1. 05

Hearing nothing from Joel, Levi asked the moment they entered his black Rolls-Royce.

"won't you see her?" Levi asked

"This time I can't grant her wish"

"You can always do as she says, an off course you can get divorced later on" Levi clarified.

Joel was quiet before he replied, "Lets go". Levi though smiled.

They arrived at the Hunt manor; it was an elegantly decorated building. The compound was made of a large Fountain statue and two gargoyles by the side. The sides were decorated with beautifully flowers. The walls had marble engravement.

It was the largest and most luxurious villa in New York and had no rival.

All the maids Immediately welcomes him with a slight bow.

Joel went straight to Charlene's room shunning the butler, that loomed him.

"Why are you here" Charlene said glowering, she had her back facing him.

Joel however smiled and hugged her from behind. "What do you think granny, am here to give you my reply to you request "

Charlene smiled and turned to look at her all grown grandson, with excitement and satisfaction observable in her eyes. "Really Joel?"

Joel nodded, with a smirk at the Conner of his lips. "you're not playing tricks on me are you" She glared at him.

"Am not" he replied faintly, he wasn't sure of what the consequence of his choice were, either way he agreed.

"just a simple wedding OK?" he added. Charlene frowned, for a while before she smiled again.



Yasmin cleaned her tears, her gaze bitterly fixed on Emilia's grave.

"Whoever did this …. really must pay. I will make sure to make their every breath suffocates them, to their last breaths. No matter what its takes"

she breaks down in tears "I miss you so much, you have no idea just how much...…..."

Yasmine spend the rest of her day at home alone in her familiar yet unfamiliar little home.

All the memories she had here keep rushing in.

Her heart tighten as she remembers everything.. her mum laid on the single bed smiling at her.

she already promised herself she won't cry anymore not until she knows how exactly she lost her mum...

but now she can't stop the tears from falling.

Whatever happened that night I will find out the truth only then can you find peace... So can I.

The next day, Yasmine walked out of her house and paused staring across the empty to see Lisa.

She inhaled sharply, not knowing what to feel exactly, Lisa walked to her slowly with a warm smile.

"Yasmine" she held her, but she pulled away Immediately.

"Am really sorry Yasmine, we just thought... We weren't sure. We never intended to hurt you I promise"

Yasmine stared expressionlessly, and it hurts Lisa to watch her look lifeless.

"You didn't kill her?, then why are you sorry?" She raised her brows, and smiled as Lisa stared at her stunned.

"Infact I should thank you and of course Hillary too, if you both hadn't spill the beans I will have moved on under the illusion that she left me"

"When she actually was forcefully taken from me" "please excuse me" she haled a cab and entered without turning back.

Lisa bit her lip, Lord please don't let her do something stupid.

Yasmin alighted from the cab and entered the compound. She noticed there were lots of cars parked.

'What drama is about to unfold this time, what a crazy family' She took large strides to the door but was stopped by the butler.

"sorry an important meeting is going on with the Hunts, please pass through the other door" he blurted impertinently.

She pursed her lips, she never cared about this family, so why would she now. She eyed the house and passed the other entrance.


Amy was gleaming with excitement. They were about to make her marry the guy of her dreams. How wonderful!

Joel glanced at Amy emotionlessly, she was pretty, - yes – but, the way she acts Joel was sure he won't survive.

"As you can see, they both seems to like one another at first sight. Right Amy?"Amy nodded shyly, agreeing to her mother.

Joel however smirked in disgust.

"Why don't we let the two have some time together to get to know each other, what do you think Mrs. Hunts"

Diana said with a bright smile.

"Your right Diana"

" I have some important meetings to attend to" Joel stands up to leave but held back by Charlene.

She gave him an icy look. One that said 'Don't you dare, and be a good boy'

Joel rolled his eyes and said "But it's no harm if we have a good time outside" he pretended to check his wristwatch.

And Amy nearly screamed.

"Don't they just look great together" Diana as they both walked out walked out.

Charlene nodded, and imagined how great it would have been if it was Emilia's daughter instead of Amy. But unfortunately they both died....

Caleb smiled and glanced at Lucas who keeps checking his wristwatch worriedly from time to time. He pursed his lips, wondering why Yasmin didn't come home last night.

The butler walked in and whispered to Lucas, he nodded with a sigh in relief.

"Mrs Hunts please excuse me, I will be back"

Diana frown "Sweetie you can't leave our soon to be Grand mother-in-law in-law just like that can you?"

Lucas glanced coldly at her "please pardon me, it's really Important." He calmly

Charlene smiled "I understand Lucas dear"

He smiled and walked out not sparing her another look.

Arriving at Yasmine's room Lucas frown as he entered without knocking.

Yasmine who is busy with her laptop, look up to see Lucas. She casually closed her laptop.

"Where have you been Young lady?"

"Why do you ask are you suddenly worried about me or it there something else?"

Lucas sigh "Off course am worried, what do expect me to do if anything bad happens to you" he calmly said walking to her but she stepped back not leaving any closeness between them.

Yasmine smiled, but her eyes stares coldly at him. "You don't have to feel that way, I am more than capable of taking good care of myself"

He nodded, "Am so sorry, my dear you have every right to....."

"Stop!! That's enough, you don't have to act like the father that you are not." "Am staying here because I have no choice, so please don't think anything is getting better because it's not!! Okay!!"

Lucas frown "so would you please leave I am in the middle of something important" she added going back to her laptop, totally ignoring the dumfounded Lucas.


Joel leaned on his red Venza car. He was waiting for Amy, silently hoping that the charade would end. He was forced to come here again to take her out for dinner.

His world seemed to have stopped the moment he saw a familiar angel.

Yasmin walked out of the house; she was wearing a headset. She didn't even paid attention to the stranger staring at her dazed.

Amy came down the stairs, wearing a silk silver dinner dress, with elegant jewelry.

With a blissful smile that soon disappeared the moment she finds Joel staring at Yasmin.

Anger immediately consumed her, nevertheless she faked a smile and approached Joel.