Chapter 7

she sighed. 'He's definitely crazy.

She limped down the blocks and spotted few beggars just a Block away and she approached them.

She shared the money among them with a little smile.

she stared at old man and handed the last share to him, he was old, his was face and his body is covered with a shawl.

He slowly raised his head and stared at her as he received the money.

she could barely see him clearly in the dim light, He merely smiled as he stared at her.

As she was about to leave the man held her back, "Be prepared dear, things are about to change rapidly" he said, and she stared at him expressionless and confused by his word.

Nevertheless she pursed her lips and nodded, before walking away.

A man dressed in suite approached the old man, "Boss we have to leave now"

The old man smirked and removed his shawl, revealing his face.

He stared at the dollars he was given, and his smirk widened. "I know"

A few black limo halted and the passenger door was opened wide.

"This world isn't safe for her anymore, assign someone to watch her at all times" The old man said before entering the limo.

The next morning, Yasmin stared at the ceiling lost in thoughts. She couldn't sleep all night she kept having nightmares about her mother killed repeatedly, it was terrifying.

She inhaled sharply, today she must get a look at the CCTV as soon as possible.

She was so exhausted, moments later someone knocked, jotting her from her thoughts.

"Come in" She sat on the bed, as she watched Caleb entering.

"Hi, morning I didn't disturbed you did I"

"Morning Caleb, do you need anything" She asked, ignoring his question.

"You missed dinner last night, why don't you come down and have breakfast with me"

Caleb said, staring innocently at her.

"Am not hungry"

"Would you like me to bring your breakfast here."

"Am not interested in having anything" She replied, getting down from the bed.

"Fine at least watch me eat, I don't want to seat alone in dining hall"

"Caleb…." He hurriedly interrupted her, with a puppy dog eye.

"Please dear sister." He pouted,

"Fine, I'll join you shortly."

Yasmin seats opposite Caleb with her hands folded, the table filled with delicious meals.

"Come Yas, won't you at least have something"

She smirked, as she is reminded of Lisa and Hillary. "Can you hurry, I have a lot to do today"

Caleb slightly frowned and continued his breakfast quietly.

Amy joined them with a sly smile, "You both are having breakfast without me"

Caleb looked at his sister confused by her sudden change of attitude.

Amy took her seat next to her.

"Hello Yasmin, what have been up to lately" She asked, now frowning.

"Amy what exactly are you here for" Caleb asked,

She faced the expressionless Yasmin, "Have you heard of my engagement with Joel Hunt tonight"

"Am sure you're boiling with fury right now, I understand you're one of those girls envying me, but you should know your place Yasmin, and stop trying to seduce my soon to be my husband."

Yasmin raised her brows, staring at her blankly.

Caleb frowned at his sister's childishness "Can you stop been unreasonable, for once Amy"

"Don't you talk to me in that manner" Amy yelled, glaring at Caleb. Yasmin however stood up and was stopped by Amy.

"Do you have more to say?" Yasmin asked calmly, and Amy scoffed in disgust.

"Yeah, actually I have so much more to say"

"I understand your insecurity and all that, but you really pick a wrong day to spill all your shit out." Yasmin replied expressionlessly, then walked past Amy.

"I don't want my guest to get disgusted tonight, so I will advise you not to attend my engagement party."

Yasmin pursed her lips, then halted "whoever your fiancé is, am sure he won't last long with you. I mean who on earth can stand your immature personality." She chuckled, before walking out with a smirk.

Amy gritted her teeth in anger. 'How dare she, that low class bastard.'

Caleb stood up with a sigh is about to walk out.

"Are you my brother or hers" Amy asked, Caleb stopped and glanced at her before he replied.

"Both" With that he walked away.

Amy throw away the plates across the room in anger.

Yasmin entered her room, with a frown. She bites her lip frustrated; Caleb entered with a little smile.

"Are you alright, am sorry about Amy"

"Am ok, do you need anything else." Yasmin asked, seating on the bed.

"I need a date for tonight" He replied with a smile; Yasmin raised her brows amused.

"Are you trying to ask me to go with you" He nodded.

"you know your sister doesn't want me there."

"Dad wants you to be there, he wants to introduce you to everyone. Please come with me, forget about Amy." Caleb said, holding her arm with a puppy dog eye.

"I don't like parties and crowd. Am sorry" She replied leaving the room. And besides she has much more important things to do.

Caleb entered Lucas's, study with a frown.

"She refuses to go"

"I'll go and speak to her" Lucas replied, then left the room. After searching the house, he finally found her on the swing in the garden.

"Mind if I join?"

Yasmin glanced at Lucas and remained silent.

"Dear please join us tonight, you are part of the family I want to officially introduce you to the public" Lucas calmly requested.

"As what exactly" Yasmin asked emotionless, swinging her legs staring at the flowers blankly.

Lucas was taken aback by her question.

"You abandoned me before, so why did you suddenly want to take me back now. I really don't get you" Yasmin sneered, staring at Lucas. Anger obvious in her gaze.

"You want me to join you guys right, Sure no problem am actually curious on how things will turn out. What exactly will happen at the end of today, Will you fail as a father again?" She calmly asked, shutting all her emotions down.

Lucas was speechless, never expecting her words. "Yasmin…"

"I will attend the party as you want just don't Tell me unnecessary stories" With that she walked away.