
The rain fell heavily. Under the rain was Yasmin, a nineteen year old light-skinned beauty. She ran with the medicine she just bought with great difficulty.

Soon, she arrived at an old building and quickly entered the small house. She was already soaked. She rushed to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water and entered the room - the only room in the house.

On the single bed is a weak woman in her mid forties. She is also a light-skinned beauty but due to her condition, she looked very pale and she lay motionless.

Yasmin rushed to her and sat next to her as tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to fall. It really pained her to watch her mother in so much pain.

"Mum," she called out softly, trying to hold back the tears.

"Yas...min..." her mother's voice was low and weak. Yasmin quickly brought out the medications.

"Please take this, you'll feel better." She passed the pills to Emilia, her mother. She also gave her the glass of water. But she didn't take them.

"You shouldn't have wasted your money Yasmin. I'm going to die anyway... Just take good care of yourself."

"No, don't say such a thing mother. Please take the pills. You'll be better in no time. Don't scare me!" she sobbed as she tried forcing Emilia to take the medications.

Emilia forced herself to hold her laughter. " Always remember this. Nothing is as it seems...always be good. Everything happens for a reason."

"Please, take your pills..."

"I love you so much my little girl." "Am so sorry... please forgive me"

Emilia's grip loosened and her hand fell. Yasmin's world seemed to have halted immediately. Her eyes widened and her heart ached so badly.

"...Mum wake pls.. mummy don't sleep you have to have your medicines first....." She shake her lifeless body, with hope she would wake up.

"No, no! No! Noooo!!" she screamed. She hugged her mother tight. She couldn't feel her heartbeat any longer.

"Please wake up. Please..." Her body trembled. She shook her. "No! Please. Just no!" She hugged her again like she was about to disappear.

"Wake up, please. Don't leave me..."


The next morning, Yasmin squatted at the corner of their room as she continued to stare at the bed. She felt as though her heart was completely ripped apart. She cried as she remembered her mother's loving voice and beautiful smiles.

Moments passed and a knock was heard at the door, bringing her out of her painful reverie. She cried again. She really wasn't ready to see anyone.

"Yasmin!" a very familiar voice called, finally gaining her attention.

She knew that voice. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine hearing from him again. She was just six when he left she and her mother penniless on the streets. Anger welled up in her heart.

"What's he doing here?" She struggled up and walked to the door.

She opened it and the anger within her intensified. She glared at the good-looking white man dressed in a complete suit. He seemed to have aged a lot.

Still, the only thing she felt for the man in front of her was anger! Pure, unadulterated anger. If he had stood by her mother's side, she wouldn't have left her.

Everything - every single thing - that she felt was anger.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice was as cold as ice. She glared at him with a gaze that could freeze everything around her.

Lucas, her father, pursed his lips. "How have you been my dear?" His voice was soft.

Yasmin lowered her gaze, then her lips curved as she grinned.

"Where's Emilia?" he asked, stepping forward.

"Why do you suddenly care?" she coldly asked.

Lucas sighed. "She told me you'll be staying with me."

Yasmin laughed. "Really? She said that? Goodness. Why wasn't I aware of it? If I remember correctly, you never called or visit. Why exactly are you here?"

"Please tell your mum I'm here," his voice became softer.

Tears welled up in her eyes. Before she realised, Lucas and a few bodyguards were inside her little home.

Lucas entered the bedroom. He slowly approached Emilia. He tried waking her up.

"She's gone," a soft voice rang in the room. He turned to Yasmin who was glaring hard at him. He quickly checked her pulse. She really was gone.

"Take her to the car," he ordered.

"What?" Yasmin nearly screamed.

He turned to her with a sharp gaze. "You will stay with me henceforth."

"No!!" She yelled. "Am not going anywhere with you... let go of me!!, let me go!!"

The huge men carried her out, in spite of how hard she struggled to free herself. Lucas sighed.

It was just a week ago that she had requested him to come pick her.

Even though they both never shared a good husband and wife relationship, he still loved her.


The car halted at the doorstep. The chauffeur opened the door but she didn't move a muscle.

"Welcome home," Lucas said, breaking the silence.

"I already have a home, I don't need to stay here," she rudely said, folding her arms.

"Your mom passed your custody over to me a week ago."

"In case you've forgotten, I'm nineteen. I can take care of myself. I don't need you," she fired.

"I'm still your father and I'll only let you go after you finish college."

Yasmin laughed. "You're joking."

"No. You'll start a new life here. You're going to love your brother and sister. She's the same age as you are."

Yasmin glared at him.

"Come on." Lucas alighted from the car. Yasmin inhaled sharply then slowly alighted.

She glanced around casually with a frown.

"Dad!" A girl's voice echoed. She saw a white skinned lady about her age, dressed in a cropped top and a brown mini skirt.

The lady rushed past Yasmin and hugged Lucas elegantly, kissing both his cheeks. Yasmin lowered her gaze.

The girl frowned the moment she noticed Yasmin. "Dad, who is she?" Yasmin could sense the dissatisfaction in her voice.

"This is your sister, Yasmin," he replied.

"Oh. So she's the little bastard you've been talking about," she said. Yasmin raised her brow questioningly.

"Amy, keep quiet and go inside," Lucas half yelled.

Amy folded her arms. "Why, am I wrong? She's an illegitimate daughter that shouldn't be here." She adjusted her gaze to Yasmin, Who had a blank facial expression. "Doesn't your mother have enough money to take care of you anymore?"

Yasmin lowered her eyes and clenched her fists tightly. She felt anger consuming her entire being. She was so angry that her body actually trembled a little.

"Amy! Inside, now!" Lucas yelled.

Amy dropped her arms an hissed. "Whatever. I'm not wrong anyway." With that, she entered the mansion with a deep frown. She didn't like Yasmin one bit and she was definitely not going to let her stay for long. She smiled at the thought.

"Let's go in," Lucas said softly, reaching for Yasmin's hand but she moved away.