Chapter 8

Just tonight am going to pretend like everything is fine... Nothing ever happened.


Yasmin descended from the stairs, looking spectacular in her black long fish tale dinner dress, her hair is packed in a loosed bun, she had little jewelries on and light makeup on.

"You look so Beautiful Yasmine" Caleb complimented approaching her, he was dressed in a black neat suit.

Yasmine smiled obviously it didn't reach her eyes. She glance around.

"I see the rest already left." She asked, and

Caleb nodded. "Let's go"

The party was luxurious. Entering the hall, Yasmin was sure the money spent for the party decorations was enough to feed have a small country. The theme color is White, black and Gold. At the entrance is a gold decoration, on the floor stands golden flower vases with flowers.

The center of the hall is illuminated with bright light. Yasmin sashayed slowly and her arrival turns heads.

Everyone gasped at the beautiful lady who just walked in – everyone including Joel.

Joel's eyes raised in interest, wasn't that the crazy lady he met some time ago? He chuckled, as he scanned her, she is a beauty with just her simple outfits.

Amy who is next to Joel, boiled with fury, why on earth is Joel looking at her. That bitch stole her spot light in her own party.

Amy was sure she looked her best in her elegant golden dress and stilettos.

Yasmin found somewhere to seat.

"Who's she?" Charlene asked Lucas Diana. Caleb approached them that moment.

"She's my sister" Caleb said from behind, with a warm smile.

Diana glared at him; And Charlene was taken aback.

"What exactly is going on here" Charlene raised her voice,

"Mrs. Hunt, please let me explain. She's just Lucas bastard, there is nothing for you to worry about she is not part of the family she just has Lucas's blood flowing through her veins. I assure you there won't be any problems or discomfort tonight."

Diana immediately replied, the fear of all her handwork going down the drain is so evidence in her eyes.

"And besides our children are doing great together… it would be sad if you..." she added.

"That's enough!" Charlene interrupted her feeling irritated. "She's not the first child, is she?" She asked.

"Of course not, my daughter is the first child of Lucas." Diana replied, with a smile.

Charlene stared at Lucas disappointed, "if only Emilia's daughter was still alive, the three girls should be around the same age."

Diana forced a smile "it was such a tragic accident back then."

Caleb frowned, why was his mother not telling truth. 'What exactly happened? Was Joel actually meant to be with the first female child of dad?'

His big round eyes widened at his realization ...…

Joel kept staring at Yasmin and the infuriated Amy next to him. "Who is She?" Joel finally asked.

"Uh" She scoffed "She's just a nobody"

Joel still couldn't stop himself from looking at her, Amy frowned and entangled her hands with his.

Joel was immediately jotted out from his thoughts and stared at how close they were.

"Excuse me" Joel said releasing himself from her grip, before walking away.

Almost immediately he was gone Amy's friends approached her.

"Aren't you the luckiest Amy." One of the girls said, Amy immediately put on a warm and bright smile.

Another girl said, "You know every girl would give an arm and a leg, just to spend a night with Joel. But you'll be his legal wife, I am really jealous now"

"By the way Amy Who is that girl over there, I haven't seen her before" The first girl asked,

"Yeah Amy Who's she" The others asked.

"She's daddy's mistress daughter, the bastard in our home. Unfortunately, she was born before me"

Amy blurted, unaware of Joel's presence. Joel pursed his lips; The Houston were good lairs. If that girl is their first daughter, then he was meant to be with her not Amy.

As much as he isn't interested in any marriage, he would gladly be with her than this lech.

Joel looked at Yasmin, then walked to her.

"We meet again" Joel said with a smirk.

Yasmin turned and finds herself in front of Joel.

Yasmin staggered back and gathered her courage "You again?"

"What are you doing here, were you stalking me again?"

"Do I look like a stalker to you?" Joel asked and Yasmin scanned his features; The guy is strikingly handsome; he had this icy aura that is emitting around him but it didn't make her feel uncomfortable or safe either.

He's dressed in a very expensive suit and an obviously expensive silver wristwatch, just then someone interrupted her thoughts.

"How dare you!!" Amy yelled and poured the glass of wine she is holding onto Yasmin's clothes taking her off-guard.

Yasmin stood there transfixed, wide-eyed and furious.

"How dare you flirt with my fiancé you whore; don't you have shame." Amy continued to yell; Joel grabbed Amy's arm aggressively.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Joel yelled, with a very deep frown.

"I should ask you that question Joel, are you going to get seduced by her if I had not intervene"

She glare at the surprisingly calm Yasmine.

Yasmin walked straight to Amy and gave her Two resounding slaps. "Is this enough or do need me to hit you more to get your senses maniac"

Lucas and Diana immediately walked to them. Yasmin eyed the furious Amy and Diana, before walking away.

"Omg that girl as some nerves, Trying to seduce her sister's fiancee on her own engagement party" One of the wealthy elders said,

"I heard her mother was a slot, so It's no big deal if she has taken after her dead mother right" Another said.

Joel let go of her hand and approached his frowning Grandma "Can I have a word with you in private?"

Diana nervously glanced at Joel continuously. Charlene nodded and they both entered a private room.

"Did you also know about the other daughter?" Joel asked, serving wine into his glass.

Charlene sighed before she replied. "Yes, but how does it matter, you and Amy are doing perfectly fine together"

"No, we are not, I can't stand her so how am I suppose to marry her. Since she's not the first daughter, I have other choice"

"What are nonsense are you saying Joel, you want to marry the Houstons bastard"

"Grandma if you won't let me be with her then forget about any marriage." Joel said, surprising Charlene.

Charlene was speechless for a little while. "But she's just an illegitimate daughter, why would you want her"

Joel frowned "I don't give a damn grandma."

"If you don't want her, then lets just forget about marriage." He was about to walk out, Charlene quickly stopped him.

"Fine, I accept. But I don't want a simple wedding, even if she's a simple girl."

"That's not how to talk to your future daughter -in- law, is it now?" Joel teased, with a smile.

He is sure Yasmin will surely agree to marry him I mean who wouldn't?

They can easily go their separate ways after she bears him a child. His smile widened everything is going smoothly..