
"Yeah it will be good for you to feel at home at least for a little while," Hillary agreed.

"There's no way I can ever feel at home. I will only feel empty, nothing more," Yasmin said.

"It's more comfortable than staying with...well, you know who," Hillary softly said.

"Okay. At least next week, I should be there," Yasmin said and they both smiled.

"Yasmin, please stop taking things hard on yourself," Lisa said, hugging her tightly. "We are so, so sorry," Lisa added as she comforted her. "You'll see, everything will turn out good. Things might not just be what it seems." she said, breaking the hug.

"Everything happens for a reason, Yas," Hillary said.

"My mom said those exact words to me you know?" Yasmin said. Her mood brightened immediately. They both said those words.

"Yas, you must be really stressed out. Why don't you just rest?" Lisa suggested.

" No, I'm serious. She did!" She said, almost in tears.

Hillary and Lisa sighed." Okay Yas, so what if she did how does it matter?" Lisa asked, worried for her friend.

" I don't know, I feel like everything is just going wrong, so wrong" she replied, and her gaze lowered as more tears welled up in her eyes. She has to be strong now better than ever.

Hillary Hugged Yasmin tight again " Yasmin you should calm down " Hillary said to still her Hugging tightly.

"Miss its time to go" One of the guard said, who stood not far away from them. Both girls hugged Yasmin one last time.

"Okay bye."

With that Yasmin entered the awaiting car, that zoomed off immediately.

Lisa turned to Hillary with guilt now visible on her face.

"What with the look now?" Hillary asked frowning.

"We have to tell her the truth "Lisa said frustrated.

"Are you nuts, she will do something stupid. And you know it."

"She has every right to know what happened to her mother, that night."

" We are not sure what exactly happened, remember!"


Two months later, The morning sunlight shone, through the half closed curtains.

Yasmin rolled on the bed and slowly opened her eyes, she stared at the ceiling for a while...

Today She was going to write her scholarship exams, She quickly got down from bed. And had her bath, got dressed in a plain top and jeans, grabbed her bag, before walking out of her room.

"Morning Yasmin"Caleb said, from behind.

"Morning" She replied, turning to him. With a blank facial expression.

"Good luck on your exams." He handed her satchel.

"Thanks"She ran her hands through his hair and he smiled.

At the door, Amy stood there, green with jealousy. Yasmin passed her without glancing and Amy blurted out.

"I never imagined a bastard and a bitch could come in one package."

Yasmin raised her brows in distain but ignored her. She had told the driver she'll take the red Ferrari today, so she simply walked in.

"Hey!!" Amy yelled, "I'm going shopping with the Ferrari, so take something else."

Yasmin didn't have her time, so she headed to the black hummer beside .

"No!, Don't take that either. Mom is going to use it later in the day... Sorry Yasmin." Hillary said, smiling mischievously.

Yasmin sighed obviously annoyed, and went to the third car on her right.

"Uh, that one is..." Amy wanted to say, but Yasmin interrupted.

"Stop being such a pest. You'll fit for something worse than that ". Yasmin snapped.

Amy smiled "Are you furious?"

Yasmine inhale sharply, 'everything will be fine.... It Will' with that said in her heart she walked out and hail a taxi.

Amy grin.

"you're really something else Amy" Caleb eyed her irritated


Lucas paced around his office, his company was just about to go bankrupt. The investment he had been making for ten years had vanished and someone for about a month now, was looting the company's funds little by little, without them noticing, and no trace found.

Noel entered the office and Lucas spoke."what happened this time?"

"Our net profit is reducing drastically. We're about to lose our partnership with the Hunt's, If we lose, we'll regret big time." Noel explained.

"We have to do something soon" noel added.

Lucas nodded, "I will talk to Old Madam Hunts she's our only hope"


Few days later, Lucas and Noel were in living room in the middle a discussion When,

Diana stormed into the living room, angrily."What the fuck is going on with the company, I'm hearing all sorts of trash from the media!. What the hell am I hearing about bankruptcy?"

Lucas was about to speak when Amy came in barging her feet.

"Daddy I can't order the latest dress. It's so embarrassing!!"Amy burst in tears .

"Noel what exactly is happening" Diana stare at both of them in fear.

Caleb entered the living room but did nothing but stare at his family, whatever was happening, he prayed it was over soon.

As the commotion in the living room heightened, Everyone heard the door open. Yasmin walked in, headset on, Walking without noticing everyone and passing by. All eyes focused on her.

Diana held her back furiously " It's all because of this devil can't you see she's just a package of bad luck, I'm sure that what killed her mother!!!!" Diana yelled.

"Yeah, mom's right. Ever since she came to this house, she's been nothing but bad luck!, Piece of trash, just as useless as your freak mother, you destro..."Amy was interrupted by two resounding slaps at both sides of her cheeks.

"If you don't learn how to watch that mouth of yours, am willing to teach you." Yasmin voice was low, but filled with coldness that made Amy shiver.

She glanced at Lucas, who adjusted his gaze. She turned back, turned back again to the frozen Amy.

"This will be the last time, I will warn you never to speak ill of the dead, and besides you and your family never deserved her anyway."

"One more thing, Never involve me in your family affairs."

With that she walked away, Diana turned to Lucas.

"Can you see that Lucas, You've brought calamity upon this family!!" Diana Yelled,

"Our precious name is drag to the mud the moment you let that bastard into this house"

"Shut up will you, everything happening has nothing to do with Yasmine. And stop your craziness, I'll find a solution to this chaos" He glared at the more furious Diana, before continue his paperwork.

Diana bit her lip in anger 'Craziness? You are really going to regret snapping at me '

"I think it's time we talk with Mrs Hunt." Noel whispered to Lucas.

Lucas nodded "You know what to do"

Amy glared at her dad who ignored her before rushing to her room.

"Amy dear" Diana quickly followed her.

Caleb sighed and quietly walked out of the mansion