the Land of Fire."

Yuki nodded slowly, though a part of her still felt unsettled. If it's from the daimyo, it's probably diplomatic, she reasoned, though she couldn't be sure. "Understood, Hokage-sama."

"The daimyo is paying five million ryo for this mission," Tsunade continued. "And seventy percent of that will be going to your team as compensation. I trust that's a decent incentive."

Yuki's eyes widened at the amount, though she quickly hid her surprise. That's... a lot. She nodded, trying to remain professional. "That's more than fair."

Tsunade leaned forward, folding her hands on the desk. "Good. Make sure they're ready. You'll be leaving tomorrow at dawn."

Yuki bowed slightly. "Yes, Hokage-sama."

As she turned to leave the office, Yuki couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. An S-rank mission... 'Are they really ready for this?' she wondered. But no matter her doubts, she knew there was no turning back now.

Later that day, back at the Uchiha compound...

Yuki had already fetched Maki from her apartment, and the two walked side by side through the streets of the village, the calm before the storm of their upcoming mission weighing lightly on their minds.

As they approached Kenshin's home, Yuki's thoughts briefly flickered to the hidden headband she had glimpsed beneath Kenshin's jacket while he rested on her shoulder.

It hadn't been deliberate, of course—he must have been too tired to notice. But that single sight reminded her that Kenshin's roots were not with the Leaf.

As much as she'd grown to trust him, the sight of that Hidden Rain headband sparked a flicker of doubt. Could he still be loyal to the leaf village? The more she thought about it, the more it unsettled her, though she kept it to herself. For now.

They arrived at the Uchiha compound, where the rest of the team was waiting in the living room.

Akane and Maki sat comfortably on one couch, Kana on the floor with her legs crossed in front of them, and Kenshin leaning against the wall, arms folded. Yuki took a seat on the other couch opposite them, the atmosphere calm but expectant.

With a deep breath, Yuki began, "We have our team's first mission, and it's not your average one." She set the scroll Tsunade had given her on the table, making sure it remained sealed.

"This is an S-rank mission—direct orders from the Hokage and the daimyo of the Land of Fire. Our job is to deliver this scroll to the leader of the Hidden Grass Village and bring back their response. No detours, no complications."

The room fell silent as everyone processed the gravity of an S-rank mission. Even Kana, with all her growing confidence as a leader, looked slightly taken aback.

Yuki let the weight of her words settle before continuing. "It's a three-day journey to the Hidden Grass Village. We'll leave tomorrow at dawn. And as for payment," she paused, her tone slightly lighter, "the daimyo is paying five million ryo for this mission. After the village takes its standard thirty percent cut, that leaves 3.5 million ryo for us."

Before anyone could react, Kenshin spoke up, his voice calm and matter-of-fact. "That means sensei, as the Jonin leader, will get 1.4 million ryo. Mom will receive 875,000 ryo since she's Chunin. The rest of us—me, nee-san, and Maki—will each get 408,450 ryo."

A stunned silence followed as everyone stared at Kenshin. Maki blinked, shaking her head in disbelief. "Dude, did you seriously just calculate that in under half a minute?"

Kana, a proud smile spreading across her face, chimed in playfully, "Oh, that's nothing. Ken-chan wanted to be a businessman since he was five. He was always quick with numbers.

But after I got sick, he had to become a shinobi because it pays more—and faster—if you take high-ranking missions. Plus," she added with a wink, "being close to Konan, one of the village leaders, helped speed things up."

Maki raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "So, what, he's like a human calculator?"

Kana laughed softly. "Faster than a computer when it comes to money. If you ever need to budget or split funds, he's your guy."

Kenshin, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, shrugged. "It's just numbers. I figured it might come in handy."

Yuki, still processing his quick calculation, couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, looks like we won't have any trouble dividing the spoils then."

The mood lightened, but the seriousness of the mission still loomed in the air. Yuki straightened her posture. "Alright, rest up tonight. We leave at first light tomorrow. This is an S-rank mission, and I expect everyone to be at their best."

The team nodded in unison, the atmosphere shifting from lightheartedness back to focus. As they dispersed to prepare for the mission, the weight of the task ahead settled over them.

Later that night, as Kenshin sat alone on the balcony of the Uchiha compound, gazing at the moonlit village, he couldn't shake a feeling of unease. The mission was straightforward enough, but something about it gnawed at him.

Lost in thought, he heard the soft footsteps behind him. It was Akane, who quietly approached and sat beside him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked gently.

Kenshin smiled faintly, though the weight of the upcoming mission lingered in his expression. "Just thinking about the mission… and everything else."

Akane nodded, understanding his unspoken concerns. "We've got this. We've trained hard, and we've got sensei watching over us. You're not in this alone."

He glanced at her, grateful for her presence. "I know. It's just… there's something weird about this whole thing. Five million for just a scroll isn't normal."

Akane placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll handle it together. Like we always do."

Kenshin gave a small nod, her words grounding him. As they sat there, side by side under the moonlight, the quiet of the night offered a brief respite before the challenges of the mission began.

The next morning, as dawn broke, the team gathered at the village gates, ready to set out on their journey. The air was crisp, and the sky was streaked with the early colors of sunrise. Yuki stood at the front, her expression calm but determined.

Yuki and Maki each had backpacks slung over their shoulders, filled with equipment and provisions for the journey. However, Kenshin, Akane, and Kana appeared to be traveling light, with no visible gear or supplies.

Yuki raised an eyebrow, looking at them curiously. "Where's all your stuff? We're heading out on an S-rank mission, and you didn't even pack?"

Kana stepped forward, her expression calm and matter-of-fact. "I packed everything," she said, holding up a small scroll. "I stored all our supplies in storage scrolls. They're much more convenient." She took out a scroll from her flak jacket, showing it to Yuki and Maki before putting it back in.

Yuki blinked, slightly taken aback. "All of it? You mean weapons, clothes, everything?"

"Everything," Kana confirmed. "Ken-chan and Akane-chan even prepared food for the journey—curry, sandwiches, rice balls, and some stew." She sounded almost proud, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Yuki sighed, pressing a hand to her forehead. "I assumed after all the training I gave you, you'd be more mature than this. We're going on a mission, not a picnic."

Kenshin, standing beside Kana with his arms crossed, chimed in. "If we have the option, we shouldn't deprive ourselves of good food. It keeps morale up."

Akane, nodding in agreement, added, "It's strange how no one thought of this sooner. They're literally called 'storage scrolls.' It's incredibly convenient."

She pointed to her mother. "Mom even learned a special version of the scroll that's specifically designed to store food."

Kana grinned, looking proud of herself. "As a bit of a heavy eater, this was the first sealing jutsu I learned, back when I was four."

Yuki shook her head, unable to hide the smile tugging at her lips despite her feigned exasperation. "Leave it to you three to treat an S-rank mission like a family outing."

The light banter eased the tension before the mission, and with everything packed and ready, the team finally set off toward the Hidden Grass Village.

As they walked, the atmosphere was calm but focused, each team member knowing the gravity of their assignment.

However, the warmth of their camaraderie, bolstered by the small moments of humor and care, reminded them that they were in this together, no matter what lay ahead.

"Alright, Team Yuki," she said with a small smile. "Let's get this done."

After Yuki's announcement, Kana approached her and Maki with a small smile.

"Before you go," she said, holding out two sets of scrolls, "take these. One is full—it has your share of the food Ken-chan and Akane-chan prepared. The other is empty, so you can store your gear or anything else for later." She handed the scrolls to Yuki and Maki, who both looked at them in surprise.

Maki grinned, tucking the scrolls into her pouch. "Thanks, Kana-san!"

Yuki nodded, grateful for the thoughtfulness. "Yeah, thanks."

With that, they set off, leaving the Leaf Village behind, the scroll safely tucked away and their resolve firm as they embarked on the S-rank mission.


Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and power stones. And as always, please give me your power stones and comment your opinions. They make a big difference and motivate me to write more.