Chapter 6

Joel lowered his gaze, as his little smile that tugged on his lips was replaced with a frown the moment the realized Amy's presence who is glaring at him.

He sighed and entered his car, without glancing at her.

Amy held her fist in anger.

'I'll teach her a lesson she'll never forget for flirting with her Joel'

Yasmin entered the police station, she gazed around and noticed the station is full, everyone is busy with one thing or another.

She swallowed feeling a little nervous. She sighed deeply 'You can do this Yasmin' she said to herself and approached a police officer.

"hmm, excuse me sir"

"How may I help you" the middle age police officer asked, looking up from his paper work.

"I'm here to file a Homicide case" she replied.

"okay, Name?" he brought out a file.

"Yasmin Hous…. Mason" the police officer cocked his head to the side, confused.

"I mean Yasmin Mason" she corrected, with a little smile.

"okay, and the victim's name?"

"Emilia Mason, she was my mum" she replied,

"When was she murdered?"

"Three months back, Thursday 11th February"

"Why are you just coming here now" He had a distain look, as her stared at her.

"I just got to know she was actually killed"

"well you'll have to be very patience with us, you see were busy right now"

"sure" Yasmin muttered,

"how was she murdered, by the way?" He suddenly asked, as she was about to leave.

"she was poisoned" she answered to hear the man laugh.

"Really, are sure she was murdered. Or…"

"what do you mean sir?" she frowned.

"Look here miss, am sorry about your mum's death. But you shouldn't try to blame someone for your loss."

"its true, she was murdered" she replies as calm as she could, still confused on why he say such a thing.

"You have to prove your claims miss, before we can carry out any investigation"

"Yes sure, but first I want to file a case and start an investigation"

He chuckled "Am so sorry but it doesn't work that way"

"Then what kind of evidence do you need before you do you job!"

The police frown deeply "You don't get to call the shots here, And it will be best if you leave and see the doctor before you end up committing suicide too"

The police officer said, before walking away.

Yasmin scoffed 'Unbelievable', She walked out with a deep frown.

How was she get prove or something useful? She wondered and continued heading to the nearest bus station.

Sat down on the bench nearby, her head is a mess. Few buses halted and passed for a while.

She was so lost in thoughts not aware of her surroundings.

She looked up across the road, and her gaze met the CCTV cameras, and her eyes immediately widened, and her scowled was replaced with a smile

'security cameras, why didn't she think of it. Every street has a few ones, Fantastic I just need to get my hands on it' She stood up to the road not aware of the fast approaching car.

"Thud!!" the car nearly hit her, stop just an inch away from her.

She fell and sprained her ankle due to shock, everything seemed to have happened in a blink of an eye.


Joel stared at Amy; she irritates him for some reasons. He picked his cutlery and quietly eat his dinner

Amy couldn't stop herself from blushing hard. The room was filled with silence.

"hmm, Joel what are your likes and dislikes?"

Joel raised his brows query

"I mean we are about to get married; it will be wrong if I don't know anything about you... right?" She hurriedly added.

"it's best if we know nothing about each other" He coldly replied, and she instantly frowned.

"And why is that" she sighed trying to hide her emotions.

She stretched her hand across the table and touched Joel's hand. Who immediately freed his hands from her.

"Joel you'll have to open up to me, we have to build our perfect relationship for the world to see"

For a minute, he finds himself out of words.

Joel stood up to leave "I have to leave now, when you're done the driver will drop you home" with that he left not giving her a moment to protest.

She threw the champagne away in anger.

The thoughts of her keeps disgusting him, who would spend a year with her.

Joel pulled his hair in frustration, and he increased the car speed. 'it's all grandma's fault' Joel continued to drive in extreme speed.

The next moment he saw a figure walking across the road, he immediately stepped on his brakes.


He uttered angrily, just as he stopped and inch away.

He removed his seats belt angrily 'Does she wish to die, so bad' and quickly alighted from his car.

"Are trying to get yourself killed or are you just blind" Joel yelled as he approached her, he halted at the sight of Yasmin, a few strands of her black hair covered half of her beautiful face.

"What thee" Yasmin snapped out of little trauma and glared at Joel.

"You tried to kill me" She yelled, and instantly stood up, nearly lost her balance and she quickly lean on the car to stand properly.

"Hey you mister!" She yelled, jotting from his lost state.

"You tried to kill me"

Joel cleared his throat, and smirked "You were the one who appeared out of nowhere, you should be lucky you didn't end up in the hospital"

Yasmine eyed him furious, An just the a thought crossed her mind.

'could it be her mother's murderer is trying to end her too, this means they are aware of her visit to the station' She gasped at her theory.

"Tell me who sent you here," She clutched his hand, as she questioned.

"….." Joel was confused and out of words,

"I know someone sent you here please tell, me who that is"

Now Joel was so mad and frustrated, does all the woman he encounters today have to be crazy. He turned to leave.

"where are you going you haven't answered me yet" she frowned deeply, and blocked him from his car, trapping herself in-between Joel and his car.

"Look here missy, I understand you're depressed and all that, and want to end your life by been crushed by a car, go and find a truck instead or anything bigger than my car ok!" He coldly said and pushed her aside, then entered the car also with a frown.

Yasmin held her fists in anger, 'did she just mistook him for someone else'.

Joel picked a bundle of dollars, "I bet you don't know who I am right? Anyways here am sure this will be able to get your live back together" He offered the cash to her, but she glared at him instead.

Joel sighed and forcefully grabbed her hand and gave her the money.

Then half smile reveling his perfect dimples, before he drove off.

"….." Yasmin was furious, she glanced at the dollars