
Seated in the high top and most spacious office in the skyscraper building is Joel Hunt.

The landline ring and he answered the call. He is about '6''1' tall, With dark brown shiny hair, Perfect lips and jawline, Not very long lashes, an oval face and a perfect well built body.

He could be described as every girl's dream. He had dimples and a very charming smile - Which others never saw, apart from his grandma.

Dressed in a clean black suit. After the long call, Joel dropped the landline and turned to the door, where Charlene entered, his grandma.

"Why didn't you call "Charlene said, smiling at Joel, as her gaze swept his body.

"Grandma" Joel said smiling, fully.

"You've gotten thinner, Did you skipped meals again?"She frowned,

"Off course not, grandma" Joel said, and almost immediately Charlene pulled his ears.

" Lies, you know I can still scold you?." Joel rolled his eyes, Charlene finally put her hands away. She was a medium sized woman in her mid - seventies.

"I heard about what happened to the Houston's." Charlene said.

" To bad after all this year's, they had to go down this way."He replied, and gestured for her to sit down.

Charlene frown "is that all you are going to say?"

Joel dropped the file, and lean on his chair looking relaxed and nonchalant.

"There's nothing I need to say"

Charlene sigh and held his hands with a warm smile.

"Joel, I heard the Houston's have a daughter, have you heard."

Joel knew where this was going, Nevertheless he played along" No, I've not."

Charlene brought out a picture from her bag ,"What do you think about Amy?, She's pretty and responsible too." Joel looked at the picture.

"Grandma, I'm sorry but this can't happen."Charlene frowned, and glared at Joel.

" What do you mean, Don't you know she's been betrothed to you, since she was a baby!!".

"I've told you, am not interested in such relationship!, I'm sorry grandma."Joel reply, and continued with his work.

"You don't have a choice Joel, It's your father's wish, and don't you dare forget that!."Charlene said picking up her bag, Joel rushed to her.

" grandma!"

"If you don't want to then, Forget about me!" With that she walks out upset.

Joel frown, Levi Joel's P.A walked in.

"I want to know everything about the Houstons Now!"


Yasmin alighted from the, She stared at her, She slowly removed her hoodie. For the past few months, she had been coming here whenever she felt lonely or missed her mom..

She entered with a little smile, Her room was quite for a long time, and a bitter smile curved on her lips.

She entered the washroom to clean herself. Her gaze landed on the waste bin, in it is a bottle. She picked it, She never used this. She googled the name of the substance in the bottle. She was dumbfounded at the results.

Yasmin Couldn't believe what She Had just discovered, did her mum really killed herself, or was she murdered.... Or did she really died because she was sick.

Tears Welled up in her eyes. "Yasmin?" Both Lisa and Hillary called, as they entered her home.

She couldn't hold back, the tears that continued to stream down her cheeks, Lisa who checked kitchen sighed in relive. "Found her" Lisa yelled and rushed to her.

"Yas.. What's wrong, what's the matter?" Lisa asked cupping her face to make her look at her. Lisa's heart breaks into pieces seeing her friend in such a heartbreaking situation.

"She killed herself Lisa. She committed suicide... Why would she do that?" Yasmin broke down in another round of tears.

Lisa pursed her lips, trying not to breakdown also. "And why would you say that?" Yasmin showed Lisa the poison she had found.

"What's the matter Lisa?" Hillary asked, as joined them.

"I think we should just tell her the truth now" Lisa said turning to Hillary,

who immediately frowned upon hearing Lisa's words. "What truth?" Yasmin asked, frowning.

"Yeah Lisa what truth? are talking about." Hillary said, glaring at Lisa.

Lisa sighed deeply, before she replied "actually we are not so sure, but we think something happened the day your mum died, . That night, we happened to see someone leave the house while you were out. It was a woman, but we couldn't see her."

Yasmin was completely out of words, she felt like her the earth came crashing on her. Lots and Lots of negative emotions welled up in her heart.

"why didn't you tell me all this while!" Yasmin nearly yelled; her body began to tremble in anger.

"We never imagined she was actually murdered, we're so sorry" Hillary replied.

"Really... You both saw someone suspicious that night and didn't bother to check what might have happened. You could have saved her!!"

Yasmin wiped away her tears and rushed out. Her heart keeps clenching so tight that she can't breathe anymore.. not with both of them around.

"Yasmin! Yas!!" They followed her, but she was gone before they realized it.


Yasmin entered the cemetery; she was feeling pains all over her body most of all her heart.

She walked deeper into the cemetery, her head lowered completely lost in thoughts, until she bumped into someone.

She stumbled back, "Sorry" her emotionless soft voice said, then continued to head to her destination.


Joel who was speaking on the phone, stared down at the beauty that just bumped into him. He wanted to yell but then, he heard her speak that left him surprisingly quiet.

He turned and watch her walk away, until she was out of sight. Something about her intrigued him.

Levi was confused, at the state he found his boss in.

"are you alright" Levi asked, jolting him from his lost state.

Joel deep his phone in his pocket, and glanced at Levi still with the same smirk, as he glanced at the direction the girl went. "what are you doing here?" he asked,

Levi cocked his head, trying to figure out what had gotten into him.

Joel glanced at him, before walking out, Levi quickly followed him and report the current situation.

"Mrs. Hunts is ill, you should see her"

Joel, however, didn't seemed surprised like he expected it.

His grandma is always like that falling ill always, just to get what she want.