Engagement goes Wrong

Yasmine entered the bathroom and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She remove her earrings and put them in her bag, then splash some water on her face.

She manage to clean the stains of wine from her dress, before walking out straight to the Hall's exit. There she caught sight of Joel.

Yasmine turns immediately back to the party not wanting him to see her- but it was already too late he held her and forced her to turn to him.

"What are you doing? Running away?"

Yasmine pulled away but he held her arm tight "firstly can you let go of me, and two I have no reason to run away."

Joel lips curves in interest "if you say so"

He left go of her, standing straight his hands in his pocket suit.

"By the way I suggest you find a leash for you girlfriend, you don't want her biting those around do you?"

Joel chuckled "I will think about it"

"Excuse me"she added before walking away.

Joel stare at her back view, with a blank look.

"Boss you called for me?"

Joel frown, "where is the report I asked you days weeks back"

"Sorry busy no leads on Quinn's d...." Joel interrupted Levi with a gloomy face.

"The Houstons not Quinn"


"I already sent you an email"

Joel glance at him, before checking his email indeed all the information about them.

"Keep an eye on her"

"Miss Amy or Yasmine?"

"Both of them" he replied before going back to the party.

Yasmine walked back into the hall, not a bit affected with the glaring eyes she is receiving.

She gently have her seat, putting on her earphones.

"Can you see that? She's so full of herself" One of Amy's friend said eying her.

"Such a low class girl walking around proudly in such a glamorous event, the Houstons really have dragged their names to the mud"

"How about I drag your names to the mud instead" Joel's cold voice said, from behind the spoiled brats.

The girls freeze in shock, terrified by the dangerous aura emitting from him.

"Scram!" The girls pout but quickly walked away in fear.

Joel's burning gaze falls on Yasmine, who is unaware of whatever happened. Gradually his burning gaze warm up.

Amy entered the party, trying to act like everything is okay. Soon she is surrounded by her friends.

"I am sure your sister must have done something to Joel Amy"

"Can you believe he actually threatened us because of her" another complained.

Amy frown again "What happened just now?"

The girls shrug "Your soon to husband will soon be taken away from you that's what happened"

"That's never going to happen" Amy held her fist in anger.

"You don't even have the power to make him look at you so how will he spend the rest of his life with you"

Amy scoffed in disgust "I see what is going on here, you all are jealous of me. It's understandable my half sis is too, so it's not surprising if you guys are too"

The girls bites their lips in anger, Amy smiled very pleased as she held her head up high in pride.

"Well if you guys will excuse me I have to find my fiancee, before some flies start trailing my soon to be husband" She walk away so pleased with her new identity.

She finds Joel busy talking with some business tycoons.

She held his arms, tangling their hands together. Stunning Joel completely, she looks at him with a bright smile.

"Where have you been, I have been looking for you"

Joel's eyes darkens "We will leave you two to enjoy the party" one of the men said.

"Yes please" Amy reply him with a smile.

The men give him a look before leaving.

She faced him and she tried wrapping her hands around his neck but he stopped her, and pulls her harshly nearly causing her to fall.

The girls watching eagerly burst into laughter, watching the thrilling scene.

"What the hell is wrong with you!!" Amy yelled tears welled up in her eyes.

All attention falls on the couple.

"Can you see that, forget about becoming Mrs Hunts she can't even be his Woman" she girls mocked.

Diana Rush to the trembling Amy and held her.

Yasmine drop her earphone with a smile. 'Finally some entertainment'

"Amy dear what's wrong" Charlene asked, with a dissatisfied gaze.

"Omg poor Amy, looks like she's rejected now."

"Now that I think about it I don't think her sister is the problem"

"You are right"

Amy bites her lips as she stare at Joel, "Amy be strong everyone is watching" Diana whispered, and she rolled her eyes.

Joel straighten his suit, Charlene held him back before he could walk away.

Amy pulled away from Diana's hands and walked out.

Yasmine pout "How pathetic can't even receive proper drama"

Joel gaze at Yasmine, she raised her brows with a teasing smile.

"Joel dear what happened" Charlene asked.

"Joel my dear, I Apologise for Amy's rude behavior. She's just stressed that must be why she's...." Diana smiled.

"I will leave now" Joel said to Charlene ignoring Diana and the rest.

"You should drop Amy off, so you both can talk things out" Diana quickly said.

Joel paused and glanced coldly at her, "She is right, drop her Joel" Charlene agreed with a smile.

She would rather make him be with her than some classless girl.

"There is no need for that"

Charlene held back with a very dissatisfied gaze. "Forget about marrying that girl if you can't even try it out with Amy " she whispered.

Joel smirk "If you insist"

Diana smiled and quickly went to inform Amy.

Yasmine yawned really bored, what a waste of time. She glance around, it was already late, most of the guests were gone- or about to, anyways she stood up, Caleb approached her.

"I will leave with you" he held her hand.

They left the hall about to enter their awaiting ride, but Diana stopped them.

"There's no way I will let you ride with us, after the mess you created"

Lucas frown. "It is not her fault you could not train your daughter well."

Diana scoffed "What do you mean?"

Lucas ignored her, and called one of his bodyguard.

"Take her home, with the other car" he instructed, staring at the unmoved Yasmine.

"There's no need for that, I know my way home."

Diana smiled "See your bastard is all grown up"

"Shut up" Lucas snapped.

Yasmine rolled her eyes and walked away, before they realize she was gone.

"See she's gone" Diana smiled

Lucas looks around "Find her and make sure she returns home in one piece."

Diana smirk "I wish she ends up kissing the dust.

Amy blush continuously, as she glance at the calm Joel driving silently.

Although her mom told her that he already apologized for his cold attitude in front of everyone she help but feel chills with his calm yet dangerous aura.

He drove through a dangerous road, which was calm and empty surrounded with tall trees.

The route was very unfamiliar to Amy.

Just in the middle of unease thoughts the car suddenly halt.

Stunned she turned to Joel "What happened?"

"Something is wrong with the tyers" "Get down and have a look" He calmly said, not sparing her a glance.

"What? Why should I do that?, you are the man here"

"Get down and take a look at the fucking tyers" he snaps at her.

She frown "Fine!" She alighted from the car leaving behind her purse and phone.

Immediately Joel stepped hard on the accelerator leaving the dumfounded Amy all alone in a place she doesn't know about.

On his way threw her phone away casually.