
"Take me back while I'm still being nice and gentle," she coldly said.

Lucas called the Butler and a few guards to escort her to her room.

"Let me go. Let go!" she shouted as she was dragged inside the mansion.

On her way, she saw a twelve year old boy on the couch playing video games. The boy turned to her. He had short brown hair and blue eyes.

'He must be that little brat's younger brother. I will definitely show that brat her place. How dare she talk bad about my mother?' Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.

She was put in a large room which was way bigger than the room she had. The door was locked outside. She fell to the ground and broke into a round of painful tears.


Just as Lucas was about to enter the house, a car halted at the doorstep. Alighting from the black limo was a woman with waist length brown hair, blue eyes and an oval face. She was dressed in a fitted short red dress and silver heels.

"Honey!" Diana sashayed towards him, gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then held his hand as they entered the house.

"So, how did things go?" she asked with fake concern in her voice.

"Emilia is dead," Lucas said, his voice low, like he was hurting badly.

Diana scoffed, "Really?" She smiled to herself. "Well, I guess that's sad, isn't it?" Lucas sighed and lowered his gaze.

Just then, Diana stopped in her tracks and turned to Lucas. "Don't tell me you feel sorry for that bitch."

"What do you mean? Of course I do. She's the mother of my daughter."


"Really? Just because I allowed her to stay here doesn't mean she's a part of this family or has the right to do anything under our name!"

"She's my daughter and-"

"No, wrong! She only has your blood flowing through her veins, nothing more," she half yelled and walked away. Lucas ran his hands through his hair.

The boy stood and watched the argument between his mother and father. He went back to his room feeling sorry for the girl he just met.


Diana walked away angrily, but she was happy that Emilia was no more. But her husband just had to feel sorry for that woman. It wasn't a big deal anyway. After all, she had kept them apart for so long.

"Mum, you're back," Amy called from behind. Diana turned to her daughter.

"How have you been my sweetheart?" Diana gave her a quick hug.

"So, how did it go mum?" Amy asked eagerly.

"Just as I planned." She smiled, feeling proud of herself.

"Really? So how long will - you know who - be staying here for?"

"Not long, sweetheart. Not long." They both smiled and gazed at Yasmin's room.


Three days later series of cars halted at the cemetery. Yasmin alighted from the car, dressed in all black which flowers in her hands.

The rest also alighted from the car, also dressed in black.

Yasmin stood in front of the white coffin. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Why did you have to leave me just when I needed you the most?" she sobbed quietly.

Diana and Amy stood at one corner with smiles on their faces. "This is so boring. Why do we have to be here anyway?" Amy complained.

Diana just smiled. "The least we could do for poor Yasmin is to pay our last respects to her demised mother," she said with a mocking tone.

Yasmin just tried to remain calm. She reached out to touch the coffin, to see her beloved mother one last time, but a bigger warm hand stopped her.

She looked up to see a man staring at her.

"I'm sorry miss, but you're not allowed to open it" he said and she frown with her brows raised questioningly.

"Why? Why can't I?" she coldly asked.

"Nothing ma'am. It's will just be best if you don't."

"You haven't answered my question," her voice was cold.

"Let's start the ceremony," the priest said.

"Yes please. Let's get this over with quickly," Amy said with folded arms earning a glare from Yasmin.

After the prayers, the coffin was slowly dropped into the hole.

Yasmin walked forward with the flowers. "I love you so much." Her voice was soft and calm as she threw it into the hole. The tears rolled freely down her cheeks.

'Don't worry Emilia I'll take perfect care of your daughter now that you have left her all alone in this world.... No one will be able to save her.. no one not even her father" Diana smirk very satisfied.

People around threw their flowers into the hole as they paid their last respect to Emilia

After the ceremony, Diana and Amy walked to their car. Caleb watched Yasmin, who was still staring at the now covered hole.

He slowly approached her and tapped her. She looked down at him.

"I am sorry," his voice was very soft, almost a whisper. He had been very nice to her. Sometimes she asked herself if he really was Diana's son. He was so different from his mom and his sister.

Yasmin smiled and looked away, She just wished she could leave and forget everything that had happened to her so far.

"Caleb!" Amy yelled from behind. Caleb turned to her. "Come on, let's go. Why are you talking to her?"

"Bye, Yasmin. We'll meet at home alright?" he waved and they both left.

Lucas then walked to Yasmin. "Let's go home."

"No!" She was really cold to him. "I'll go back later. I just want to be alone. With that" he stared worried at her for a while before, he walked away.

"You two, keep a close eye on her," Lucas instructed and left.

Yasmin knelt down and broke down in tears. "Yas!" she heard a feminine voice and she quickly wiped her tears and turned around.

Her eyes widened to see Hillary and Lisa, her two best friends from her home. The three instantly embraced one another.

"How did you know I was here?" she asked.

"We ask around. How are you feeling?" Hillary asked.

"Horrible" Yasmin shrugged as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Oh goodness. Why can't you just stay with me? I'm sure my mom won't mind at all" Lisa suggested.

"Yeah. Or you could stay at my place too," Hillary hurriedly added.

"That's not possible because I'm trapped with him for a while. Now I guess I'm stuck with him for the time being, at least till I'm through with college."

"Your dad you mean right?" Hillary asked, Yasmine nodded faintly.

"Wow. So are they treating you well?, Are things fine over there?" Lisa asked.

"What do you expect?" Yasmin replied, a little cold. They all sighed tired.

"Why don't you come by our neighborhood, at least to take some of your things?" Lisa suggested.