Emilia's daughter

Amy stomped her feet furiously, her brain was about to blow up.

She looks around and swallowed hard she saw some roughly kept boys all looking drunk, moving closer to her.

At that moment, all she thought about was to run. But because she was never a fan of running till that moment...

The boys caught her fast, and stared at how delicious and sexy she looks.

Amy was disgusted by their presence. "Hey stay away from me!!"

They grabbed her before could accept her situation. "Let go of me!!!"

"Baby you look so sexy you know"

Amy screamed her lungs out, and pushed them with all her might....

And ran as fast as she could lucky the moment she slips off from their grib, she spots a fast approaching car.

Did Joel come back for her, tears welled up in her eyes.

The car stopped just as it was about to hit.

Tears rolled down, she turned back and realized she was alone no one was chasing her anymore.

She rushed to the driver with in tears, and harder when she it was not who she expects but a total stranger.

"Please help me" "Some bastards are following me"

The young lady, glance around "Come in" she said, Amy nodded and Immediately entered.

Yasmine alighted from the cab, after paying the cab man. She entered the mansion, to see Caleb still awake, it's nearly passed midnight.

"Why are you not in bed?" Caleb smiled.

"Amy got herself into trouble on her way home, so am waiting" .

Yasmine nodded. "Ok Good night"

Just as she was about to go up, she heard the crying Amy.

She turned to see her embraced by Diana, while Lucas walked in with a slight frown.

"You can go to bed now Caleb" he said and signaled the maids to take him.

Caleb nodded and stared at the frightened Amy.

"Are you okay Sis?"

Amy bite her lips before rushing to her room. Diana glared at Yasmine before following her daughter.

Yasmine pursed her lips and smiled. "Good night Caleb"

Caleb glance at Lucas before going to bed.

Charlene dropped her phone, she was just informed about what happened to Amy.

She frowned and walked into Joel's study.

."Why are you still awake granny" Joel asked, not looking up from his tab.

"How could you have left her all alone!!" She angrily asked.

"What should I have done?" Joel asked nonchalant.

Charlene sigh and took her seat. "I asked you to take her home so you guys can talk things out"

"There is nothing to talk about in the first place"

Charlene frown deepen "Joel it's understandable you don't feel anything for her yet, but in time you will. It's all a matter of time."

Joel rubbed his temples. "There is no need to waste precious time, I suggest you find another candidate"

"if not give up the idea of having a grand daughter-in-law" he added.

Charlene shook her head.

Of course she wants a grand daughter in-law, how else will this brat have an heir and find his heart.

"Fine, you can marry the other daughter instead"

Joel stared at her, and nodded. "I will find time so we get decide on what to do next with Lucas"

"You can go to bed now, and get some rest"

he said to her.

The next morning, After getting dressed in her purple jumpsuit. Yasmine packed her black long waist length hair in a rough ponytail.

As she walked out of her room, she's welcomed yelling from the living room.

Descending from the stairs, the once loud room suddenly quietened as all gaze fixed on her except Joel's.

Yasmine pursed her lips feeling awkward all of a sudden.

She ignored their gaze and went to make herself coffee.

She walked out minutes later thinking about how she will start her investigations.

Both mother and daughter's anger and resentment intensified.

As Charlene immediately stopped Yasmin, just as she was about to walk up the stairs.

Finally jotting her from her thoughts. She turned to look at Charlene and was taken back to see her.

"Now that am looking at you. I must say you're very pretty my dear" Charlene said,

"Am sorry, do I know you ma'am?" Yasmin asked calmly, confused.

"Oh dear, am Joel's Grandma and your future grandmother- in law."

Yasmin frowned deeply. "Excuse me?"

"You've met my grandson, right? and he wants you to be his wife. Not Amy" She serenely replied.

Amy who was holding back her tears, immediately ran out, bursting in tears.

Yasmin glanced at Joel, before she inhaled deeply. "Am sorry, ma'am but I'm not interested."

"What do you mean by that Yasmine" Diana asked. Although she is glad that she knows her place, but the entire Houstons prosperity is at stake here.

"Yasmine dear Mr Hunts here chooses you. You can't refuse that" Diana said sweetly.

Yasmine stared confused for a while, as she calmly understood the current situation.

Amy was rejected, and they are trying to force her to marry..... This guy?

She glance at Joel and laughed.

Charlene and the rest were confused at her reaction except Joel.

"Let me get this straight, am supposed to marry him because...?"

Diana frown. "Because unfortunately you have the Houstons blood flowing through your veins."

Yasmine smiled "like I said, am not interested."

She walks away but Diana held her back, dipping her Sharp nails into her skin.

Yasmine frowned deeply.

"You ungrateful child who do you think you are to refuse such an important....."

"Yasmine Mason and not Lucas's daughter. So I don't have to do any thing to you." She calmly replied, staring straight at the stunned lucas.

Diana smiled and turn to Lucas. "Can you see this Lucas, your daughter just rejected you in front of everyone"

Joel frown, did she just say Mason?

Charlene also frowned, and turn to Joel stunned.

"What's is going on here?" Charlene said, Lucas rubbed his temples.

Yasmine sipped her coffee.

"Nothing Mrs Hunts, it's just appears that this brats is..."

"Is she Emilia's daughter?"